
Hungarian farms and pork-industry with a future

The Ministry of Rural Development remains committed to supporting the farming of animals, because there is no strong crop production without a strong livestock farms. The only way the country...

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Technical Supervisor certification must be needed to the marketing of wild grown mushrooms

In order to prevent mushroom poisoning and in order to trace naturally picked wild mushrooms, wild grown mushrooms can only be marketed or processed with a certification given by mushroom...

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Slow Food founder: Do not lose the right to enjoy nutrition

Do not let that consumers to lose their right to enjoy nutrition – says Carlo Petrini, founder of the Slow Food, movement. The founder of the organization fighting against the...

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Product of the Year: the Hungarian jury is set

The recognition based on the votes of consumers was handed over 25 years ago in France and now it is present in 29 countries, and reaches nearly three billion buyers.The...

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Nielsen: Consumers buy less in third quarter

European consumers are not very courageous and experimental at the moment, due to the strange situations in economy. Besides Hungary, 12 more countries sold less food, cosmetical products in the...

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Agriculture is making the national GDP increase

Agricultural GDP has seen a 9.8 percent growth last year. Due to the more favourable production this year, a higher increase is to be seen this year – the Ministry...

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The Budget Committee has supported the mall stop and the ban on consumer groups

In parallel with the construction ban on more than 300 square meters stores, the parliamentary body would prohibit the organization of consumer groups from the next year. The Court of...

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Hungary initiates the extension of the European Union's sugar quota system

On Monday Hungary proposed that the sugar quota system, that is planned to be terminated from 2015 in the European Union should be maintained until at least 2020 – said...

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Mall construction is accelerating in Romania

New shopping centers are opened throughout Romania, despite the fact that Romania's economic situation is not so good, and real estate developers plan to build more malls – wrote Krónika...

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Hungarian cattle can go to China

Hungary is free of Mad Cow Disease, therefore it can be one of the first countries to deliver cattle to the Chinese market – Endre Kardeván, state of secretary of...

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New conference about food safety

Konferencia és szakmai dialógus indul 2011. november 22-én kedden a Német-Magyar Ipari és Kereskedelmi Kamarában (1024 Bp., Lövőház utca 30), Dr. Kardeván Endre államtitkár fővédnöksége alatt. A new conference and...

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GDP on an annual basis grew by close to 1.5 percent in the third quarter

The third quarterly data of the gross domestic product (GDP) was roughly equal to the analysts' expectations. On the basis of the quick assessment of the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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Even pork prices rises

According to the Central Statistical Office; the producer price of slaughtered animals was 13.1 percent higher in this September, compared to the same period of the previous year. Wheat and...

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The EU worries of egg shortages

There will be a grace period in the changing of old laying hen cages into EU standard cages, but the eggs of hens raised in the old cages can be...

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Fruit and vegetable growers can apply for one billion HUF

The fruit and vegetable producer organizations can apply for support one billion HUF, after the European Union approved the additional domestic funding. The European Union approved the additional domestic funding...

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The Democratic Coalition turns to the competition authority due to the mall stop

The Democratic Coalition considers the mall stop antisocial and competition limiting, therefore the Democratic Coalition turns to the Economy Competition Authority. Government spokesman Giró-Szász András announced last Thursday that a...

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Several trucks with unidentifiable food were seized in Kőbánya

Several trucks with unidentifiable animal and plant origin of foods were seized in Kőbánya – announced the press office of the Ministry of Rural Development on Tuesday. According to the...

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Magazine: From the journalist’s notes taken in Barcelona

‘In the developed world obesity has reached a level where today’s children might be the first generation to live shorter lives than their parents. The food sector has to form...

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The Product of the Year Award will be handed over in Hungary for the first time

The Product of the Year recognition will be handed over for the first time in Hungary. The manufacturers or distributors can nominate their daily consumpted, innovative products which are on...

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Industrial production decreased in the EU

Industrial production declined in the euro area in September, compared with the previous month – published European Union's statistical office on Monday. In the seventeen countries of the eurozone industrial...

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Agricultural prices increased by 17 percent in one year

The agricultural producer price level in September was 16.9 percent higher than a year ago, the producer price of plant products increased by 19.2, live animals and animal products by...

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The simple business tax (EVA) remains in 2012

The simple business tax (EVA) will remain in 2012, however its amount limit and tax rate will rise – said Lázár János Fidesz parliamentary group leader to MTI. About the...

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Pre-Christmas consumer protection checks concentrating on large chains

The National Consumer Protection Authority and the county government offices begin their pre-Christmas consumer protection checks on Monday, which aims to ensure safe conditions for Christmas shopping – the authorities...

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Negotiations over the Tokaji wine region

Slovakia must apply to the European Commission to use the Tokaj wine brand, until the end of the year and must specify the parameters of the Slovakian Tokaj wine region....

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Wine and Culture – Conference in Szombathely

The conference began on Monday, in the scope of the St. Martin week examines the relationship between wine and culture and the history of wine consumption in Szombathely in the...

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VM: date mark of foods will be unified

Food manufacturers from the next year should indicate the date of durability in a day / month / year order on the products – called the attention the Ministry of...

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KSH: 12-month inflation was 3.9 percent in October

In October, consumer prices rose by 0.7 percent monthly and were 3.9 percent higher than a year ago – said the Central Statistical Office (KSH) on Friday. Analysts expected 3.4...

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Magazine: Packaging communicates better and better

Retailers often underestimate the significance of packaging – this was one of the conclusions drawn at the Interpack trade fair, held in Düsseldorf this May. Sebastian Pflügge, press director of...

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HITA: Hungarian wine export has the momentum in China and in Hong Kong

China and Hong Kong remain one of the key target for the promotion of Hungarian wines in the Asia-Pacific region, – informed the National Foreign Trade Office (HITA) MTI on...

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Angela Merkel at German retail conference

Tuesday morning is going to see the opening of the German retail conference, within the compass of which Angela Merkel is going to discuss important issues with the most important...

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