
Trade-specific solutions on the trade fair of EuroCIS

EuroCIS will be held between 2nd and 4th of March 2010 in Düsseldorf. This is the only European trade fair, where we can receive a comprehensive picture of the latest...

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A professional day for event organizers in January

The Hungarian Federation of Event Organizers (Maresz) will organise its professional conference on 21st of January, under the name; Maresz day. The organization expects not only its members for the...

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Direct marketing should not to be cancelled due to the crisis

The economic difficulties have also affected the direct marketing market: while the demand for database updates increased, the campaign orders reduced and illegal data usage increased. According to Bartók János,...

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Christmas present: back to the “sender”

The Christmas rush ended on 24th of December in most places. In the shops that are open on Sunday 27th and on 28th December, the changing back fewer has begun....

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German energy is getting greener

Sixteen percent of electricity consumption in Germany comes from renewable energy. The share of wind, biomass and hydro energy supplied plants increases significantly. N24 TV’s report quoted the Handelsblatt which...

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British company leaders are optimistic

Six years ago the British business leaders were less optimistic about the prospects of the British economy as it is now, and their optimism is tend to confirm with the...

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United States: the recovery may last for years

The U.S. economy will be affected by the crisis, for a long time. Although the growth forecasts are favorable and new jobs will be established, the unemployment rate may stagnate...

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Large price increases may come in Romania

According to the Bucharest daily newspaper, the Új Magyar Szó; the excise tax increase is one of the main reasons that the price of fuel may increase by 20, electricity...

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Meat, coffee and mineral water retail sales increased

According to Nielsen market research company; The value of food retail sales rose by 2 percent, between December 2008 and November 2009, compared with the previous comparable period. In quantity,...

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Retail has not shaken by the crisis

While in the first half of the year it appeared that this year wll be about the collapsing of the mass-retail businesses, in the second half, it became clear that...

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Hungary on the bottom of Central Europe

According to Calyon’s analysts; in 2010, the lowest growth and the highest inflation will be in Hungary in the Central European region, compared to the Czech Republic and Poland. The...

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Internet commerce profits from the crisis

Internet commerce develops with missile speed and the crisis has a main role in it – states the report of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The acceptance...

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GDP and consumption expansion in the United States

The U.S. GDP increased by 2.2 percent, in the third quarter instead of the estimated 2.8 percent – reported the U.S. Department of Commerce. Consumption increased in October and November...

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The crisis affects the Christmas celebration of the Hungarian firms

In many places, events were cancelled, some places there were no Christmas trees and companies saved on the bonuses of the staff and gifts of the partners. The Ipsos surveyed...

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Dismal Christmas season

Especially in this year's Christmas season became dismal – said the shop owners to web portal Origo. The hopeful business plans of the merchants were destroyed by the unusual cold...

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China will be the world's second largest economy soon

Last year's economic growth index was revised upward in China, which – according to analysts – helps the country to overtake Japan and to become the world's second largest economy,...

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Retail sales fell further in October

According to Central Statistical Office; the retail sales volume were 7.5 percent below in the first ten months of 2009, compared to last comparable period. Compared to the previous month;...

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A growing number of internet bank cards users

The number of online stores are growing in Hungary. MasterCard's latest research seeked for the answer to what proportion of customers using the Internet card or other payment instruments. The...

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Gömböc in Shanghai

The Hungarian pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo must be ready until 15th March, trial will start on 1st of April. The star of the Hungarian stand will be a...

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Green supermarket chains already warns during purchase

Öko-Pannon starts a campaign with the 5 leading supermarket chains; the Cora, the Kaiser's, the Metro, the Profi and Spar, to highlight the importance of the separate collection of non-returnable...

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Slovakian koruna will disappear next year

From January next year, one should not be indicate the prices in koruna on the Slovakian retail market in, only need to be indicated in euro. The Slovak retailers claim...

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More stimulus is needed – said Nobel laureate economist

Joseph Stiglitz laureate economist again expressed pessimism. In his opinion the U.S. economy may drop back in the second half of 2010. The government should work on a second stimulant...

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At the end of year 15 million bottles of champagne consumed

In Hungary, around 30 million bottles of champagne is sold annually, roughly half of this consumed by the end of the year, during the Christmas and New Year shopping period....

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The December turnover is just like the 5-6 years earlier

According to the National Trade Association’s (OKSZ) communication; December’s trade turnover fell to the 5-6 years earlier level. The volume of goods decreases since 2007. In December, the total trade...

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Sausages rush in November and December, 5 thousand tons sold last year

Accdording to Nielsen market research company; Close to 5 billion HUF, approx. 5 thousand tons of sausages were sold in November and December last year. Thus, 19 percent of the...

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GKI’s short-term index is on its last October level

The sharp increase of GKI’s short-term index continued in December, after a halt in November. The index is increasing since May, except November. The consumer confidence index -after a strong...

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Hungarian farmers can suffer the worst among EU farmers

According to EU's statistical office, the Eurostat; in the 27 Member States of the European Union a 12.2 percent reduction had been occured in the per capita income in the...

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Cocoa and coffee deficit may come

On Friday, the future quote of cocoa decreased by more than 5 percent in New York, losing its whole exchange-rate gains of December. The price of cocoa is still in...

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BRIC: the new global pole

Eight years have passed since the Goldman Sachs (GS), first used the term BRIC. The BRIC is the joint of Brazil, Russia, India and China in order to play a...

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Mainly the fall in domestic demand caused the decline in GDP

Calculated on constant prices the domestic household consumption expenditure in the first nine months declined by 8 percent, that strongly affected the drop in gross domestic product (7.1 percent) in...

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