
Ipsos: we are searching for informations on the Internet

According to the international survey of Ipsos, conducted among netizens, we mainly get the requested informations on the Internet, if we want to know more about new brands and products....

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Bisnode: fewer new companies have founded, but less companies have became insolvent in the first half of the year

The first half of 2013 brought an improvement in the Hungarian company world: although a the number of new companies was less, the number of insolvent companies also decreased –...

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Shopkeepers expect more trickery

Tricks may continue after the introduction of the new online cash machines, or at least the shopkeepers interviewed by Index stated. The NAV believes that the number and the value...

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Good quality grape harvest is expected in Tokaj-Hegyalja

Grape growers expect a good quality grape harvest in Tokaj-Hegyalja this year – the Észak-Magyarország wrote on Wednesday. Prácser Miklós, president of the Tokaj Wine Village Community told the newspaper...

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Magazine: Mom, please buy that one!

According to Péter Hellner, regional director of the Walt Disney Company, who is responsible for 13 countries, growth can be achieved even when it is recession time. Licensed products stand...

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The referenda initiative aimed at restricting tobacco sales has been rejected

The National Election Committee (OVB) at its Wednesday meeting in Budapest rejected a referenda initiative aimed at restricting tobacco sales. According to the majority of the board members, the questions...

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International Stuffed cabbage-cooking contest in Röszke

International stuffed cabbage cooking competition will be held on Saturday in Röszke, Csongrád county. Dozens of teams will enter to the culinary contest from Hungary and from abroad. Most of...

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A weird disease healed by creamcheese

or three-year-old Fields Taylor, cream cheese is a staple in her diet. Although this type of diet might sound disgusting to many people especially since it is for such a...

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Magazine: The most successful MagyarBrand-s of last year

This is the 4th year that Hungarian brands can compete for the MagyarBrands award, the deadline for applications is 30 June 2013. As usual, a jury of independent experts will...

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The authority suspended the distribution rights of two tobacco shop

Decision was born in two cases already, and nearly forty proceedings are under way, due to serving young people under age 18. In addition to the fines, the suspension of...

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The OKSZ urges the NAV registration

According to the National Retail Federation (OKSZ), the replacement of the traditional cash registers can cost more than 40 billion HUF to the traders. The authorized dealers have started the...

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The Agricultural Széchenyi Card will ease the financing of agriculture

The Agricultural Széchenyi Card makes the funding of the Hungarian agriculture more favorable and stable – Feldman Zsolt, Deputy Secretary of State of the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) responsible...

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VAT on bread to be reduced in Romania

VAT will be reduced in Romania to 9 percent from the current 24 percent from September within the entire bread production chain. The deficit in the budget will be covered...

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The economic sentiment indicator of the euro zone rose in July

The euro area’s and EU’s economic sentiment indicator increased in July and indicates less pessimistic expectations – the EU Commission announced on Tuesday. In the 17-member euro area, the Economic...

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The first laboratory bred meat stuffed burgers will be tasted this week

The first laboratory produced stem cell cultured meat-filled burgers will be served in London this week. Production costs were about 250 thousand pounds, or more than 86 million forints. The...

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International Beekeepers Meeting in Jászberény

The biggest professional event of the honey producers, beekeeping equipment makers and distributors; the International Beekeepers Meeting combined with honey fair will be held on 3 August in Jászberény. Most ...

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Wine Communities: A better than average grape harvest this year

According to the current outlooks, the grape growers and wine makers can harvest more than average quantity and quality of grapes this year – Horváth Csaba, the General Secretary of...

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Six HUF loss occurs per egg

Egg producers had to switch to EU-conform larger cages until the end of July2012, which was due to the animal protection regulations of the EU. The required substantial investments thoroughly...

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Magazine: New formats and initiatives from Chicago

Between 16 and 18 April 2013 POPAI Global’s annual meeting for member countries’ representatives took place in Chicago’s legendary Sax Hotel. The first item on the agenda was a presentation...

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HGYSZ: pharmacies are in a competitive disadvantage, compared to the drugstores and the hypermarkets

Pharmacies have several billion HUF losses, because the range of products that can be marketed in pharmacies is continuously narrowing – the Network Pharmacies Association (HGYSZ) told MTI on Monday....

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The NAV has carried out more than 12 thousand pálinka inspections

The finance guards of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) have carried out more than 12 thousand pálinka inspections since the beginning of the year. The staff of the...

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GKI-Erste economic index stagnated in July

The seasonally adjusted value of the GKI-Erste economic index in July stayed on the level of May. According to the GKI Economic Research Co., in the business sector a minimal...

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90 percent of the winter wheat is already harvested in Vas county

More than 90 percent of winter wheat is already harvested in Vas county, the average yield per hectare is more than 4.6 tons, compared to last year’s 4 tons –...

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The tobacco processing industry in Debrecen to be revived with EU support

With the more than 2.5 billion HUF investment of the Róna Dohányfeldolgozó Kft., the tobacco processing industry in Debrecen to be revived. The company won 322.5 million HUF from the...

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Luxury petfood: 40 dollar sushi-rolls for the cat

Store employees could not believe their eye after the store sold out their super expensive sushi rolls for cats in under an hour, according to a statement released by the...

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New form of advertisement: women's thighs

A PR agent in Tokyo is trying to get attention in the advert-saturated capital by placing adverts on young women's thighs. Participants, who must be over 18, are recommended to...

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Cash Machines: according to the OKSZ, the price war for the dealers’ 40 billion HUF is delaying

The replacement of the traditional cash registers can cost more than 40 billion HUF to the retailers. According to the National Retail Federation (OKSZ) the cash register vendors’ interest is...

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Transactions fees increase from 1st August

The transactions duty on electronic transfers will increase to 0.3 percent from 0.2 percent and the duty on cash withdrawals to 0.6 percent from 0.3 percent from 1st August this...

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Mobile and smartphone sales increased further in the second quarter

The global market growth rate of mobile phone and smartphone sales continued to accelerate in the second quarter – the International Data Corporation (IDC) U.S. IT and telecommunications market research...

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The government creates an agricultural research network

The government decided to create an integrated agricultural research network. The government's decision was published in the Magyar Közlöny (Hungarian Official Gazette). The network will include the Szeged-based Gabonakutató Nonprofit...

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