
Magazine: Beer, wine, praline and electronic device packagings were the winners

This year the Hungarian Association of Packaging and Materials Handling (CSAOSZ) organised the 28th HUNGAROPACK Hungarian Packaging Competition. There were 61 entries from 38 companies, from which 53 were consumer...

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The national product basket strengthens quality-conscious consumption

The national product basket initative strengthens quality-conscious consumption, which is  becoming more and more frequent among the buyers – said Pintér István, Director-General of the National Authority for Consumer Protection...

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More than one billion HUF fine for unfair distribution behavior in one and a half year

In the past one and a half year more than billion HUF fines were imposed because of unfair distribution practices – was told at Monday's meeting of the Consumer Food...

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The Hungarian-Romanian project aims to develop the SME sector ended

One hundred Romanian and Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises took part in the  specific a total value of 50 thousand euros program that aims to develop the SME sector. The...

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Succesful Black Friday in the U.S.A.

The U.S.A. survived the Black Friday again. On the Friday after Thanksgiving stores provides  often 50, 70 or even 80 percent discounts to attract the masses of costumers to start...

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Corn and sunflower yields in Vas county are better than the annual average

The average yield of corn per hectare is higher with 30 percent, while sunflower yields exceeds the average yields of the last 15 years by 40 percent in Vas county...

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New risk management system in Hungarian agriculture

A jelenleginél stabilabb, átláthatóbb, az önfenntartásra és az öngondoskodásra ösztönző új kockázatkezelési rendszer kezdi meg működését a jövő év elejétől a magyar mezőgazdaságban. Mindezt az tette lehetővé, hogy az országgyűlési...

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The issuer of the Erzsébet-voucher negotiating with the Magyar Posta

The Hungarian National Holiday Foundation (MNÜA), the issuer of the Erzsébet-voucher and the Posta Paletta Zrt., may enter into a strategic agreement. Intensive negotiations are in way over the details...

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Growth will be slower than expected in the world, recession will deepen in Hungary

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) revised downward its forecast for global growth, referring to the uncertainty in the global economy. According to the forecast; the global economy...

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NGM: employment rate is nearly on three-year peak

Employment rate is almost on its three-year peak – published  the National Economy Ministry (NGM),  on the basis of the Monday published statistics of the Central Statistical Office (KSH). The...

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We prefer recyclable packaging

The proportion of customers who take environmental considerations into account when purchasing goods and products increased to 50 percent by 2011, from the30 percent, measured in 2005. According to Tetra...

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The wholesale markets of Szeged and Temesvár to develop with EU support

The wholesale markets in Szeged and Temesvár are being developed with more than one million euros EU support. Thanks to the investment, dealers and producers can follow the other city's...

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(HU) A KAP jövőjéről tanácskoznak az agrárkamarai vezetők Budapesten

The leaders of a number of the recently joined EU countries discuss over the European Union Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) between 2014-2020 in Budapest, at the 43rd Agricultural Chamber meeting...

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State monopoly on tobacco sales?

A Fidesz representative's motion would considerably tighten tobacco retailing from 2013, inter alia, a state monopoly would be undertaken. According to the proposal; the retail trade in tobacco products would...

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Consumer confidence improved in Europe's largest economy

Consumer confidence improved in Germany. The forward-looking, sentiment index for December became 5.6 points after the 5.4 points of November. (It was 5.5 points in October). Analysts expected a 5.2...

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GKI-Erste economic sentiment index stopped deteriorating in November

In November the GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects stopped to deteriorate after more than half a year long decline. Both business and consumer expectations improved slightly, within...

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Magazine: Average prices are likely to keep increasing on the biscuit market

There has been a drastic increase in flour prices recently, making the life of biscuit distributors harder. Retail was very unwilling to accept increased prices. Now flour prices are decreasing...

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Twenty Hungarian exhibitors participating at the world's leading wine fair

With the support of the Agricultural Marketing Centre, twenty Hungarian exhibitors are taking part at the world's leading wine fair, the ProWein exhibition in Düsseldorf, between the 4th and 6th...

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Slovakia may lose the Tokaj denotation of origin

There is a growing probability that Slovakia will lose the Tokaj protected designation of origin. As it is known, Hungary sued the European Commission at the European Court of Justice...

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The Australian government approved the 11 billion beer industrial acquisition

The Australian government approved the acquisition of Foster's Group Ltd.. The SABMiller buys the brewery for 11.5 billion Australian dollars. However, the government has set certain conditions, such as the...

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Carpathian Basin honey festival in Zalaegerszeg

A three-day long Carpathian Basin honey festival begins on the 2nd of December in Zalaegerszeg in the Keresztury Dezső General Cultural Center. This year, honey crop was small, but the...

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Retail sales decreasing for five month in Italy

Retail sales in September.decreased for the fifth consecutive month in Italy, that is Europe's third largest economy. The retail sales declined by 0.4 percent in September, seasonally adjusted, compared with...

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More and more people visit the Fair of Hungarian Flavours

Fifteen thousand people visited the second Craft Hungarian Flavour Fair (Kézműves Magyar Ízek Vására) at the Budapest Millenáris. During the three days, around 100 million HUF worth masterpieces of the...

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Mézeskalácsrekordba költözött a siófoki télapó

A Hungarian record was born for the advent feast of Siófok: the gingerbread house, that will be the residence of Santa Claus was completed. It is made of nearly six...

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KSH: retail sales on the same level in September

The retail sales volume in September 2011 and in the first nine months of the year remained on the level of the previous year's – announced the Central Statistical Office...

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Experts say that the low volume of consumption is due to credit repayments

The public household consumption is low and retail trade turnover is stagnant, due to the consumer credit debts analyzed the National Economy Ministry (NGM), the datas of the Central Statistical...

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Panorama Before Christmas

There is only one month until Christmas: the dealers have been preparing for the peak shopping season for weeks, months, the shops are full of potential gifts. Customers do not...

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Agricultiural chambers coordinate their views on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy

Next week, agricultural chamber leaders of nine Central European countries will gather in Budapest to coordinate their positions over the EU's Common Agricultural Policy, between 2014 and 2020 – told...

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Ministry of Rural Development: tax increase on jam imitations

The parliament supported the tax increase on jam imitations. Because of the initiative of the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) in the future the tax on jams with low fruit...

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Workania: companies offer the most jobs in Budapest

Almost a third of the advertised online jobs were offered in Budapest offered in the first ten months of the year, most job opportunities are from the areas of sales...

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