
Pre-Christmas food safety control series in Heves

The Food Chain and Animal Health Safety Directorate of the Heves County Government Office will carry out a series of food security controls until the 31st of December in Heves...

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More smartphones sold in China than in the U.S.A.

In the third quarter more smartphones were sold in China than in the U.S. – shows the Thursday published datas of Strategy Analytics a market research institute. In the third...

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Ministry of Rural Development: the new EU regulation on food labeling has been published

The new EU regulation on food labeling has been published, which was agreed under the Hungarian Presidency, and which is intended to provide consumers to find healthier foods easier. The...

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Arteries need milk and sunshine

The arteries of those children do not develop intact, who can not get enough vitamin D in their body. The surprising and novel result was presented by Kansas City Children's...

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Industrial orders fell in the euro area

Industrial orders fell significantly in the euro area in September, the highest rate since 2008 – said the European Union's statistical office the Eurostat on Wednesday. According to the organization;...

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China can be the world's largest e-commerce market in the middle of the decade

China's e-commerce market is rapidly increasing e and the East Asian country in 2015 can overtake the current leader, the United States – predicts the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). The...

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FAO: 2014 will be the year of family farming

The First Workshop of Experts on Family Agriculture was held between 3 and November 4. This meeting was organized by the FAO through Latin America and the Caribbean without Hunger...

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Advent yard and Christmas market in Székesfehérvár

Advent yard in the Bishop's garden, Christmas market in the main square of the city are waiting for the guests who are preparing for Christmas in Székesfehérvár. Spányi Antal county...

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Strategic co-operation between Hungary and India

Exim Bank of India and Exim Bank of Hungary have signed reciprocal Lines of Credit (LOCs) Agreements of US$ 10 million each in New Delhi on Friday, November 3, 2006....

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Environment: Major expansion of Europe's protected natural areas

Natura 2000, the EU's network of protected areas, has undergone a significant expansion. Nearly 18 800 square kilometres have been added, including a major addition of marine areas covering 17...

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Professional Associations: the plaza stop will be the final strike on the construction industry

Four professional organizations concern about the bill amendment on “mall-stop”, because they think it brings a huge threat on economic growth and employment. According to them, it will deepen the...

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Mall Stop: The chains may already have the building permit

It is rumored that the large supermarket chains have their building permits for years, despite the parliament adopted the law on mall stop. Apparently, the government and the large retail...

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BusinessEurope: employment should be increased in Europe

According to BusinessEurope, European employers' advocacy organization; the continuous loss of employment in Europe needs an urgent intervention. Currently, nearly 23 million unemployed can be found in the European Union...

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The Four Paws Foundation violates laws

The Municipal Public Prosecutor's Office has finished the investigation in connection with the Four Paws Animal Foundation's legality of operation. During the investigation several violations of law and omissions were...

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International mangalica conference in Herceghalom

Family-style, international mangalica conference was held in  Herceghalom in a luxury hotel. Pork fat research professionalists were present at theevent from all around the world. Compared to the recent years,...

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Dotcommerce Day: huge online discounts

The Dotcommerce Day online shopping day will be held on the 24th of November. This day is about conscious online shopping and about amazing online discounts in the whole country....

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The establishment of a purchasing department was initiated in the e-commerce alliance

The associated community shopping sites will lay down strict ethical code the latest e-commerce business model rules. The aim of the self-regulation is to determinate fair and safe market rules...

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Magazine: Demand is growing for both sophisticated and cheaper packaging materials

Zsolt Krajcár, owner of Krajcár Packaging Industry Kft. is of the opinion that the strengthening of multinational retail chains has considerable influence over the domestic packaging material market: packaging costs...

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Dessert apples are enough for this year, but the industry is forced to import

The dessert apples of this year have much higher quality, but the industrial users forced to import – told Csizmadia György, vice president of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional...

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The Budapest Christmas Market starts on the Vörösmarty Square

The mixing aroma of spicy drinks and of steaming roast will mark the beginning of the Budapest Christmas Market on the Vörösmarty Square, where beside the traditional programs, a culinary...

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The luxury industry can expect record revenues

The international luxury industry expects record revenues for this year, the. According to the survey of the dominant industry analyst, Bain and Company; this year the revenue of companies, that...

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The 2011 National Young Entrepreneur Awards were handed over

Varga Zoltán, founder managing director and owner of Szállá Ltd., received this year's National Young Entrepreneur Award, while the National Women's Young Entrepreneur Award was awarded to Illéssy Lenke fashion...

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Hungary has arrived at a turning point

The Hungarian economy has been based on new fundamentals in the past one and a half years. To this end, we had to cancel each old-type forms of cooperation which...

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Increased Exhibitor Demand confirms Leading Position of ProWein

Due to the further increase in exhibitor demand from all internationally relevant wine growing nations ProWein, the Leading Fair for the international Wine and Spirits Sector running from 4 to...

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There is not enough eggs in the Hungarian market

There is not enough eggs in the Hungarian market, the missing amount failed to be replaced by imports because of the euro exchange rate. First, the dealers and purchasers faced...

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The EVA will be 37 percent

The Fidesz fraction and the government agreed over the simplified business tax  (EVA): the parties agreed in a 37 percent tax rate. The rate increases by 7 percent to 37...

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Hungarikum Days in Tihany

Hungarikum Days will be held between the 25th and 27th of November. On the opening day a conference will be held in the community center over the hungarikum bill. The...

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(HU) Népszerű az önfoglalkoztatás Európában

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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USA: banning sugary soft drinks from schools with no results

Children's daily sugary beverage consumption has not reduced in the United States, despite the fact that the sales of sugary soft drinks is prohibited in many American schools. In the...

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Confectionery Manufacturers: high quality candies are popular in the Christmas season

The upcoming holiday season always brings about the era of high quality candies. “Szaloncikor' is of course a hungaricum, so throughout these 4-5 weeks, customers puchase about 4000 tons of...

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