
The euro area trade surplus narrowed in July

The euro area and EU trade surpluses fell in July from a year earlier, according to a quarterly report from Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office. According to Eurostat’s first...

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Ministry of Agriculture: knowledge sharing for the development of agriculture and food economy

The Strategic Working Group of the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research of the European Union for the Strengthening of the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System held its eighth online meeting...

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The Századvég Economic Research of the End of the Century revised its growth forecast upwards

In its latest forecast, the Századvég Economic Research has revised its expectations for economic growth upwards this year: it forecasts 7.8 percent GDP growth this year and 5.5 percent by...

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Shops in August: on a high tide

In August, you spent more than before, the shop world gained weight, or 4% more when looking at the wares you were carrying home. And the summer shop months are...

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The picture of the Hungarian livestock is mixed

The numbers are very variable in Europe, if we take into account the consumption, sales and slaughter statistics of different types of meat – wrote. Sales figures give cause...

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Civil program to support healthy nutrition and local producers

The Civil Co-operation Forum – Civil Co-operation Public Benefit Foundation (CÖF-CÖKA) and the Hungarian Women’s Interest Association donated vending machines and dryers to Danube Bend NGOs. The donations were received...

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Almost nine tons of waste was collected in the II. Bodrogi PET Cup

Almost nine tons, a total of 1256 bags of waste were collected in the II. Bodrogi PET Cup. The record amount of waste was collected by the teams participating in...

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The highest inflation of the past thirty years is expected in Germany this year

The experts of the ifo economic research institute of the University of Munich expect the highest inflation of the past thirty years. According to a report published on the research...

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Growth in Chinese industry and retail continued to slow in August

Growth in Chinese industry and retail sales slowed further than expected in August amid devastating floods in some parts of the country and the emergence of new corona virus outbreaks....

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Exciting careers discussed at the TMC barbecue

Both physical and online presence was possible at Trade Marketing Club’s (TMC) annual summer barbecue, and 80 people registered for participation. Trade magazin’s editor-in-chief and TMC founder Zsuzsanna Hermann welcomed...

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(HU) Tízmillió reklámfilm országa vagyunk

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5,000 packs of sweets in the right place

The children’s competitions of the Hungarian Food Bank Association support initiatives that offer high-quality programs rich in experiences for children without experience. Over the summer, 51 charitable camps were helped...

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A new era MAY begin in Hungarian-Russian agricultural relations

“Our priority is to promote the export of high value-added food products and expertise,” said Dávid Bencsik, Deputy State Secretary for International Relations at the International Business Forum at the...

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6+1 things to know about the new animal police NÁSZ

In the last few days, our Association has received a number of questions regarding our form of operation, our powers and our goals. All of these have been spelled out...

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KSH: the rise in agricultural purchase prices increased furter

In July, the growth rate of agricultural purchase prices increased for the third month in a row: prices were on average 21.3 percent higher than a year before, which is...

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AM: one can already apply for the development of mushroom growing plants

Applications can be submitted for the call to support the development of mushroom production plants announced within the framework of the Rural Development Program with a budget of 20 billion...

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GVH: the new EU directive brought more effective competition supervision

The directive aimed at strengthening the competition authorities of the EU member states also had a positive effect on domestic competition supervision, the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) told MTI on...

Read more the number of job advertisements for students has almost quadrupled this year

Between January and August this year, almost four times as many job advertisements recruiting students appeared on as in 2020, the job portal told MTI on Tuesday based on...

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The number of days reaching 50 degrees Celsius has doubled since the 1980s

The number of days that are extremely hot, reaching 50 degrees Celsius, has almost doubled since the 1980s, BBC’s global analysis found. Such days are occurring in more areas than...

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AM: A new era may begin in Hungarian-Russian agricultural relations

A key goal is to promote the export of high value-added food products and expertise, said the Deputy State Secretary for International Relations of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) at...

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Ministry of Agriculture: grape growers deserve a fair purchase price

The government is actively helping to make this year’s harvest a success, yet some grape-buying wineries offer an unworthy and market-unreasonably low price for grapes. Unfair purchasing companies with grape...

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KSH: 82 percent of the agricultural area is arable

The size of the country’s agricultural land was 5 million 47,000 hectares on June 1. Of this, 82 percent was used as arable land and 15 percent as grassland, and...

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Decreased agricultural machinery, increased parts turnover in the first half

Individual farms and corporate enterprises purchased new agricultural machinery and equipment worth 92.4 billion HUF in the first half of the year, which was 1 percent less than a year...

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A tasting of test-winning wines will be held

Winelovers 100, will host a walking tasting of items from the 100 best Hungarian wines compiled by international wine experts with the participation of more than a hundred wineries on...

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The purchase of this year’s tobacco crop has begun

The acquisition of this year’s tobacco crop has begun, and two domestic companies involved in the integration and acquisition of cultivation expect a yield of about 4,000 tons from their...

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Delivery performance increased in the second quarter

In the second quarter of this year, the performance of both freight and passenger transport increased, compared to the low base of the previous year, but lagged behind the pre-pandemic...

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Counterfeit perfumes worth ninety million forints found by financiers in a truck

Employees of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) found 2,400 bottles of counterfeit perfume worth 90 million HUF in the cargo hold of a truck on the Komárom section...

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Mars factory uses 100% renewable energy

Due to the increasing impacts of climate change, pandemic and social inequalities, Mars supports the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals through scientific measures. One of the world’s largest...

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(HU) Közép-Európa legjelentősebb stratégiai és szakmai csúcstalálkozója

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Achieving responsible consumption has great support from Hungarian society

At a United Nations (UN) summit in 2015 member states drafted a global programme: the objective of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is to lay the groundwork for a sustainable...

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