
We buy more cheese and mineral water

According to Nielsen market research company; between April 2009 and March 2010, food retail sales declined by 1 percent in value and 3 percent in volume. In value, retail sales...

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GKI: The export and the industry are growing

The joint forecast of the GKI Economic Research Co. and Erste Bank expect stagnation from the Hungarian economy in 2010. This year's economic processes will be determined by development in...

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Food Chain Worldweek will be held in Budapest

Food Chain Worldweek will be organised in the Hungarian capital this summer, in the organization of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FVM) and the Foodlawment. The prime objective...

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IFFA: meat processing, packaging, distribution

The most prestigious international trade fair of the meat industry is waiting the representatives of the industry between 8th and 13th of May to Frankfurt. The experts can get acquainted...

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There was no less contaminated food ten years ago

Over the past weeks, several super-and hypermarkets traded food was found to contain harmful substances, which can cause sepsis, meningitis, or cancer. According to experts; there was no less contaminated...

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The U.S. economy caused disappointment, but there is still hope

The U.S. economy increased by only 3.2 percent in in the first quarter, while the Commerce Department's report is encouraging. Encouraging sign that consumption increased by 3.6 percent, more than...

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There will be no VAT increase in Romania

The Romanian Minister of Finance denied the rumors, that the Romanian authorities will increase the VAT, by 19 percent. However they are investigating the possibility of extending the tax base....

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Consumption in the CEE region: the Hungarians pulled on their belts

RegioPlan Consulting experienced moderately increased consumption expenditure, in some countries, and stagnation or slight decline in others in the ten tested eastern and southern European countries in 2009. Although both...

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The Hungarian economy increased minimally in April

The common indicator of Világgazdaság and Ecostat, the acceleration index (GYIA) increased by 0.08 percent in April compared to the previous month. This data is worse than previous month’s datas....

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Consumer groups: GVH strenghtens its actions

According to the statement of GVH; the Competition Authority (GVH) will make stronger actions against businesses, that are organizing consumer groups. The Economic Competition Authority banned two firms – the...

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Good and bad news from Tokaj

Costco, one of the largest U.S. supermarket chain will distribute Tokaji Aszú wines for ten years. Costco contracted with Tokaj Trading Co. to pay an annual 2.5 million USD for...

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Positive list of the Four Paws

The Austrian animal rights organization the Four Paws took the Hungarian poultry producers who have undertaken not to apply technologies related to animal torture onto the positive list. The organization...

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The winning three: quality, price and choice

According to the “Shopping Monitor 2009/2010” study of GfK Hungária Market Research Company; The most important criterias in the choosing of shops are: quality of freshness and price. The types...

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Yogurt was the star of last year

According to the retail datas of the MEMRB Market Research Bureau; Yoghurt products were able to achieve outstanding growth last year. From 2008 to 2009 the FMCG market grew nearly...

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Unemployment close to 12 percent

According to the Central Statistical Office; in the first quarter, unemployment continued to increase. The number of unemployed persons was 498 thousand, which means a 11.8 percent unemployment rate. In...

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The Slovakian Parliament authorizes the Tokaj name

In the Slovakian part of the Tokaj wine region, the Tokaj name can be used again, from the 1st of June – decided the parliament in Pozsony on Tuesday. Last...

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At least the agriculture and food industry are looking for workers

According to the datas of the job portal; in 2009, the number of those who were looking for jobs increased by 4.5 percent, while 28 percent less jobs were...

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U.S. consumers are very confident

Consumer confidence in the U.S shows a spectacular improvement: in April, the Conference Board's confidence index rose up to 57.9 points from the 52.3 points of March. The market expects...

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Red wine against stroke

Red wine consumption in the case of stroke reduces the rate of brain damage – at least this is the conclusion reached by the researchers of the U.S. Johns Hopkins...

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Customer confidence needs to be strenthened (X)

Originality-and quality check of food products is necessary. )Since the 2006 scandal,  illegal trading with vehicle components has become more common instead of abuses with highly protected vehicle documents. The...

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Cheese was special: value sales declined, but volume sales augmented

Cheese turnover fell by 5 percent to HUF 72 billion last year, while in terms of volume a 10-percent growth was registered and retail sales surpassed the 50,000-ton threshold. The...

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Tuned to the frequency of shopping

In Hungarian retail more and more stores use equipment that performs the job of human workforce. Germany company Wincor and Hungarian IT specialists already developed everything the store of the...

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Facts and misbeliefs about our trade with Slovakia

Slovakia is the 5th biggest target market of our agricultural export, but it is also one of our top five import markets. Among the countries of the Visegrád Group, Slovakia...

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(HU) Alternatívákat keresnek a sajtmárkák a dömpingár ellen

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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With evergreen bags for the environment

METRO, SPAR and Tesco urge their customers to quit using disposable plastic shopping bags and switch to environmentally friendly solutions. After every shopping bag sold by METRO Hungary, 5 Forints...

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From Michurin to Volkswagen

By buying and using the Mirelite name, Mirsa not only saved a Hungarian brand, but they also proved that SMEs can be strong if they have a modern company structure....

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In 2009 cheap cheeses pulled the market

As GfK Hungária’s ConsumerScan revealed, we bought 12 percent more cheese in 2009 than a year earlier. The average household purchased 16.9 kg of cheese, largely due to an increase...

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With cool calculation

Saving energy is the driving force behind innovation in cooling technology. The economical use of cooling equipment results in lower operation costs for retailers. In Hungary, the most important trend...

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EuroCIS in Düsseldorf: Information technology specifically for retail

There is a constant demand from retailers for IT innovations, so it does not come as a surprise that early March the EuroCIS retail information technology trade fair in Düsseldorf...

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Small shops keep losing ground

Beer’s retail turnover was down 1 percent in value in the February 2009-January 2010 period. The market’s value was above HUF 102 billion. At the same time the Nielsen Retail...

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