
Panorama of the city market premises

Budapest downtown’s business premises market was afraid of the highest proportions vacancy of the last 9 year, a half year ago. According to the survey of Ecorys Magyarország; the crisis...

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In December, 30 percent of the annual quantity of fish consumed

Approximately 22-24 thousand tons will be this year's Hungarian fish production, which can be slightly higher, than last year’s– said Orosz Sándor executive chairman of the Hungarian Fish Producers Association...

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New urban mega-trends: digital bohemians and performance-oriented city dwellers

The Hamburg-based TrendBüro Social Trend Research Institute examined the latest urban lifestyle mega-trends on behalf of Nespresso, known best for its premium coffes. The life of a unique arrangement, the...

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Hungarian companies remain strong during the crisis

The Hungarian companies survived relatively positively the financial crisis – stated the Washington-based World Bank. "It seems that the Hungarian firms are the least affected by the financial crisis" –...

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Confident Germans, pessimistic French

The business confidence index in Germany increased better than expected, while in France decreased, despite an increase was expected. The Munich based Ifo Economic Research institute’s business confidence index increased...

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Beside the Hungarians, the Croatians also purchase consciously

According to the GfK Hungária Market Research Institute; In Hungary, the Christmas shopping season weakenes from year to year, households rather select the lower-priced own brands and products. According to...

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Váci street is fifteen times cheaper than New York

According to the recent market analysis of CB Richard Ellis (CBRE) on the retail sector; The rents have fallen an average of one percent globally in the second quarter, compared...

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Hungarian managers are more optimistic

The Hungarian business leaders are more optimistic in December, about the country’s and their own economic prospects, than in September. Thus, only 40 percent of them think that the next...

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Cocoa and sugar prices are increasing further

The white sugar’s price was on its historical peak, cocoa price was on its 30 years of record level on Wednesday afternoon, which is mainly due to the weakening dollar....

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We are not getting closer to the EU average since 2006

According to Eurostat; the per capita GDP in Hungary, was 64 percent of the EU average. Thus, since two years ago, the Hungarian convergence virtually stopped, because it was also...

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Christmas gifts – online

In spite of the economic crisis, there is no indication, that the turnover of the domestic webstores would decrease – stressed Kis Gergely, the executive director of GKIeNET. He says...

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Real earnings fell by 2.1 percent in one year

According to Central Statistical Office; At the companies with 5 empoyees and at financial institutions, the gross average earnings increased by 0.9 percent, net average earnings by 1.8 percent in...

Read more’s holiday Toplist comparing 150 thousand products is ready

According to’s price comparision Christmas toplist; this year's hit products are the LCD TVs,GPS devices and netbooks, while the demand suppressed for last year’s hit products the game consoles....

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Increase in global demand for pigs

It seems, the swine flu hysteria did not hurt the industry. The global economy will be more vigorous in 2010, so more pork meat will be sold next year –...

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The future of wine marketing is still a question

The owners of the Hungarian Wine Marketing Non-profit Ltd. (MBM) sit down to negotiate in bad mood today. The company that is in charge for Community Wine Marketing did not...

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Euro zone’s service sector increases

Services sector and manufacturing increased in the euro zone, in early December. According to the first estimations of Markit research company; the purchasing manager index increased to 53.7 points, wich...

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Next year, the shops should take back packaging waste from customers

From January, the rules of environmental protection product fee payment will change again. The drink manufacturers are not satisfied with the system changings from year to year. The most important...

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Household products and cosmetics sales are over 300 billion

According to Nielsen market research company; the household product and cosmetics retail sales grew by 3 percent in value, between November 2008 and October 2009, compared to the previous comparable...

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KSH: decreasing agricultural producer prices, declining industrial production

Agricultural producer prices fell in October. The low prices of farmers, inter alia, are due to the EU fundings. The industry is still in bad shape, but at least it...

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GKI: the threat of global collapse averted, but we are not throught the crisis

In the majority of the world economy, the recession technically ended in the third quarter, in Hungary it is only expected in the last quarter. The recovery can be earlier-than-expected,...

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Meat producers are in trouble

Despite the year end family feasts meat consumption decreases by one-tenth this year, and meat prices did not increased due to the VAT increase in the middle of the year....

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We draw the wine bottle during Christmas

Hungarians drink one fifth more during Christmas. Before Christmas the Hungarian wine and champagne market booms. An average 20 percent of more wine sold by the shops, compared to an...

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Personal loan and transaction fee: restrictions raise up on law level

The National Assembly voted against the government's proposal on Monday, so one person can get loan once a year, with 65 percent higher annual percentage, up to 250 thousand HUF....

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German investors are pessimistic since October

The investors' mood in Europe's largest economy Germany, is declining for the third month. The Mannheim based ZEW market researcher’s economic sentiment indicator became 50.4 points in December after the...

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Action against the expansion of the Chinese businesses

In the future, local governments would have the right to intervene into what kind of businesses can carry on local trade in their settlement – including the law changing proposal...

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Purchase fever: Stormy weather may discourage many consumers

It is expected to be a weaker Christmas season for retailers, than a year ago. In principle, the peak of the Christmas rush is expected for the weekend, but it...

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Hungarian meat products in the Far East

The greatest demand for Hungarian products in the Far East markets are for pork, in particular mangalica meat, poultry, goose liver, salami and the Aszú wines of Tokaj. On the...

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A joint for agri-supports

Twenty-two EU countries will be join, in order not to reduce the agricultural subsidies in the future. Great Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Malta did not participated in the...

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Euro zone’s industrial production and the number of employed reduced

Euro zone’s industrial production showed a 0.6 percent decrease in October, compared to the previous month, while in 27 EU countries a 0.7 percent decrease was measured. On an annual...

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Women purchase alone and strong-minded

According to GfK Hungária; In Hungary, shopping continues to be addressed to women. Half of the value of the purchasings of daily consumer goods are these kinds of purchases. Only...

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