
(HU) SignExpo + PPDexpo: 2019. április 9-11. BOK csarnok

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Nébih: the most common problem is selling expired food

The sale of expired food is the most common problem encountered by the National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) during inspections – Pleva György, Food and Feed Safety Director of...

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Analysts: employment can only be increased with serious training and wage increases

According to the report of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) between the December 2018 – Febrary 2019 three-month period from, the average number of employees was 4 497 thousand, 56...

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Cheese judge training started

Cheese judge training began with the support of the National Chamber of Agricultural Economics (NAK) and the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Product Council, organized by the Association of Hungarian Chefs....

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Szekszárd’s best red wine became the 2016 Gamay this year

The 2016 vintage Gamay of the Schieber Cellar became the best red wine on Friday, at the two-day wine contest in Szekszárd – the Szekszárd mountain village community told MTI....

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Drought can cause hundreds of billions of losses to Hungarian farmers

Drought can cause hundreds of billions of loss of income for Hungarian farmers – the head of the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) told M1 news channel. In the past one...

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Pálinka cooking can be tax-free again

In May, a decision could be made in the European Union on the initiative on the exemption of home-made pálinka – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. – The suggestion is also...

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European Parliament: quality and accessibility of tap water needs to improved

The quality of tap water needs to be improved and universal accessibility must be created, which would greatly help to reduce the amount of plastic waste – the European Parliament...

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Soybean VAT frauders were caught by NAV

The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) explored three criminal organizations recently in the soybean market. The soybean market is heavily infected with VAT frauds. The criminal organizations that were...

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Vártnál kedvezőbb februári német kiskereskedelmi adatok

A februári német kiskereskedelmi forgalom növekedése éves szinten gyorsult, havi összevetésben lassult. A német szövetségi statisztikai hivatal, a Destatis pénteken azt közölte, hogy februárban 4,7 százalékkal bővült a kiskereskedelmi forgalom...

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An innovation forum with the latest food offering, its background and the people who create all of this

The 79th National Agriculture and Food Exhibition (OMÉK) will take place on 26-29 September. It will present the treasures and opportunities of the Hungarian countryside, which is rooted in traditions,...

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Magazine: A new generation of foods and drinks: healthy and convenient products

According to Hamburg-based global market research and analytics company Statista, this year the average European consumer realises EUR 1,267.96 FMCG turnover, 2 percent more than last year. Jenny Zegler, associate...

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Kopint-Tárki expects four percent economic growth for 2019

Kopint-Tárki forecasts economic growth of 4 percent and inflation of 3 percent for 2019, according to the Institute’s first annual business report. After last year’s 4.9 percent GDP growth, the...

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Cereal growers: because of the drought, only one third of wheat and rape has become good quality

Due to drought, only one third of wheat and rapeseed became good quality, well below the average of 50-55 percent in the past five years – the president of the...

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The EU’s school fruit, school vegetable and school milk program will continue next year

Thanks to the European Union’s 250 million euros (approximately 80 billion forints) program to promote healthy eating habits among children, schoolchildren will receive milk, fruit and vegetables in the next...

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Nébih launches an online reality show for responsible animal husbandry

The National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) is launching another innovative, online education project called “reality show”, which aims to draw attention to the importance of responsible animal husbandry. According...

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KSH: employment has reached the EU target for 2020

Between the December 2018 to February 2019 three-month period, the average number of employees was 4 497 thousand, 56 thousand more than a year before. In the 20-64 age group,...

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The 2018 Innovation Grand Prix recognitions were handed over

In recognition of the outstanding technical and economic innovation performance achieved last year, the award-winning 2018 Innovation Grand Prix awards were handed over in the Parliament on Thursday. The 2018...

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Record number of Hungarian entry for the region’s largest energy startup competition

More than ever before, 27 Hungarian startups have joined PowerUp!, the largest energy startup competition in the CEE region, where nearly 300 startups from 24 countries in the region are...

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Magazine: Cleaning does pay off

In the cleaning supplies market sales of modern convenience products (e.g. toilet rim blocks, cleaning sprays, dishwasher tablets) are growing, plus the penetration of these products is also improving.  ...

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GKI expects a decline in growth from 2019

The GKI Economic Research Co. expects a 3.5 percent GDP growth for this year and a further decline in the long run. The GKI’s forecast released Wednesday announced an upward...

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The Central European Economic Development Network encourages the introduction of the Hungarian agricultural industry abroad

The Central European Economic Development Network Nonprofit Kft. encourages the introduction of the Hungarian agro-industry abroad, which is why this year it provides an opportunity for appearance at 13 international...

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Nearly half of the spring barley was sown in Zala County

Almost half of the spring barley, about 40 percent of wheat, was sown in Zala County: early seedlings were hatched and flocks are fine – the County President of the...

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The asparagus season has started in Csongrád county

The asparagus season started in Csongrád county near Öttömös on Wednesday, and the harvest of the vegetables is expected to take place in the next ten weeks. Kakas Béla (Fidesz-KDNP),...

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Nébih found problems in porridges

Food safety and labeling errors were found in porridge by the National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih). Due to labeling problems, 14 out of 17 products were subject to official...

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The Hungarian-Philippine agricultural relations were extended by a cooperation agreement

A cooperation agreement was signed between Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture and Emmanuel Pinol, the Minister of Agriculture of the Philippines, following bilateral talks in Manila on Wednesday morning. The...

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What about the leasing market in Hungary and abroad

The global leasing market has continued to grow. North America remains the strongest market, although its share of the global market fell by 3.1 percent, while in Europe grew by...

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The Czech Republic abolishes the laboratory testing of Polish beef

The Czech Republic will cancel the strict control of Polish beef from midnight after Warsaw has given Prague assurances that it has taken appropriate measures to ensure the quality of...

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Consumer sentiment deteriorated in Europe’s largest economy

The consumer sentiment weakened slightly in Germany, according to the consumer sentiment index published by the GfK Market Research Institute on Tuesday. The figure calculated on the basis of a...

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How the transition will change global finance

Trillions of dollars of debt and derivatives products are likely to continue referencing IBOR after 2021, but IBORs and ARRs are different. The transition from IBORs to ARRs will impact...

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