
The National Association of Food Processors has changed its name

The National Association of Food Processors (ÉFOSZ) has changed its name to the Association of Responsible Food Manufacturers (FÉSZ) – the professional organization of about 500 domestic food companies told...

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The Hungarian Product has launched a campaign

The Hungarian Product’s new “Collect and Win!” campaign was prepared by Tricky Communications. Considering the great interest of the trademark companies, the Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. organizes two national community...

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Tastings and master classes in the spirit of champagne

The Winelovers Champagne Week celebrates the noblest and most expensive champagne drink with themed tasting, wine dinner and champagne course. The bubble drink produced in the Champagne region in North...

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Ministerial Commissioner: Hungarian Agricultural Companies are increasingly successful on the Russian market

It is great that, despite the embargo, Hungarian companies are successful in Russian state tenders that allow economic cooperation with EU countries – Budai Gyula, Ministerial Commissioner of the Ministry...

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More and more bakeries and meat shops are closing in Germany

More and more bakeries and meat and butcher’s shops are closing in Germany according to the report of the National Association of Craftsmen (ZDH). According to the data of interest...

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Ifo’s German business sentiment index was weaker than expected in April

Instead of the expected modest improvement, the German business sentiment index of the ifo economic research institute at the University of Munich deteriorated in April. In April, the business sentiment...

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Hungarian start-ups reached a great result in Europe

Last year, the start-up market in Europe broke records both in the number of investments and in value – the latest EY Start-Up Barometer revealed. The proportion of capital investments...

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Mediterranean diet can also be effective against overeating

In a study described in the Obesity professional journal, scientists from the Wake Forest Medical University found out that Mediterranean monkeys had not consumed all the food, although they could,...

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The Night of Cafes is coming soon

Thirty venues and about a hundred cultural programs await the lovers of coffeehouse culture on 17 May in Budapest during this year’s Night of Cafes programs. Last year, the Municipality...

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Winter and summer sun protection

Consumers still think about sunscreens as something that they use in the summer, when having fun on the beach. Few people are aware that sun protection is also necessary when one...

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Magazine: Hungarians not only preach water, they drink it too – and they drink a lot!

Last year value sales in the mineral water market grew by 10.5 percent and volume sales increased by 3.5 percent. Szentkirályi-Kékkúti Mineral Water Kft. had a record sales performance: sales revenue...

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Nagy István: the seed sector produces 180-190 billion HUF value per year

The seed sector of Hungary produces goods worth 180-190 billion forints annually, half of which is exported directly, and the market expansion of recent years shows that there is a...

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Netrisk: egyre többen vesznek fel egyre nagyobb összegű személyi hitelt

A pénzügyi összehasonlító oldalának adatai szerint jelentősen erősödött a lakosság hitelfelvételi kedve, az internetes cég az idei első negyedévben 26 százalékkal több személyihitel-igényt továbbított, ezek átlagos nagysága 1,48 millió...

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The Szentendre Beer Festival to be held in May

The traditional Szentendre Beer Festival will take place from 3 to 5 May at the local Dunakorzó, where craft beers and other gastronomic experiences, pop-music talent competition and the concert...

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The responsible animal husbandry is promoted by Nébih

The hatchery show of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) promotes responsible animal husbandry – Pallós László, Chief Inspector of Animal Protection, Head of the Nébih Animal Welfare Department...

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Beer became much more expensive in Germany last year

In Germany, beer became more expensive last year than inflation – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The German statistical office announced on Thursday that the price of beer and flavored beers rose...

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London analysts: Easter can bring high retail sales

According to London financial analysts, the UK retail trade is expected to see high traffic on the long Easter weekend and the week after. Long-term forecasts, however, continue to be...

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Consumer sentiment deteriorated in the euro area in April

In April, instead of the expected improvement, consumer sentiment in the euro area deteriorated on the basis of a survey published by the European Commission’s Economic and Financial Directorate on...

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FAO chief says trade has a key role to play in providing good quality, safe and healthy food

International trade is a very important tool for tackling hunger but countries must also guarantee that globally traded food is of good quality, safe and healthy, FAO Director-General José Graziano...

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Magazine: When you need a bit of energy

Sales developed well in the cereal product market last year, but the different segments contributed differently to this good performance. Tamás Czepanecz, brand manager of Nestlé Hungária Kft. told: value sales of...

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GKI economic sentiment index fell to its two-year low in April

While in the first quarter of 2019, the GKI economic sentiment index fell only slightly month-over-month, its decline in April exceeded its total drop in the previous three months. Thus...

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84% of companies plan to divest within the next two years

The intent to divest remains at record levels — 84% of companies plan to divest within the next two years, consistent with last year’s record of 87%. Despite uncertainty from...

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Magazine: Brands and risks

GfK has recently published a study that focuses on the risks in brands. For instance in the recent past Coca-Cola was facing the problem of soft drinks being criticised widely for...

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Egg prices are low despite Easter

Within the poultry sector, egg production is the least integrated, so it has the lowest interest-bearing ability, resulting in unusually low prices compared to the Easter period. Experts fear that...

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Grain growers: there can be a major crop loss because of drought

The quality of autumn sowing is diminishing due to drought, and crop losses could be as high as 2-3 million tonnes – the president of the National Association of Cereal...

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The amount of the Hungarian ecological farming tender was raised threefold to 36 billion HUF

According to the most recent decision of the Ministry of Agriculture, the amount of the Hungarian ecological farming tender was raised threefold to 36 billion HUF. In addition, further steps...

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NAK: drought can be avoided with artificial water supply

If the current water scarcity period in agriculture persists for a long time and there is not enough rainfall for a long time, drought can occur, but this can be...

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The EP has adopted a food safety rule

At its plenary session in Strasbourg, the European Parliament adopted new rules to enhance the reliability, transparency and objectivity of the Union’s food safety risk assessment process, so that future...

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The national ice-damage reduction system has become more efficient

It has been developed in several ways, making the national ice-reduction system – launched on Monday – more effective – Darabos Tamás, Director General of the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK)...

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International portugieser muster and wine tastings are held in Pécs

An international muster and wine tasting will be held to promote the portugieser between 25 and 28 April in Pécs and Villány – the organizers told MTI. As they wrote...

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