
Arable land in Hungary became 7.3 percent more expensive than last year

The pandemic did not break the rise in the price of arable land in Hungary for about thirty years: last year the average market price per hectare was 1,727 million...

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The European Investment Bank is also helping to reopen the Hungarian economy

The resources provided to Hungary by the European Investment Bank (EIB) serve to protect health, maintain jobs and support investment, ie help to relaunch the economy, Minister of Finance Varga...

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OECD: Economic growth in the G20 slowed in the last quarter of last year

Economic growth in the G20, which brings together the 19 largest economies and the European Union, slowed in the last quarter of last year, compared with the previous quarter. According...

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Disinfectant can be made from unconsumed Italian wines

One hundred and fifty million liters of wine remained in the hands of Italian wine producers last year due to lost consumption in restaurants and bars closed due to epidemic...

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British exports to the EU fell by more than 40 percent in January

In January, the value of British exports to European Union markets fell by 40.7 percent; imports from the EU fell 28.8 percent – the British statistical office (ONS) said. The...

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Optimistic consumer sentiment developed in the United States

With a larger-than-expected rise, the Consumer Sentiment Index in the U.S. reached a level that reflected the most optimistic attitude since March 2020 – according to the results of a...

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Walmart beauty on TikTok

Walmart put its second shoppable livestream on social video app TikTok, this time to showcase beauty products. The retail chain’s “Spring Shop-Along: Beauty Edition” works with brands like L’Oréal’s Maybelline and...

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Record high increase in shipments of mobile phones in China in February

In China, mobile phone shipments rose by a record high in February compared to February last year, when severe restrictions were in place in the Asian country due to the...

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In’s Mercato to open 30 new stores in 2021

Italian discounter In’s Mercato plans to strengthen its brand identity and expand market penetration in 2021.They intend to open 30 new stores and to implement 90 store restyling projects in...

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Retailers in the era of artificial intelligence

Loyalty comes first Experts predict that 2021 will be the year of both uncertainties and opportunities. With the pandemic 2020 brought the online food industry boom which had been forecasted...

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Co-op removes plastic from Easter eggs in the UK

British retailer Co-op has removed the plastic packaging from its private label Easter eggs. The move will result in over 14 tonnes of plastic not being used. This isn’t the first step...

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Gruppo VéGé enters into partnership with Everli

Italian retail cooperative Gruppo VéGé has joined forces with online shopping service Everli, (formerly known as Supermercato24). The 3-year partnership will see Everli’s online ordering and home delivery services rolled out...

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Coty: Drop in cosmetics product demand results in millions lower sales result

Coty Inc is to increase its investments in skin care to offset a pandemic-induced fall in demand for its makeup products that led to disappointing quarterly sales revenue. The company...

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Vollmart steps on the Polish discounter scene

A new hard discount chain called Vollmart has entered the Polish market – the first store opened in Siedlce. Vollmart plans to open stores in towns with a minimum population...

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Spar UK rolls out new range called Spar Natural

Spar UK has rolled out 15 products from the Spar Natural range in select stores across the country. The range targets customers seeking better healthcare, healthier lifestyles, natural products and food intolerance solutions....

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Nestlé plans to launch vegan KitKat

This year Nestlé is introducing a plant-based version of KitKat in several countries. Chocolate experts developed the new vegan KitKat in Nestlé’s confectionery research and development centre in York. The...

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Aldi eliminates 2 million pieces of plastic from Easter range

Aldi has removed two million pieces (29 tons) of throwaway plastic from its seasonal confectionery range for Easter this year. Aldi gave some of its Easter eggs a square-shaped bottom,...

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X5 became Russia’s top e-grocery company in 2020

In 2020 the X5 Retail Group was the leading Russian online food retailer with a gross merchandise value (GMV) of EUR 240 million. Last year the company produced a 34-percent...

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Amazon Fresh enters Milan

Amazon’s Italian ‘leg’ has started the Amazon Fresh service in Milan, offering a same-day grocery delivery service. At first the service will be available to Amazon Prime customers in and around Milan....

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Lidl named supermarket of the year in the UK

Lidl GB has been named Supermarket of the Year in the United Kingdom at the 2020 Retail Industry Awards. Judges praised Lidl’s effort to provide affordable fresh produce to families...

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Heineken joins global initiative for promoting responsible alcohol sales

Heineken joined a new coalition to develop and enhance safeguards to prevent the online sales and delivery of alcoholic drinks to minors and support moderate drinking among adults. The company has...

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McCain Foods invests in technology company

Frozen food maker McCain Foods has acquired a minority share in data science firm Fiddlehead Technology. Fiddlehead provides food and beverage producers with analytics and machine learning solutions. McCain had already made a major investment...

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New private label skin care products from Auchan

Auchan Retail has launched new skincare products under its Cosmia brand. A study has found that 54 percent of French women are a bit afraid of the formulae of cosmetic products. Cosmia offers natural...

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Two sides of the same coin

We live and shop differently, and we eat different food than before the pandemic. When it comes to eating, the buzzwords are still health, sustainability, naturalness and plant-based food. Meat...

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FAO aims to provide livelihood assistance to nearly 49 million people in 2021

As the COVID-19 pandemic, conflict and climate-related crises drive acute levels of hunger higher, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is seeking $1.1 billion in 2021...

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The update of the Hungarian Advertising Code has started

After six years, the time has come to update the Hungarian Code of Advertising Ethics. In accordance with tradition, the team of MRSZ and ÖRT still form the codification working...

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The MNB expects five percent economic growth

We can be optimistic about the recovery of the economy – this was also highlighted by last year’s gross domestic product (GDP) data – economic growth is expected to average...

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The real fast begins now

Since the pandemic, food prices have risen: last summer saw record price increases, but since then annual inflation has been steadily slowing down. Why might a customer still feel like...

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AM: sheep meat consumption should be increased

In order to provide consumers with more thorough information, increase consumption and support Hungarian processors, the country of origin must be marked on the board of sheep and goat meat...

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Continuous improvements can make food supplies even more secure

Livestock farms can develop in the coming years from hundreds of billions of forints – Minister of Agriculture Nagy István announced in a video uploaded to his community page. The...

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