
(HU) Gyere el te is az áprilisi TMK ülésre!

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Magazine: Preparation – and not only for 2019

Hungarian retail trade ended 2018 stronger than it had been at the beginning of the year. The numbers are alright, but this is the time when companies have to start...

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A reconsidered vegetable and fruit processing program to be started

The Food Industry Directorate of the National Chamber of Agricultural Economics (NAK) announces its “Learn together! – Fruit and Vegetable Processing“ event. Considering the great interest and success, the Food...

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AM: the government is striving to stimulate the market for quality beers

In addition to maintaining the dynamic development of the beer sector, the government is striving to stimulate the market of quality beers and widen the segment of craft beers –...

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Pénzügykutató Zrt.: GDP will grow modestly by 3.7 percent this year

According to the latest forecast of Pénzügykutató Zrt., while the Hungarian economy grew by a record 4.9 percent last year, this year the momentum will break, it is expected to...

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Apple juice will be made of edible apple

Fruits stored in cold stores as edible apples have suffered such a loss of quality in the autumn that – as a remedy for the damage – the juice plants...

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Nébih warns of the importance of preventing avian influenza

Ensuring the epidemiological closure of the poultry farms is of utmost importance to prevent another avian influenza epidemic in Hungary – the National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) called the...

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The development Hungexpo can start in May

The development of the Hungexpo Budapest Fair Center can start in May – Ganczer Gábor, CEO of Hungexpo Zrt. told at the meeting of the hotel association on Wednesday in...

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PM Minister of State: the ministry would support the solar development of SMEs

Public consultation on the draft of the call for proposals “Supporting the installation of a solar system for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises” within the Economic Development and Innovation Operational...

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Hong Kong and Hungary want to strengthen their economic relations

On Thursday, the business delegation of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) arrived to Hungary for a two-day business visit, led by Edward Yau Tang-wah. Hong Kong and Hungary...

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SMEs intend to invest

Currently 75 percent of the SMEs are currently preparing for some kind of investment. This is the best data since 2007. The intention is even stronger for medium-sized companies, as...

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Consumers want smooth, easy-to-carry out purchases

The customers, who are bombed with a wealth of opportunities are constantly striving to simplify their purchasing decisions. In addition to this, the use of digital technology is driven by...

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Századvég forecasts a GDP growth of 3.9 percent for 2019 and 3.5 percent for 2020

Századvég did not change its forecast compared to its December forecast. GDP is expected to grow by 3.9 percent this year and by 3.5 percent in 2020 – the researcher...

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The solvency of Hungarian households improves according to the new index of Intrum

According to the Intrum solvency index (IFI), the solvency of households was the highest last year since 2010, and further improvement is expected in the trend. The new indicator, which...

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Workania: the average gross earnings in Hungary exceeded the 300,000 forint limit last year

Last year, the average gross earnings were 337,500 HUF in Hungary, which represents a 13 percent increase compared to the same period of the previous year – the online research...

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Great Retro Research

The retro fever is raging and people are even willing to pay more for a past product or service – the Tó-retró blog revealed in its research. The most popular...

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Nébih: one can collect only two kilograms of bear garlic for own consumption

One can collect only two kilograms of bear garlic for own consumption in public forests that do not qualify as nature conservation areas. For commercial collection a licence is required...

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The United States and China are the EU’s biggest trading partners

The European Union concludes one third of its foreign trade with the United States and China, while Germany is the largest trading partner for most of the EU member countries...

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Magazine: Gel beats powder

Bernadett Vékásy, brand manager of Henkel Magyarország Kft. informed our magazine that in 2018 laundry detergent volume sales had grown a little, but the increase in value sales had been...

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(HU) Gyere el te is az áprilisi TMK ülésre!

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AM: joint effort of seven countries to keep production-related EU agricultural subsidies

Seven countries, including Hungary asked for an increase of production-related EU agricultural subsidies or at least to keep it at the current level in the post-2020 EU budget period at...

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Another 5 billion HUF support for the job creation of the small and medium-sized enterprises

The Ministry of Finance announces a tender in a value of five billion forints to support the job creation of the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises – Varga Mihály told...

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Labor costs increased in the EU

Labor costs have increased in the European Union as a whole and in the euro area in the last quarter of last year – according to the data released by...

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Vending machine operators would avoid price increases

The Hungarian Post has received hundreds of applications for installing new food and beverage vending machines, but according to the industry alliance, 10-15 percent of the machines may disappear from...

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The European Commission urges the creation of a council to support innovative initiatives

The European Commission intends to speed up the establishment of the European Innovation Council (EIC), helping to bridge the innovation gap in Europe. Under the program, four Hungarian small and...

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You can join the national garbage collection action continuously

You can join to the “Pick It Up – Volunteer Garbage Collection Action for Clean Hungary” until Sunday – Makai Martina, Deputy Minister of State told M1 news channel on...

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Seven percent of EU imports are counterfeit

There is a growing problem that an increasing share of the commodities traded in world trade are counterfeit, for example, 7 percent of EU imports are counterfeit products, which poses...

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Economic sentiment has improved in Germany and in the euro area

The economic sentiment in Germany and in the euro area has improved in March for the fifth consecutive month – according to the survey conducted by the ZEW (Zentrum für...

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Here are the most expensive and cheapest cities in the world

The annual research of the Economist Intelligence Unit compares 133 cities on the basis of the price of products such as bread. They are looking at how much the prices...

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US retail sales increased more than expected in May

US retail sales in the United States increased more than analysts’ expectations in May. The growth occured is the highest of the past 6 months. The US Department of Commerce...

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