
Retail: 660 billion HUF revenues from food in half year

The retail trade turnover has remained stable in Nielsen’s continuously measured 90 food categories between December 2012 and May 2013, compared to the previous similar period. During the period, the...

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Coface: The meat industry’s situation is worse than the average

The Hungarian meat industry is facing serious problems, including especially the pig industry, which has a worse than average risk rating in term of credit insurance – shows the fresh...

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Ipsos F&F: How much coffee do young people drink these days?

The quarter of young people are drinking a cup of coffee every day, a third of them can be considered as regular coffee consumers (at least 2-3 coffees per day)....

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Opten: The tobacco shop law can ruin thousands of small firms

The tobacco shop law can ruin thousands of retailers, because the profit of small shops is so small, that only a little loss in turnover can make them lossmaking –...

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Most of the tobacconists requested five million HUF loans

According to the feedbacks, national tobacco shop operators used OTP bank’s credit package that was set up specifically for them. The sources are used by the entrepreneurs for buying online...

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The MDKE ojects the referendum initiative of OVB

The Association of Hungarian Tobacco Retailers submitted an objection to the Supreme Court on Friday, because the Association considers the adoption of the referendum unlawful. The association has put the...

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Croats like the online cash register system

According to a recent survey, the vast majority of Croatians supports the use of online cash registers linked directly to the tax authorities – the Glas Slavonije Croatian daily reported...

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The Hungarian economy has been let out of the excessive deficit procedure

The Hungarian economy essentially follows trends predicted by GKI. Although Hungary has been let out of the excessive deficit procedure, election-related spending would require further austerity measures. The latest Varga...

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The proven strategies are the drivers of growth on the consumer markets

The traditional strategies ie. the increase of sales, product development and the cost reduction programs can be the tools of profitability in the next two years for the consumer companies...

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Animal breeders are afraid of meet price increase and a reduction in consumption

The Livestock and Meat Marketing Board Interprofessional Organisation (VHT) states that pork prices will be higher, due to the increasing shipping costs. Szpisják Imre’s swine called Béla (weight: 530 kilograms)...

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The toplist of the most bizarre corporate gifts

The global Regus survey, which quizzed 26,000 respondents from over 90 countries about the strangest corporate gifts that they have ever received, found bizarre items such as coffin, sandbags, breathalyser,...

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Strategic partnership between the government and the logistics profession

The Ministry of National Development (MFM) and the Logistics Coordination Forum (LEF) that represents the entire Hungarian logistics profession signed a strategic partnership agreement on 11 July 2013. The purpose...

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Two scone records were born at the Lake Balaton

The Vénusz and its team were frying a gigantic 300 cms diameter scone, breaking the previous record. In addition, a new record was also born, because Vénusz and its team...

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Hungarians hardly consume the healthy sheep meat

The sheep population continue to grow this year. Due to the impact of the supports given to the sector the breeding mood somewhat increased – Hajduk Péter executive director of...

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KSH: a slowdown in the rise of agricultural prices

The producer price of agricultural products was 9.2 percent higher in May, compared to a year earlier, after the 11.5 percent increase of April – the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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OKSZ: The price of online cash registers can be 150-200 thousand HUF

According to the National Retail Federation (OKSZ) The price of traditional kind of online cash registers can be 150-200 thousand HUF. The Hungarian Trade Licensing Office approved three types of...

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The aggrieved demanding the annulment of the tobacco shop concessions

The Movement of Tobacco Shop Tender Aggrieved demand the destruction of the result of tobacco shop applications and a new tender. The Movement’s representative gave twenty thousand signatures supporting the...

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Most of the Pannon Wines came from in Villány

In the last five years, the most of the wines with Pannon wine region marks were marketed in the Villány wine region. From the four wine regions of the region,...

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Hungary will be at the forefront in the restriction of the trans fatty acid content of food products

If the regulation on trans fatty acids in food products comes into force in the autumn, Hungary will be the third country within the European Union, where this harmful ingredient...

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Pálinka should be a leading agricultural product, a global brand

The government aims to make pálinka as a leading agricultural product, to be a global brand in the coming years. The pálinka takes a special part in the agricultural strategy,...

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Festival of Hungarian products in Debrecen

A festival of Hungarian products began on Thursday in Debrecen. The Szeged-based Tisza Expo Kft. in collaboration with the Debrecen-based Főnix Rendezvényszervező Nonprofit Kft. organized the festival for the first...

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The wine culture in Békéscsaba to be revived

The local wine culture in Békéscsaba to be revived; the city established two hectares of wineyards with 9 thousand grapevines. In 2010, the local government of the city decided to...

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Competition for the “Most Beautiful kitchen garden” title

This year, more than eight hundred kitchen gardens of sixty settlements will compete for the “Most Beautiful kitchen garden” title. The aim of the movement is gardening and self-sufficiency. The...

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KSH: inflation in June was 1.9 percent

The annual consumer price inflation rate, accelerated to 1.9 percent in June, from the 1.8 percent of May. Compared to May, consumer prices rose by 0.2 percent – the Central...

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The world’s grain harvest may break a record

The world’s grain harvest in the 2013-14 season will increase by 7.2 percent and will reach a record 2.479 billion tons – the FAO estimates in its report released on...

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The tobacconists to sell alcohol at night

In several districts of Budapest it is prohibited to sell alcohol after 10 pm. However, this regulation does not apply to the national tobacco shops. Formerly the National Assembly excluded...

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GfK: every fifth bank customer uses online banking services

The use of online banking is considered as advanced in Hungary – one in five bank customers use online banking services – but in comparision, Hungary is lagging behind the...

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New EU regulations on cosmetics

The New EU regulations on cosmetics adopted by the EU in 2009, came into force on Thursday. The new policy aims to make the cosmetic products from toothpaste to sunscreen...

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The manufacturers of milk powder under investigation reduce their prices in China

The world's largest milk formula manufacturer, the U.S. Mead Johnson Nutrition announced a price reduction in the Chinese market, after the Chinese authorities initated proccess against foreign manufacturers and distributors...

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Samurai principles and methods in 21st-century company management

The latest event in the Career and Style series bore the above title and was held on Margaret Island on 13 May. The first presentation of the conference was by...

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