
Domestic cucumbers are cheaper than last year

Domestic cucumbers may be cheaper than last year; according to the data of the Institute of Agricultural Economics, the producer price of domestic snake cucumbers in Budapest Wholesale Market is...

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Lidl Introduces Mobile Payments In Portugal

Lidl has introduced a new payment option for its customers in Portugal, with shoppers now able to pay via the MB Way application. Using the technology, which is available in...

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The Agricultural Chamber continues the development of irrigation by preparing seven investments

This year, with the preparation of seven water facility projects, irrigation development will continue, with the government allocating 594 million forints – the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) told on Friday....

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The 20th Gyula Pálinka Festival has started

With the announcement of the commercial category of Brillante 2019 brand and distillery competition, the 20th Gyula Pálinka Festival started on Friday. The main prize was awarded to the Tuzsér...

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Agrarian companies appeared on a unified national stand at the AGRARIA exhibition

With the participation of Central European Economic Development Network Nonprofit Ltd., 14 companies have appeared at the AGRARIA exhibition focusing on the agricultural industry and related sectors this year. At...

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Coop Switzerland Launches Almond-Based Yoghurt Alternative

Coop Switzerland has introduced a new range of own-brand, almond-based preparations that offer an alternative to conventional dairy-based yoghurts. The lactose-free range, which is also low in sugar, is suitable for...

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Nébih: it is not too late to defend against the monilia in sour cherry and peach trees

It is not too late to protect against monil disease in sour cherries and peach trees – the National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) points out on its website. They...

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The US consumer sentiment deteriorated significantly in April

US consumer sentiment worsened much more than expected in April, according to the the preliminary results of the Michigan University’s regular monthly survey, which were published on Friday. The consumer...

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PM: Hungarian companies can get opportunities in several areas in Eurasian markets

Through cooperation with the Eurasian Development Bank, Hungarian companies see investment opportunities in the water, transport and information technology, pharmaceutical and health industries, agricultural technologies and food and vehicle industries...

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Exclusive presentation from Nielsen on pricing at TaPcon congress in May

At the new TaPcon retail congress, which is being held in Senec, Slovakia (just outside of Bratislava) on May 14, Martín Hernández from Nielsen will be presenting on the topic...

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(HU) Átadták „Az év legsikeresebb promóciója 2018” díjakat

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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More than 7,800 tons of smoked goods are consumed during the holiday season

More than 7,800 tons of ham and other cooked and smoked meat products are consumed during the Easter celebration in a value of 13 billion forints – Mostisch Martina, Executive...

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Despite the challenges, the output of the pig sector has increased

Despite the Russian embargo and market crisis caused by African swine fever, emissions from the pig sector grew by 3 percent and 1.8 percent, respectively, last year – Feldman Zsolt,...

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The agricultural research center is begins a country tour for the mitigation of drought damage

The National Agraricultural Research and Innovation Center (NAIK) is launching a professional country tour to give farmers the new knowledge that can effectively reduce drought damage – the director general...

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AM: the ministry is doing its utmost for the competitiveness of the egg, vegetable and fruit sectors

The state’s margin of maneuver is influenced by Hungarian and EU legislation when influencing market processes, while the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) makes use of all possibilities and grabs all...

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One can already enter the National Wine Competition

From Wednesday to May 10, the Hungarian National Wine Council (HNT) awaits the entry of Hungarian winemakers to the 40th National Wine Competition. The jubilee competition will be held on...

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Consumer protection: data protection requires the exchange of customer book forms

Due to the increased protection of personal data, you will soon need to change your customer book form so that other customers do not have access to personal information such...

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In order to comply with plant protection regulations, Nébih is committed to protecting bees

By complying with plant protection legislation and regulations, the risk to bees can be minimized – the National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) pointed out on its website. According to...

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Mabisz: the highest amount of agricultural-damage relief is available only with insurance

The producer receives 100 percent of the aid awarded from the compensation fund only if the producer has market insurance, otherwise the producer can only expect a 50 percent reimbursement...

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The Budapest Spring Fair awaits the guests at four venues

High-quality craft products, thematic gastronomic weeks, family and cultural programs await the visitors this year at the Budapest Spring Fair to the Fővám Square, Deák Square, City Hall Park and...

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Meat industrial traineeship days continue

The Food Industry Directorate of the National Chamber of Agricultural Economics (NAK) launches “Learn together!” programs on new topics based on membership requirements. During the professional days dedicated to the...

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How the world’s largest family businesses are responding to the Transformative Age

The 2019 EY and University of St Gallen Global Family Business Index provides significant insights into the world’s largest family-owned businesses, ranked by revenues. This year we see little change...

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The towel is as clean as the toilet room

Probably this is what we could say about the results of the survey conducted by Chicago-based Culinary Visions and published in March. One of their most important findings is that...

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February was a good month in retail trade

In February 2019 like-for-like retail volume sales (combined sales of physical stores, mail order companies and online shops) augmented by 8.4 percent – adjusted for calendar effects – reported the...

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3.7 per cent price increase in March

According data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), consumer prices were 3.7 percent higher in March 2019 than in March 2018. Food prices jumped 5.4 percent. Seasonal product prices (potatoes,...

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GKI forecast: inflation speeding up, domestic use slowing down

At a press conference held on 27 March, GKI presented its first economic forecast for 2019. GKI foresees a 3.5-percent ecomomic growth, which will be generated by domestic use –...

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Cheaper eggs

According to the latest market report of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI), Hungary’s live cattle export grew by 6 percent in the first month of 2019 (in comparison with...

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Robots on the street

After a test run in May 2018, Co-op launched its home delivery by robots service in Milton Keynes (United Kingdom) in April 2019. The robots – manufactured by Starship Technologies...

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Meat Association: The meat industry grew by more than 8 percent last year

Thanks to the growth of the poultry sector, the performance of the meat sector increased by more than 8 percent last year – Éder Tamás, president of the Hungarian Association...

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Nagy István: the aim is to reach seven million animals in the rabbit sector

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) and the Rabbit Product Board aim to bring domestic producers to 7 million animals by 2022 compared to the current 4-4.5 million rabbits – the...

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