
ITM: Consumer Controllers pay special attention to products related to Easter

For the government, the safety of families is particularly important – Kara Ákos, Minister of State of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) emphasized on Wednesday at the press...

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The IMF improved this year’s and next year’s Hungarian GDP growth forecast

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in its spring global economic forecast improved this year’s and next year’s Hungarian GDP growth forecast. The Hungarian economy may grow by 3.6 percent this...

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Magosz: 30 percent of the grain can be the lost due to the drought

Due to drought, 30 percent of the cereal grains could be wasted – Jakab István, president of the Association of Hungarian Farmers (Magosz) told M1 news channel on Wednesday. The...

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What is your favorite webshop?

The Internet Trader Award of the Year will be held for the 13th time, this year. The competition awards the best Hungarian online merchants, based on objective criteria, customer preference,...

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Agricultural advisers assist in submitting uniform applications

The period for submitting uniform applications has begun: The agricultural advisers assist in submitting uniform applications free of charge – the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) informed in a communication. NAK...

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How to keep your customers?

Market data from 2018 reveal that the growth in the number of online shoppers is slowing down in Hungary. Consequently, online retailers value returning shoppers more and more. Well-working call...

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Last year, the Romanian beer market grew by 3 percent

Last year, the Romanian beer market grew by 3 percent. The population consumed 16.6 million hectoliters of beer – the Romanian Association of Beer Manufacturers announced. This means 85 liters...

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What you need to know about instant payment

On 1 July 2019 the instant payment system will be launched in Hungary, by using which recipients get the money after bank transfers in 5 seconds on any day of...

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Profitmaximalizálás automatizációval

Az nem kérdés, hogy a kereskedők számára a jó árképzés legalább olyan fontos, mint például a célzott vásárlói réteg igényét kielégítő termékválaszték kialakítása. Egy bizonyos termékelemszám felett azonban pusztán hagyományos...

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Slovak congress TaPcon brings world shopper marketing expert to Central Europe for the first time

At the new TaPcon retail congress, which is being held in Senec, Slovakia (just outside of Bratislava) on May 14, retailers and their suppliers can hear Toby Desforges ( speak...

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Special funding for irrigation development

This year the development of the country’s irrigation system continues with preparations for 7 projects. The government earmarked HUF 594 million for these tasks. Main goals include the promotion of...

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Exciting digital payment solution from Hungary

A QR code based digital payment service that can manage various currencies, called BlockBenPay, was named one of the top 10 most exciting digital payment solutions at FinTechShow. BlockBen managing...

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Sensible eating vs. silly eating

The 13th Nutrition Marketing Conference took place at the University of Debrecen in mid-April: ‘Sensible eating vs. silly eating. Strategies to influence the eating habits of consumers at individual and...

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A chance for the best to earn recognition!

Trademarks can do a lot in calling the attention to what is good, what is above the average. The Value and Quality Award Trademark’s objective is to reward the high...

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The background of stress-eating

Do you find yourself racing to the pantry when you’re feeling down or otherwise upset? Finding comfort in food is common, and it’s part of a practice called emotional eating....

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A quality coffee experience

The ‘slow food’ movement has already reached Hungary too. As part of this, more and more people return to whole bean coffee, which offers a much better coffee experience. Douwe...

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(HU) Jelentősen drágulni fog a hús

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Magazine: Self-rewarding and chocolate bars

In spite of rising ingredient prices and the public health product tax (NETA), the chocolate bar market is doing well. The reason of this is the increase in Hungarians’ purchasing power...

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The chain of stores expect strong Easter traffic

The supermarket chains expect to see even stronger Easter traffic than last year; Customers continue to buy much more than average from hams, eggs, cakes and sweets, but demand is...

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Consumer prices are climbing higher and higher

In March, consumer prices were on average 3.7 percent higher than a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced. Analysts expected 3.5 percent after February’s 3.1 percent. Excluding...

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This year, farmers can apply for 470 billion HUF

This year, farmers will be able to apply for 470 billion forints on fifty titles – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture told M1 news channel on...

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The Frutti and Veggi also encourage children and families to consume fruit and vegetables this year

Most families with children consume little vegetables and fruits. Frutti and Veggi, two mascot figurines of the European Fresh Adventures, are returning this year to fight for a healthy diet...

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Between 2014 and the end of 2017, MNB’s net wealth of households increased significantly

Households’ net wealth increased significantly between 2014 and the end of 2017, while price increases over this period were around 5 percent. The sector’s net wealth grew by 44 percent....

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The digitalization survey of food industry enterprises was started with the cooperation of NAK

The National Agricultural Chamber (NAK), the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and the University of Debrecen’s Ihrig Károly Doctoral School of Management and Organization Sciences are preparing a survey on...

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Conference on online marketing at the University of Óbuda

A conference on online marketing to be held at the University of Óbuda on Wednesday – the organizers informed MTI. According to the announcement, at the conference it will be...

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ITM: The Hungarian multi-program encourages the development of the most promising enterprises

A project called Magyar multi program (Hungarian multi-program) was launched to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Innovation and...

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A record amount of beer was brewed in the Czech Republic last year

A record 21.3 million hectoliters of beer were brewed last year in the Czech Republic, which is a 4.7 percent annual growth, after the previous year’s decline – the Association...

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The EU is threatened with the imposition of eleven billion USD duties

Washington intends to charge 11 billion USD on EU products if the EU does not stop to support the Airbus aircraft manufacturer – Robert Lighthizer, United States Chief Trade Negotiator...

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Magazine: In-store campaigns for sales growth

András Juhász, lead media planner of dunn­humby Hungary told at the Trade Marketing Club conference in February: sales of a store can be increased by 21 percent on average with...

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From 5 April, Tesco delivers to another 50,000 households

From 5 April, the inhabitants of Pécs, Pécsvárad, Szentlőrinc, Komló, Hosszúhetény and some settlements in East Pécs can now conveniently shop, either on the Tesco website or on their smartphone....

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