
Czerván György: excellent yields of crops harvested in the fall

Despite the heat wave and the drought in July and August, according to the latest datas, the yields of crops harvested in the fall are quite excellent – Czerván György,...

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NGM : bona fide taxpayers will not be punished

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) is relatively calm about the withdrawal of the previously approved cash register’s sales license. They do not worry about public support, because it will...

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Cooperation agreement with the Russian Roseximbank

The Magyar Export-Import Bank Zrt. (Eximbank) has initated a cooperation agreement with all three pillars of the Russian export subsidy scheme, theVnyesekonombank, Roseximbank and EXIAR, in order to facilitate investment...

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Inventor of döner dies

The Turkish immigrant credited with inventing the doner kebab has died in Berlin aged 80. Kadir Nurman set up a stall in West Berlin in 1972, selling grilled meat and...

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Foreign trade turnover rose by 8 percent with Russia

In the first seven months, Hungary’s foreign trade turnover rose by 8.1 percent with Russia, compared to the previous year, reaching a total of 7.1 billion dollars – Szijjártó Péter,...

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1400 billion HUF for rural development

The Darányi Ignác Plan New Hungary Rural Development Program closes at year end the year. The program since 2007 provided 1,400 billion HUF worth EU fundings for Hungary. The results...

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Controls at the National Tobacco Shops

The National Tax and Customs Authority found more than two hundred irregularities, during 2600 tests at the National Tobacco Shops – Magyar Nemzet wrote. The most typical faults were administrative...

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Biomass can be a significant energy source again

Biomass can be a major energy source for the Hungarian countryside again as it was for centuries – the Minister for Rural Development insisted on Friday in Budapest, at a...

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More than one hundred thousand people visited the Sausage Festival of Békéscsaba

More than one hundred thousand people visited the Sausage Festival of Békéscsaba, which this year surpassed all expectations: the number of sausage-making teams was higher than last year. Several teams...

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The consumer will tell you : research and conference about the common perspectives of business and technology

Several marketing managers feel their knowledge about Big Data and social media business technologies more insecure, compared to two years ago, while consumers are slowly taking over the control in...

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Nielsen: household chemicals and cosmetics were sold for 200 billion HUF this year

The retail turnover of household chemicals and cosmetics reached 200 billion HUF this year from January to August; 1 percent more than in the same period of the last year....

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GfK: the Hungarian purchasing power is less than 40 percent of the European average

The ten richest countries of Europe have over about half of Europe's total purchasing power, while in the poorest country, which is Moldova, the per capita disposable income is less...

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The cattle business has started

In Hungary, the producer price of young bulls fell by nearly 5 percent in September 2013, compared to the same period of the last year. The price of slaughter cows...

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Mobile data connection will not be cheaper

There will be no central purchasing for mobile data connection in terms of online cash registers, as this move would create a monopoly for one of the mobile operators –...

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Hungarian success at the Chinese trade show

China International Travel Mart (CITM) is the largest professional travel mart in Asia. It has drawn the attention of people in the tourism industry worldwide. As an annual event, it...

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KSH: the volume of retail sales rose in August

According to the calendar adjusted data, the volume of retail trade rose by 1.4 percent in August, compared to the previous year. It is 0.1 percent less than the flash...

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Europe prepares for a wine price decrease after the rich harvest

On the bais of the experiences, this year’s grape harvest is excellent. The exact summary is not yet ready, but is expected that a minimum of three million hectoliters of...

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Hungarians are having breakfast for half an hour

Fewer people are taking time to enjoy breakfast in Hungary, but who are having breakfast, spend nearly half an hour with it eating sandwiches and bakery products. The sweet breakfast...

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The first PC-based online cash register has received permission

After its small cash registers the Laurel Group's PC-based online cash register with electronic diary has also received permission from the Hungarian Trade Licensing Office. The Hungarian Trade Licensing Office...

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The Sausage Festival of Békéscsaba has begun

The Rural Development Minister called the four-day long 17th Sausage Festival of Békéscsaba as the largest gastro-cultural event of Hungary at the opening ceremony on Thursday. The organizers expect tens...

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The Fair of Crafted Hungarian Flavours focuses on fish and game meat

Fish and game meat products are in the center of the sixth Fair of Crafted Hungarian Flavours, that will be between 8 and 10 November in Budapest. In the B...

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The Helping to Buy program debuts at the Sausage Festival of Békéscsaba

The Helping to Buy program, that aims to market the products of disabled people, debuts at the Sausage Festival of Békéscsaba At the fair, organized by the Salva Vita Foundation...

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Mistrust towards the pending cash registers

The article of Népszabadság makes MKEH responsible for the confusion, despite the fact is that the dsitributors cannot provide the required missing rectification and on the forum of office machine...

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Cigarette sales fell significantly in August

In August, a big decrease occured in cigarette sales – the statistics of NAV show. The last month of the summer usually produces a consumption peak, thus the data that...

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“Test Your Recipe!” – An exciting recipe competition with Camping Cheese

THE WINNING RECIPE SOUR CHERRY CHEESE CAKE WITH CAMPING CHEESE – THE WINNER Ingredients to the 26 cm cake tin: For the dough: 200 grams of grinded or oat biscuit,...

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Magazine: Pet food’s market position improved furthe

In December 2012-May 2013 general food stores sold dog food in the value of HUF 14 billion. Value sales were up 10 percent from the base period and volume sales...

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A large drop in vodka and beer production in Ukraine

Vodka production in Ukraine declined by nearly a third, while the amount of beer production fell by more than one-fifth by comparing the datas of September 2013 and 2012 –...

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The rise of GKI-Erste economic sentiment index continued in October

In October GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects continued to rise, reaching its peak value of this year. According to the empirical survey conducted by GKI ( with...

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Rosehip picnic will be held on Saturday in Tihany

Rosehip picnic will be held on Saturday at the Market Spot in Tihany, where a wide range of culinary offers and live music will await the guests all day next...

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