(HU) Agrárminisztérium: befejezéshez közelednek a nyári aratási munkák

By: STA Date: 2022. 07. 29. 11:35

Due to the high heat and the extreme drought, the harvest of the ears of corn was completed earlier this year. The yields of field crops fall short of the long-term average. 3.9 million tons of winter wheat, 1.4 million tons of winter barley, and 450 thousand tons of rapeseed were harvested.

Due to the drought, the average yield fell short of expectations. (Photo: Pixabay)

In the Great Plain, Northern Hungary and Central Hungary, the average and quality of the harvest was very poor, while in Transdanubia the results were average. The national average yield of winter wheat was only 4.2 tons.

There is also little autumn barley

A national average of 4.5 tons per hectare was produced from autumn barley. Rapeseed was harvested with an average yield of 2.2 tons per hectare, the total national yield was 450,000 tons. The quality and quantity of the other types of cereals also show a large territorial disproportion.

The yield from straw was poor

That the quality of the straw is also poor and the quantity is also small.

The situation is bad

According to estimates, the size of arable land affected by drought in our country may reach 1 million hectares by the middle of July, and this year’s corn and sunflower crops are in serious danger. The government is establishing a Drought Emergency Task Force to deal with the consequences of the historic drought.