
Pandemic and logistical trends: digitisation and China’s rise by 2030

COVID-19 has led to significant changes in the logistics sector worldwide. Fluctuating demand, uneven supply, dramatic rise of e-commerce, realignment of logistics needs. Industry 4.0 and 5G. How does this...

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Hungarians spend more in shopping malls

Data-based marketing consultancy Marketing Resolution and Westend have assessed people’s views on shopping malls and changes in their visitation and spending habits over the past year. The data shows that...

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Furniture store found a home in stately showroom

What makes a furniture store more than a series of chairs and tables on display? According to Dublino, the recipe requires a good amount of professionalism, many years of experience...

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Metropolitan students’ startup idea could say goodbye to thermal paper blocks

A team of Metropolitan students also made it into the top ten projects in Hungary’s first higher education startup course. A solution invented under the Hungarian Startup University Program (HSUP)...

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The Budapest Wine Festival is coming from 23-26 September 2021 on the terraces of the Buda Castle Palace

In 1991, Hungary’s iconic wine festival opened to the public in Vörösmarty Square, in front of only a few hundred prying capitals. Spar Hungary to publish its Wine Catalogue again...

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The Chamber of Agriculture considers a 95 percemt share of domestic pork to be desirable in retail

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) would consider it an example to follow and it would be beneficial for both the actors of the food chain and consumers to sell...

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Hungarian plums are grown on 6,400 hectares

The fact that 2021 will not be a favorite year for fruit growers was already known in the spring, when an unusually cold and cloudy period came after the mild...

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Farkas Sándor: investing sentiment in animal husbandry is growing

Thanks to the targeted subsidies, the willingness to invest in animal husbandry will increase, the parliamentary secretary of state of the Ministry of Agriculture said in Kistelek on Tuesday, at...

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The II. Bodrogi PET Cup starts on Thursday

The II. Bodrog PET Cup river cleaning and waste collection competition, in which the teams clean the Tisza by touching Bodrogolaszi, Olaszliszka and Szegi and reach the finish line in...

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Let’s Eat for Each Other – The Food Bank’s anniversary fundraising program has been launched

In September, the fundraising program of the Hungarian Food Bank Association’s Eat for Each Other was launched for the 10th time, for which restaurants and staff communities are invited to...

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Nagy István: agriculture has to face several challenges

Agriculture today has to respond to several challenges, including the consequences of global climate change, the creation of conditions for efficient food production and the sustainable use of natural resources...

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Retail sales increased by 5.5 percent in the Czech Republic

In July, the year-on-year increase in retail sales in the Czech Republic slowed to 5.5 percent, according to calendar-adjusted data, the Czech Statistical Office said in Prague on Tuesday. At...

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Sentix’s eurozone investor sentiment index deteriorated further

For the second month in a row in September, the Sentix Frankfurt Economic Research Institute’s euro area investor sentiment index deteriorated as another sign that economic growth has turned from...

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Chinese export growth has accelerated

Instead of the expected slowdown, Chinese export growth accelerated in August, continuing the recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. The Chinese customs service on Tuesday said the dollar-denominated value of exports...

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This is how Generation X prepares for retirement: impoverishment and disease are most feared

Barely half of the hungarian population in their 40s and 50s have savings for old age, while nearly 80% are almost certain that their pension will not be enough to...

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Hungary is not expected to meet the time-proportional reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030

The EU has set itself a binding target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 as part of the European Green Deal with the European Climate Regulation. This requires a significant...

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Companies are already preparing to avoid climate risks

Egyre több vállalat foglalkozik az éghajlatváltozás hatásaival, azonban az erről szóló beszámolók még mindig nem elég részletesek – állapítja meg az EY legfrissebb klímakockázati barométere, ami 42 országból több mint...

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Losers also hit by retail special tax

There are several retail sectors where companies have suffered, on average, a significant drop in both their revenues and profits as a result of the pandemic situation, yet they are...

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Nagy István: the 80th OMÉK will be the feast of Hungarian agriculture

The 80th National Agricultural and Food Industry Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK) will be the largest agricultural army parade in the Carpathian Basin, the Minister of Agriculture announced at Monday’s press...

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Plum festival in Szarvas

The 23rd Plum Days from 10 to 12 September in Szarvas will also offer concerts, children’s programs and a show kitchen. The programs will begin with a parade on Friday...

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Retail sales in the euro area declined on a monthly basis

Instead of the modest growth expected by analysts, retail sales in the euro area declined in July, compared with June. The European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat, said on Friday that...

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(HU) Rekord M&A-láz a globális vállalati szektorban

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OMÉK is about to open its gates

From 7 to 10 October 2021, the 2021 National Agricultural and Food Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK) will be held as an accompanying event of the “One with Nature” Hunting and...

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Professional dialogue is also needed in wage matters

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Coffee can also become more expensive, with supplies at risk

Concerns are growing over global coffee supplies amid tough coronavirus travel restrictions imposed in Vietnam to tackle the spread of the aggressive Delta variant of Covid-19. Supply chains are been disrupted after Vietnam, the...

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Generation Z breaks into e-commerce with increasing purchasing power and strong expectations

Online shopping is becoming more and more popular not only among the working-age population and older people, as the presence of Generation Z in e-commerce is also increasing. Teenagers and...

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But who is responsible for sustainability?

More and more people are seeing the importance of sustainability, but there is no consensus among the different age groups on which generation and how much sacrifice they should make...

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SANA : an International Exhibition for organic and natural products

SANA is the International Exhibition for organic and natural products set to take place from September 9-12. 2021 in Bologna, Italy. SANA is one of the leading events in Europe...

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Retail sales in Hungary are starting to recover

Following the shutdowns after the coronavirus pandemic, it is now apparent that retail sales in Hungary are starting to recover, whose turnover increased by 3 percent in July compared to...

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