
Instead of the infected store vendors, the mayor stood behind the counter

The mayor of Drávaszerdahely, Baranya County, was forced to stand behind the counter in the shop operated by his local government, after the employees working there became infected –

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The companies are in a difficult position for the third wave

The companies are in a difficult position for the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic, according to the results of the R&D confidence index of SMEs. The second wave affected...

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73 percent of workers would still work from home after the pandemic, according to a survey

Globally, 73 percent of employees want to work on flexible terms, mostly from home, even after the pandemic, but 40 percent of the employees plan to change jobs later this...

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You can’t miss Easter! 3 + 1 tips for balanced holidays

Although we have to give up big relative visitations this year as well, we don’t have to forget about the festive atmosphere yet. With a little organization, we can still...

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Everything you want to know about the March tax exemption for kata users

Exactly which kata using entrepreneurs are exempt from the March catata payment? After that, when and what to refer to? And does the March tax exemption have extra work to...

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The Suez ship accident is profoundly slowing down world trade

One of the world’s largest cargo ships, the Ever Given, crossed and ran aground on the Suez Canal. As Ever Given closes the road completely, more and more commercial cargo...

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The first six days of the store lock also pulled down the statistics

Will the government measure instead of watering? The statistics show that there are already six days of shop closures, which is only the beginning of the fall, but the end,...

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Magazine: Report from the boardroom (Part 2) – An interview with Christopher Mattheisen, managing director of Microsoft Hungary

In our new series Judit Szalóky Tóth, a Boyden Executive Search partner makes interviews with executives. This time she asks questions from Christopher Mattheisen, managing director of Microsoft Hungary. He...

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PwC’s CEO Survey: Hungarian CEOs expect a quick rebound

PwC Hungary has surveyed the expectations of Hungarian CEOs every year for the past ten years. Since the beginning of our survey, optimism has never been higher about the rate...

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The Hungarian food industry receives seven hundred and fifty billion forints in support

The food industry is one of the largest manufacturing sectors in Hungary, which could receive a huge boost in the next seven years. The Ministry has prepared a serious development...

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That’s where e-commerce is standing now

In 2020, domestic online retail sales increased by 45% to HUF 909 billion. On the basis of the figures, it can now be stated that the online market, which initially...

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GKI Digital: a record 45 percent increase in online retail sales last year

Domestic online retail reached a gross annual turnover of 909 billion HUF last year, which was a record 45 percent higher than the 2019 level, according to the latest joint...

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AM: the Vasi wild pear pálinka received EU protection

On March 25, the European Commission protected the name “Vasi wild pear pálinka”, increasing the number of Hungarian geographical indications protected by the EU to 66 – the Ministry of...

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NMHH: the proportion of new Hungarian TV commercials has doubled in the previous half year

According to a new study adopted at the last meeting of the Media Council of the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH), the proportion of new Hungarian advertising spots increased...

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The competition authority warns consumers to be more vigilant

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) recommends that consumers be more vigilant, as they have recently received a number of complaints alleging objectionable commercial practices that exploit the pandemic. In its...

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By 2030, the European Commission would implement organic farming on the quarter of agricultural land

The European Commission has presented an action plan for the development of organic production to encourage the production and consumption of organic products, with the aim of achieving organic farming...

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March US economic activity is near a six-year peak

Thanks to unprecedented growth in new orders has not experienced for several years, but constrained by supply chain disruptions, U.S. economic activity performance fell slightly in March from a six-month...

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Egg falling from the sky

A church in the United States came up with an unusual idea. At Durham Temple, it is planned that as part of its Easter celebration, they will scatter thousands of...

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Consumer confidence in the euro area has returned to pre-pandemic levels

Consumer confidence in the euro area has returned to pre-coronavirus levels and close to the long-term average, according to preliminary data from the European Commission’s March survey. In a preliminary...

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The Nutri-score story: Everything you need to know about front-of-pack nutrition labels

It was 20 years ago that the first nutrition information graphic designs appeared on food products in Europe – on the side of the packaging where most people can’t avoid...

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L’OR Arabica Catuai: A special creation for a unique flavour experience

The coffee experts of L’OR only select the tastiest beans in order to guarantee an intense, special and complex coffee experience. This is how L’OR Arabica Catuai was created –...

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Counting tanks and moon dust tiramisu

Foreign policy expert Botond Feledy was the guest of Chain Bridge Club and gave an online presentation. First he talked about the social context and the general loss of trust...

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Not enough for a carbon-neutral economy. Can the business sector make a greater effort?

For the first time, research has been conducted on the status quo of the Hungarian business sector in relation to carbon-neutral operations. The picture is not so bright – although...

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New ideas and successful promotional solutions

One day: An abundance of promotion ideas and an award ceremony. If we must only name three things why it is worth coming to Trade magazin’s ‘New ideas and successful...

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The chamber proposed a restart of the commercial and service sector as soon as possible

On Tuesday, the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) consulted with the Prime Minister in order to restart the trade and service sector as soon as possible. The chamber...

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Pénzügykutató: Hungary’s GDP could grow by 3.8 percent this year

In Hungary, GDP may expand by 3.8 percent this year, the general government deficit may reach 7.7 percent of the GDP, and the government debt ratio may decline to 80.2...

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CAP reform talks in Brussels are on track

At the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting in Brussels on 22-23 March, EU agriculture ministers held intensive talks on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy – the Ministry of...

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This food is stolen most of the time

If your first tip was chocolate or alcohol, think again – although these also topped the list, in fact is the most sought item for thieves- wrote. Cheese is...

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Hungarian parents will spend 3-5 thousand forints on an Easter gift this year

Hungarian parents typically spend 3-5 thousand forints on Easter gifts per child this year, the average value of spending has not changed compared to previous years, according to the latest...

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Hungary is the leading horseradish grower in the EU

Hungary is the largest horseradish producer in the European Union; we can also choose domestically produced horseradish for the Easter festive table – the National Chamber of Agriculture draws attention....

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