
Almost six billion HUF spent on champagne during the holidays

According to Nielsen market research company; Around half of the annual retail turnover of champagne occures around the Christmas and the New Year period. Around Christmas and New Year, the...

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Inflation was less than the average

In November 2009, the monthly average consumer price increase was 0.3 percent, compared to last November, when it was 5.2 percent. In the first eleven months of 2009, prices were...

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A positive surprise in the U.S. retail datas

Although the wreck premium program ended in November, U.S. retail increased by 1.7 percent – shows in the trade ministry’s report. The analysts forecasted only an average 0.6 percent growth....

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U.S. representatives and senators against too loud adverts

Sheldon Whitehouse presented a law proposal to the Senate, which would obligate the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), to regulate the volume of adverts. According to the law proposal, called (CALM)...

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The OKSZ support card usage limit fees

The National Trade Association (OKSZ) agrees with the limiting of the extent of the so-called inter-bank fee (interchange-fee). The National Trade Association (OKSZ) emphasizes in its communication on Thursday: the...

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Mall development is in crisis

This year, a relatively large number of shopping malls had been built, however, experts expecting a marked decline in the future. Most of the malls are obsolete, but do not...

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The domestic mineral water market is getting clearer

The crisis cleared the market, consolidation has begun – foresaw Balogh, Levente its owner of Szentkirályi Mineral Water Ltd. The business has already shown signs of concentration, because the mineral...

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This year, the prices also fell in December

On the basis of the price panorama of Privátbanká; this year's December came with a significant price reduction, just like in 2008. The 2009 bill was roughly equal to the...

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Sopron rosés won five medals

The National Rosé Wine Competition was held for the 11th time in Kunszentmiklós. Töltl Winery’s and Vincellér MPS Ltd.’s Soproni Kékfrankos Rozé new wines won gold medals. A total of...

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Salon sugar test: only 5 out of 19 made of chocolate

Kosár magazine tested 19 products in its Christmas salon sugar test, in four categories. Beside the four high-quality Christmas candy, a few medium-quality and two almost convenient product have been...

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FEOSZ: consumers are getting more and more vulnerable

According to the National Federation of Consumer Protecting Associations (FEOSZ), at the creating of the legislations civil consumer protection proposals were not really taken into account. The consumer's vulnerability against...

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The morning coffee, is more important for the majority of women than makeup

According to a recent online research; we adher coffee the most among indulgents. The Nescafe Dolce Gusto surveyed the users of the TeszVesz online auction portal, about their indulgent habits....

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Former GDR brands competes successfully

Piroska, champagne, Spee-detergent, Florena-cream, Raderberg beer – all these brands are food brands dating back to the GDR, which are still available on the shelves of dealerships. Twenty years after...

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GDP: 7.1 percent decline, with surprising composition

Hungarian GDP developed surprisingly. The stocks have risen for example, as well as the production of the financial and real estate sector. Experts predict smaller degree of economic decline from...

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Global food prices are on a 14-month peak

According to FAO, United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization; the global food prices – after a temporary decrease – once again began to increase, and reached a 14-month peak in...

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Superbrands Hungary and the BKIK cooperates

Wiszkidenszky András, the director of Superbrands Hungary and Szatmáry Kristóf, President of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK), agreed that the Chamber will give technical support in the...

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From summer 2010, only one quick loan is available within half a year

As Christmas approaches, the trade loans are popular again. The Financial Supervisory Authority (PSZÁF) alerts borrowers for prudence and foresight. Several financial institutions traditionally became the service provider of the...

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National treasures in the pálinka glass case

In the course of 2nd St. Nicholas Day Pálinka ceremony, the pálinka glass case was unveiled near the main entrance, of the Hungarian Agricultural Museum, in Budapest. Those best pálinkás...

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Tokaj from Tokaji – Hungarian-Slovakian wine struggle

The Slovakian Minister of Agriculture asked help from the European Commissioner of Agriculture and Rural Development. Slovakia complains that Hungary changed its brand name Tokaj from Tokaji, this summer. The...

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Christmas not counterweights declining consumption

According to the datas of GfK Hungária; household consumption decreases by about 7 percent compared to 2008, as well as a significant structural change was also witnessed in purchasing of...

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Industrial production increased in September-October

The industrial production is increasing for the second month in October after the decline of July and August. Compared to the previous month, increased by 3.7 percent in September, and...

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Retail may rise again next year

According to the latest study of Cushman & Wakefield's on European retail; The decrease in retail rentals will last until mid 2010, the boom in rents is estimated for 2011....

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Most people worry about air and water pollution the most

According to the survey of the Nielsen market research company; In Hungary the number of those who worry about the climate change also reduced, just like all over the world....

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Further decline can come to the Hungarian labor market in early 2010

According to the datas of Manpower’s international survey; a downturn is expected on the Hungarian labor market in the first quarter of 2010, however, there are signs of cautious optimism....

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Be careful with online shopping!

More and more people are looking for web sites, hoping to find cheaper Christmas gifts. The store sales are not expected to increase, compared with last year. Online shopping, however,...

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Excellent Hungarian Food in the finals of Bocuse d’Or Selection Hungary

Hungarian Bocuse d'Or Academy held its first technical discussion, on the upcoming finals of the Bocuse d'Or Selection Hungary, which will took part on 21st and 22nd February 2010 in...

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Men leave purchase to the last minute

According to the joint Christmas survey of store comparision site, and Ipsos Ltd.; People plan to buy fewer gifts for the Christmas this year. The number of those who...

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Less valuable gifts may be under the Christmas tree

Fourty-two percent of the population is planning to spend less on Christmas presents this year, compared to the previous year – shows the survey of Kérdőí More than half of...

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Copenhagen climate summit begins

The 15th UN climate summit has started in Copenhagen. On the event lasts until 18th December, representatives of 192 countries will be debating over the new global climate agreement which...

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Holiday from health insurance resources payments

According to Stability Fund Association; It is worth to collect money for the holiday in health insurance funds, because it has a number of benefits. Several catering companies are waiting...

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