
NÉBIH: the flooding of the River Danube caused 2.3 billion HUF damage to the farmers

According to the aggregate datas of the the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH), the Danube flood in June caused damages to 565 producers in a value of 2.3 billion...

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The third of the bottled pestos have unacceptable quality in Germany

The consumer protection controls in Germany found out, that one-third of the bottled suitable quality pestos have unacceptable quality. There were brands that were contaminated with bacterias, had bad taste...

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Ördögkatlan Festival for wine-lovers for the 6th time!

The 6th Ördögkatlan Winefestival is going to tak place from 30th July to 3rd August 2013, at the following venues: Nagyharsány, Kisharsány, Palkonya, Vylyan Terasz, Beremend. A number of events...

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Vegan supermarket in Vienna

Vegans in Vienna are now able to enjoy a supermarket whose grocery and other products caters exclusively to their dietary needs. With vegan bakeries, cafes and restaurants already well-established, the...

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Celebrities went sailing with a famous grouse

A number of celebrities – Iván Kamarás, Adri Nagy, Zsófi Szabó, Éva Horváth – went sailing at lake Balaton within the compass of Kékszalag (blueribbon) SAling Compettion. The team was...

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OKSZ: consumption will reach last year's level in 2013

This year, the retail consumption will reach last year's level, in the second half, in certain areas it can even exceed it. This prediction is confirmed by the datas of...

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Flour will be cheaper from this autumn

Due to the declining wheat prices, mills also reduce their prices. Poór Zoltán, CEO of GoodMills Magyarország Malomipari Zrt. told that they plan to purchase about 300 thousand tons of...

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The flavored milk can be the key sector of the dairy industry

Between 2012 and 2015 the market of flavored milks will grow twice as rapidly, than the market of simple milk products – shows Tetra Pak’s Dairy Outlook that is published...

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Hungary against food waste

The Member States of the European Union supported Hungary's call to reduce food losses and food waste. 14 countries immediately joined to the initative of Fazekas Sándor Hungarian Minister for...

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GfK: the market of energy drinks is on a growth path again

The consumers of energy drinks are getting younger and younger, and lower-income households also do not save on this kind of drinks, because they purchase increasing volumes of energy drinks...

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Several winemakers have debuted at the event of the Wine and Market and the Mátra Mountain Community

In the oprganization of the Wine and Market magazine (Bor és Piac magazin) and the Mátra Mountain Community, 34 winemakers of the Mátra region debuted at the Larus Event Center...

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This year’s Hortus Hungaricus to be cancelled

The organizers of the Hortus Hungaricus International Fair notified their partners, exhibitors, their vendors and the public, that the 20th Hortus Hungaricus International Fair will be cancelled. According to their...

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Bread and meat can be cheaper from this autumn in Slovakia

From this autumn, the price of flours and baked goods can decline by 7-8 percent, while the price of meat by 7-10 percent in Slovakia – the Új Szó writes....

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We mostly drink water, alcoholic beverages and tea to remain hydrated

Only half of the Spanish health professionals check the hydration status of their patients during routine visits Study conducted by the European Hydration Institute (EHI) among about 2,000 Primary Care...

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The proportion of red grapes in Pannonhalma increased to its tenfold

The crop area of the red grapes increased significantly in the last decade at the Pannonhalma wine region – Kisalföld wrote in its Tuesday's edition. Hangyál Balázs mountain judge told...

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KSH: retail sales volumes grew in May by 2.2 percent

In May 2013, the volume of retail sales grew by 2.2 percent, according to the calendar-adjusted and unadjusted datas, compared to the same period last year – the Central Statistics...

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Nielsen: decreased consumer confidence in Hungary in the second quarter

After the significant improvement of the first quarter, the Nielsen consumer confidence index fell slightly, from 43 points to 41 in the second quarter in Hungary. Among the three components...

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GfK strengthens its global position in the field of social media

GfK is willing to coordinate its social media analyzes on international level, therefore created the Social Media Intelligence Center. The key step to the expansion was the acquisition of the...

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The juicy and healthy watermelon is produced on a larger area

Over the past 20 years, the melon-growing area decreased dramatically. After the low point of 2011, production rises. It is estimated that production ongoes on a 10 percent larger area...

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Cash Registers: The Magyar Telekom is prepared for the data transmission service

The Magyar Telekom is prepared to provide the service, enabling data communication between the new cash registers and the system of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) – the...

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Magazine: Promotions and emotions

On 18 April Budapest’s Rubin Wellness & Conference Hotel hosted the 5th ‘Most successful promotion of the year’ award ceremony, where the programme also included a series of presentations on...

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Many people are uninformed about the exchange of the cash registers

Small shopkeepers have only vague knowledge of what awaits them, yet they believe that the businesses are going to go bankrupt en masse. The situation is compounded by the fact...

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MasterCard: 89 percent of the young people use credit card

According to MasterCard’s latest survey sent to MTI on Tuesday, 89 percent of the youngsters with bank connection has credit cards, and 8 percent of them has more than two....

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The 45-50 billion HUF budget plan is tenable

Banai Péter Benő Secretary of State at the Ministry of National Economy held an online press conference on Monday afternoon, including about the installation of online cash registers as well....

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Gyulay: continuous controls at the national tobacco shops

With the opening of the national tobacco shops, new seller and buyer culture must be learnt – the Chief Executive of the ND Nemzeti Dohánykereskedelmi Nonprofit Zrt. told MTI on...

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Szent Jakab-days – Wine and hunting traditions in Sümeg

The programs of the Szent Jakab-days (St. James's day) focus on the wine culture and the traditions of hunting. The organizers await the guests of the St. James's day celebration...

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China Mobile is China's most valuable brand this year

China Mobile is the most valuable brand this year in China again – among the Top 200 Chinese companies, the proportion of private companies is higher than the state-owned companies...

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Businesses forecast more revenues and profits

The revenues and profit expectations of the domestic SME managers for the forthcoming year show an increase over the previous quarter. Businesses forecast a close to 5 percent sales in...

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Memory cards can be installed into the cash registers without royalties

Memory cards installed into the cash registers will be exempted from royalties – the Ministry and the Artisjus took a commitment. But nobody will automatically receive the exemption so it...

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KAVOSZ: the interest subsidies on the Agricultural Széchenyi Card has doubled

The Ministry of Rural Development raised the interest subsidies on the Agricultural Széchenyi Card from the former two percent to four percent – from their own financial resources – the...

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