
Mazars: the NAV checks the payments of the environmental product fee

Checks on environmental product fee are priority areas this year for the National Tax and Customs Authority (NAV). While in case of other taxes, the tax penalty is equal to...

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NGM: there will not be a new deadline

The deadline of the online cash register replacement will not change to 31 May 2014 – the National Economy Ministry (NGM) told. The NGM said that even in the case...

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The revival of micro-enterprises

Although the economic outlooks remains unfavorable for the investment and borrowing mood of the micro-enterprises, the majority of long- term thinking companies have realized that bank funds are essential to...

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OKSZ: it is impossible to finish the cash register replacement this year

According to the National Retail Federation (OKSZ) it is impossible to complete the cash register replacement by 31 December 2013, as it is wished by the Ministry of National Economy...

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Global wine production is not keeping pace with consumption

The world's wine production is below the global wine consumption. Therefore price increases are expected on the global wine market – Morgan Stanley warns in its fresh analysis. The growing...

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Christmas gift-giving at companies has fallen sharply

The christmas gift orders of the companies decreased sharply, both in volume and value: less than one-fifth of the firms are giving Christmas presents, while 10 years ago, twice as...

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MLSZKSZ : there will be combined transportation in Hungary again

The competitiveness of the Hungarian domestic multimodal transport has increased significantly, due to the introduction of the e- toll.           The Hungarian Association of Logistics Service...

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The Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Sector Strategy is under public consultation

The Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Sector Strategy of the Ministry of Rural Development was released for public consultation on Monday. The strategy aims to produce more than 3.5 million tons...

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Magazin: Coffee consumption increases above the age of twenty

One quarter of young people drink coffee daily in one form or another and one third of them can be called regular coffee drinkers (sipping a cup of coffee every...

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Watch out, honey! – Family day and honey fair

The event organized by the Hungarian Museum of Commerce and Tourism revolves around honey on 30th November 2013, where you get the chance to taste honey by various farmers....

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Czerván: strengthening cattle sector, increasing milk production

The cattle sector can be strengthened with proper preparation after the existing milk quota system of the EU will be terminated from 2015, which determines the amount of milk that...

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Poultry Product Council: VAT reduction is crucial for the sector

According to the Poultry Products Council (BTT), VAT reduction is crucial in the poultry sector, because it would repress the black economy, it would reduce imports, while the competitiveness of...

Read more increasing coupon useage

With the widespread of online coupon sites, the number of those people who choose to finance their holidays, food consumption or medical treatment from coupons that can be purchased on...

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The recycling of packaging has increased

The rate recycling of packaging waste grew in Hungary in 2011 – Eurostat’s recently published data shows. 62.9 percent of the packagings was recycled, about 59.3 percent was material recovery,...

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The Week of Young Entrepreneurs at 12 locations nationwide

This year's Week of Young Entrepreneurs which will take place for the sixth time, will line up the most promising Hungarian gastronomy and innovative start-ups, as well as the regional...

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A National Cooking Contest was announced for public catering companies

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) and the Hungarian Diet Chefs’ Association announced a National Cooking Contest for public catering companies. At the contest, the participants must prepare nutritious...

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St. Martin's Day Feast in the Village Museum of Sóstó

Goose beauty contest, different tournaments, feast of goosedishes and new wine tasting will await the visitors of the St. Martin's Day Feast in the Village Museum of Sóstó. Kisgyörgy Tamás,...

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The ministerial decree that will regulate fisheries management soon to be completed

The ministerial decree that will regulate fisheries management soon to be completed – the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) told MTI. According to the information of the Ministry, the implementation...

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Interest rates – a roller coaster is coming

GKI forecasts that after the recession of last year, a minimal GDP growth, barely better than stagnation, can be expected in 2013, followed by only around 1.3 per cent growth...

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The season of imported vegetable to be started

The early morning colds have put an end to the season of field vegetables. The supply of imported vegetables is getting more abundant on the Budapest Wholesale Market, from the...

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The Dairy Product Board has developed a medium-term development concept

The Dairy Interprofessional Organization and Product Board has developed a medium-term development concept for the 2014-2020 period – Lukács László executive director of the Product Board informed MTI. He said...

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KSH: foreign trade surplus grew in August

The value of exports in August this year was 6.4 billion euros (1911 billion HUF), while the value of imports was 5.8 billion euros (1728 billion HUF). The trade surplus...

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European food price increases are slowing down

Contrary to the expectations, the eurozone’s inflation continued to decline in October – Eurostat’s fresh datas show. Energy prices fell by 1.7 percent, while food, alcohol and tobacco product price...

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Poles like Hungarian organic beer

This year, Hungary was the guest of honor of the the sixth edition of the Natura Food, Food Industrial Fair in Lodz, Poland. The one and only Hungarian organic beer,...

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Two wines were awarded with the Piarist Wine of the Year title

The winners of the Piarist Wine of the Year wine competition, announced by the Hungarian Province of the Piarist Order were awarded with the honorary degree on 29 October. The...

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Outstanding Aszú yields in Tokaj-Hegyalja

Aszú yields can be outstanding in Tokaj-Hegyalja wine region this year, where harvest is still ongoing – Észak-Magyarország wrote on Wednesday. At least five thousand tons of Aszú is expected...

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With Krúdy to the coffee house

All the friends of retro and literature might enjoy the Krúdy-night on 14th November on Thursday at the Hungarian Museum of Commerce and Tourism. The viszitors are going to check...

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The consumer confidence index increased to 45 points in Hungary

According to the results of a survey conducted by Nielsen in the third quarter of this year, the consumer confidence index rose by four points to 45 points in Hungary,...

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The NAK proposes the VAT reduction of meat products in the first round

The National Agricultural Economics Chamber (NAK) asks the Parliament to decrease VAT on the products of the participants of the agriculture and the food industry. In the food first round...

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