
ITM: all the beauty products tested have met consumer protection rules

Laboratory testing of 42 different beauty products carried out by the consumer protection has been successful, without any objection, all tested cosmetics meet the requirements – the Ministry of Innovation...

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Nébih withdrawn spelled wheat that was mixed with common wheat.

According to Nébih’s Wednesday announcements, a citizen reported that some spelled wheat was mixed with common wheat. Inspectors randomly took four types of samples. Laboratory tests proved the suspicion that...

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The EU has adopted an investment package for infrastructure projects in 10 Member States, including Hungary

In the framework of cohesion policy, the European Commission has adopted an investment package of 4 billion euros for 25 large-scale infrastructure projects in 10 Member States. In the case...

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Improved consumer sentiment in the world’s largest economy

Consumer sentiment improved significantly in March in the United States, according to a regular monthly survey of the Michigan University. According to the final data released on Friday, the consumer...

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The Romanian retail trade continued to expand

In the first two months of this year, the volume of retail sales in Romania increased by 8.2 percent, compared to the same period last year – the Romanian National...

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(HU) SignExpo + PPDexpo: 2019. április 9-11 BOK csarnok

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Shoppers can win with the little Hungarian hearts

In February Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. organised a prize game in Auchan stores: shoppers who purchased a trademark bearing Hungarian product could get a little Hungarian heart on the campaign’s...

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(HU) Azonnali fizetési megoldások a kereskedőknek

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Magazine: Fruit Logistica, Berlin 2019: Market advantage? It is becoming more and more difficult to achieve

In early February more than 3,200 exhibitors from 90 countries showcased their products and services to 78,000 visitors in the four days of Fruit Logistica in Berlin. Madlen Miserius, senior product...

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(HU) Röviden az Azonnali fizetésről

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This year, nearly 13 billion HUF will be spent to poultry welfare support

Nearly 13 billion HUF is available in this year’s budget for the poultry welfare support program. The poultry farmers can submit applications until April 15 – the Ministry of Agriculture...

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MNB: households became richer with six percent of the GDP last year

In 2018, households increased their savings with 2985 billion HUF and took new loans in a value of 441 billion HUF, ie by increasing their net assets by 2544 billion...

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Farmers can apply for an agricultural insurance subsidy of 5 billion HUF

Farmers may receive an annual agricultural insurance subsidy of 5 billion HUF this year. The claims may be submitted in the single application period – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM)...

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The purchasing manager index declined in March

The seasonally adjusted March value of the Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) is 52.4, which is lower than the 55.5 point in February, but has been the 13th highest in March...

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Inflation decreased in the euro area

Despite higher energy prices than in the previous month, inflation in the euro area declined in March, according to Eurostat’s first estimate. In March, the annual rate of increase was...

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(HU) Köszöntjük Az Év Terméke díj 2019 nyerteseit!

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Magazine: A European championship for private label products

Lidl, REWE (Penny Market’s owner) and SPAR are those retail chains that won the European Private Label Award in 2019 and have stores in Hungary too. In addition to them, another...

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Analysts: the rate of wage growth will not slow this year

A similar rise in wages over the past three years is expected this year, mainly as a result of a shortage of experts and 8 – 8 percent increase in...

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Every Hungarian is giving a gift for birthday, Christmas and wedding according to a research

Nearly every Hungarian buys a gift for birthday, Christmas, and wedding, according to the joint survey of the Bónusz Brigád (Bonus Brigade) and GKI Digital, which surveyed internet users over...

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The irrigation season to be extended

From this year, the government will extend the period of agricultural water use, in which farmers will have access to irrigation water at a discounted price – the Minister of...

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Hungarian stand for the first time at the GastroPan Bakery Exhibition

Nearly 21,000 people visited the 11th GastroPan Bakery and Gastronomy Exhibition held in Arad at the end of the week, where Hungary participated with a national stand – the organizers...

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KSH: import started the year strong

Exports in euros increased by 6.5, while imports increased by 9.7 percent in January, compared to the previous year. Foreign trade turnover declined by 215 million euros to 392 million...

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More than two hundred people took part in the fruit vaccination program of the Kisalföld Forestry

The fruit vaccination program of the Kisalföld Erdőgazdaság (Kaeg) Zrt. (Kisalföld Forestry) that lasts for 5 years is succesful – the head of the forest school in Ravazd told MTI....

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Culinary and cultural programs this year at the Etyeki Picnic

Wine and champagne tastings, with rich offerings of ham, cheese and sweets, distillates, craft beers, syrups and cultural programs the Spring Etyeki Picnic await the audience on April 6 and...

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Kitchen developments will continue from one-and-a-half billion forints

As in recent years, local governments may apply for the renewal of nursery and kindergarten kitchens this year – Varga Mihály informed MTI. The Minister of Finance said that the...

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ITM: 5 billion HUF support for household appliances replacement

The home-warming home appliance replacement tender of the Home Heat program, contributes to the modernization of the energy efficiency of more than 115 thousand Hungarian households with a non-refundable grant...

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Consumer sentiment improved somewhat in March in the euro area

Consumer sentiment in the euro area improved modestly in March on the basis of a survey by the European Commission. The DG ECFIN (Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs)...

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(HU) Júliustól érkeznek az új készpénzhelyettesítő, azonnali fizetési megoldások

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(HU) GREEN BRANDS Hungary: jön az Akadémia!

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(HU) Mi lesz ma a vacsora? – Egy kiváló minőségű sertéshús minden ízében különleges

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