

Big Data – big challenge Big data revolutionises retail trade, and according to a study by Capgemini, although 25 percent of 250 leading retail companies are utilising some kind of...

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One third of Hungarian women don’t have money to spend freely

According to the global consumer confidence index of The Conference Board® and Nielsen, in Q4 2019 one third of Hungarian women had no money to spend freely and 25 percent...

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Retail trade is likely to perform the best this year

K&H’s latest SME confidence index reveals that the sales revenue of SMEs is about to grow by 8.3 percent in 2020, while their profit is expected to increase by 5.2...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index hits nadir in February

In February the GKI economic sentiment index stayed at the January level, so it was at its lowest point in the last 40 months. Business expectations worsened a little, while...

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More wine sold

NAIK AKI PÁIR data reveal that the production price of raw milk was HUF 107.84/kg in Hungary in February 2020. Raw milk’s export price was HUF 110.45/kg in the 2nd...

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The call of OKSZ for the safe shopping of the families

On 11 March, 2020, the Government announced the declaration of an emergency. The member companies of the National Trade Association (OKSZ) (ALDI, AUCHAN, LIDL, METRO, PENNY MARKET, SPAR, TESCO) continuously...

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Hungarian companies must open up to alternative forms of employment as soon as possible

Less than 4 percent of employees in Hungary can work from home. Moreover, across Europe, there are fewer people working part-time in our country. The proportion of self-employed workers and...

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The Pálinka Festival in Gyula is postponed until the autumn

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, a government decision banned indefinitely the holding of outdoor events with more than 500 participants. This would also affect the Gyula Pálinka Festival, so the...

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The SALIMA Food Fair in Brno was postponed to November

In view of the current prohibition of mass events and trade fairs, and the general situation of “force majeure”, BVV Brno Trade Company has decided to postpone the SALIMA –...

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Messe Düsseldorf postpones the interpack and drupa fairs

Exhibition company Messe Düsseldorf postpones the interpack and drupa leading international trade fairs. The interpack will be held between February 25 and March 3, 2021 and the drupa will be...

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Retail sales started well in the Czech Republic

In January, retail sales in the Czech Republic increased by 4.9 percent year-on-year. In December, the figure was also 4.9 percent, the Czech Bureau of Statistics announced in Prague on...

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Economic growth in the OECD slowed down

The combined economic growth of the OECD member countries slowed in the fourth quarter compared with the previous quarter. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) website,...

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Magazine: Chocolate rabbit sales are hopping

The late Easter and the growing purchasing power of consumers resulted in a very strong season in the market of chocolate figures last spring. Kitti Végh, brand manager of Nestlé...

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Villány wines fought each other

The Villány wine region closed an eventful day on 11 March. For the 52nd time this year, the Villány Wine Competition, which has great traditions and represents great value for...

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What a company can do in the case of a breach of contract due to the coronavirus

The effect of the coronavirus on Hungarian trade is already significant. One of the most important issues for businesses is whether the coronavirus can be an adequate basis for failure...

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Irrigation development in the Hajdúhátság

EU and domestic sources start water management development in Hajdúhátság – wrote. Kincses Dániel, deputy technical director of the Tiszántúl Water Directorate (TIVIZIG) said that for the development of...

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A fundraising program was launched for the disposal of the Tisza source area

Organizers and volunteers of the Tisza PET Cup have launched a community fundraising program for Francz Béla, who is currently using an old truck to fight waste pollution in the...

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The euro area industry started the year better than expected

Industrial production in the euro area grew more than expected in January – according to a Eurostat report published on Thursday. Hungarian industrial production reached its second highest monthly growth...

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Bold Agro makes Dér Juice from fresh apples

Premium, 100-percent fruit content apple juice producer, Derecske-based Bold-Agro Kft. is going to plant more apple trees: apple will be harvested from 16 hectares more than the current 120 hectares...

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Amazon has two-pronged response to Seattle coronavirus outbreak

Amazon is creating a $5 million Neighborhood Small Business Relief Fund to provide cash grants to small businesses in Seattle that need assistance dealing with the impact of COVID-19. The...

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Lidl reveals plans to open first pub at new Dundonald supermarket

German discounter Lidl has confirmed plans to open its first pub on the island of Ireland in one of its supermarkets in the north. The grocery chain has submitted a...

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Walmart establishes emergency leave policy after associate tests positive for coronavirus in Kentucky

Employees will receive two weeks pay if they are under quarantine or their region is under quarantine Walmart, the nation’s largest retailer and employer of 1.4 million hourly workers, on...

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GKI: Domestic online retail sales grew 16 percent last year

Domestic e-retail achieved gross annual sales of 625 billion HUF last year, which is about 16 percent higher than in 2018. Online sales represent 6.3 percent of total retail sales...

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Hungarians three times more easily bow to errors in goods ordered online than the European average

If there is a quality problem when shopping online, 89 percent of the consumers in Europe try to claim at least one refund or refund and only 6 percent leave...

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Cofidis is steadily increasing the number of people seeking personal loans

The number of people applying for a personal loan is constantly increasing: in the last year, 10 percent of the Hungarian adult population (18-65 years) took out personal loans and...

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New risk factors have emerged in the agricultural sector

New, hard-to-model risk factors have emerged in the global agricultural sector, such as the intensification of climate awareness, rapid changes in consumer habits, or the US-China trade war. In Hungary,...

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Tokaji March Great Tasting in Budapest

Almost sixty Tokaj-Hegyalja wineries await the audience with about 160 wines, with a separate Aszú hall and mini-courses at the Corinthia Hotel in Budapest on the Tokaj March Great Tasting...

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This year’s Grand Prix for Value and Quality application has been announced

The competition for this year’s Value and Quality Award covers almost the entire economy, with entries for more than 100 of the top 40 products and services across the Carpathian...

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It is much harder to save in the countryside than in Budapest

In Budapest, 29 percent of respondents said they could not regularly set aside their income, while in rural Hungarian cities this ratio is 31 percent and in small settlements 43...

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Opten had 20 percent more cancellations in February than start-ups

In February, the number of cancellations was 20 percent higher than start-ups, with 3,808 company deletions announced with 2580 start-ups, but the decline in the number of companies seems to...

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