
Payment of area-based EU agricultural funding begins

The payment of a total of 170 billion forints in area-based funding to some 180 thousand farmers began on Wednesday; farmers are receiving 50 percent of their total funding now,...

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The transaction fee resulted in less ATM use and the spread of cash payment

Although most customers are aware of the fact of the introduction of transaction fee, but only a few people know the specific rate of the fee – GfK Hungária’s research...

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The Food Bank says thanks to the one billion HUF support of the Hungarian firms

The Donation Convoy hits the road on 16 October for the eighth time. The convoy transports the food donations of the Hungarian trading companies to the warehouse of the Hungarian...

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On the basis of average salaries Czechs spend the most on alcoholic drinks

Among the Western Balkan countries, the residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina are spending the most money on alcohol annually. They are in seventh place in the world alcohol rankings. According...

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New progressive economic perspectives in the Central and Eastern European member states of EU

The objective of this report is to analyse the effects of the global financial and economic crisis on eleven Central and Eastern European (CEE11) EU member states as well as...

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When food prices rise, three out of four Hungarian consumers change their shopping habits

77 percent of the Hungarian consumers say, that they change their shopping habits when food prices start to increase. Most people save on eating between meals, on new clothing and...

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Supervised pesticide registration is the basis of food chain safety

An important element of the food chain safety is plant and soil protection, especially the pesticide registration – among others it was also the subject of the conference of the...

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KSH: industrial production increased for the third consecutive month in August

Industrial production increased by 0.7 percent in August, compared to the previous month and working day adjusted exceeded the level of the previous year by 0.9 percent – the Central...

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NGM: patience lasted until 30 September

According to the Ministry of National Economy (NGM), the grace period to find, and order the new online cash machines ended on 30 September. If the traders carried out the...

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Fazekas: the Hungarian food safety is on world-class level

The Hungarian world-class food safety is guaranteed by the veterinary service which is celebrating its 125th anniversary – Fazekas Sándor, Minister for Rural Development told at a press conference before...

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Magazine: Man or machine?

Automatic coffee machines have become much more widely used in recent years. In theory these devices can do what skilled baristas can: making various hot beverages from many ingredients quickly...

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Economy has by now exceeded that of the pre-crisis period

In August this year, industrial performance – according to workday-adjusted data – increased by 0.9 percent in comparison to the corresponding period of 2012, while in light of data adjusted...

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Professional organizations: the production of the meat industry can only be increased with VAT reduction

According to the trade associations of the meat industry, without the decrease of the pig and poultry meat’s VAT to 5 percent the production of the meat and the poultry...

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The first PC-based online cash register is coming soon

The first computer-based online cash register is about to get a license – the MKEH informed The first computer-based online cash register can get a license from the Hungarian...

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Domestic potatoes will run out of stock for the Spring

This year’s domestic potato crop will not last after February and high potato prices are expected until then. If Hungarian potatoes will run out of stock, imports are needed, that...

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Nearly the fifth of the domestic small and medium-sized businesses had been in trouble, because of data stealing

The data protection standard and document destruction habits of two hundred domestic small and medium-sized enterprises were examined in a representative survey which revealed, that although 90 percent of the...

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The approval of new beers is suspended in the U.S.

The U.S. beer industry is also badly affected by the halt in the work of the central government, since the authorization of the new beers has stopped as well. The...

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Rising food prices have catapulted the Chinese inflation

China's inflation rate rose to its seven-month peak in September, mainly due to the increase in food prices and because of some seasonal effects. According to Chinese government statistics, in...

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Three records at the 28th SPAR Budapest Marathon Festival

Records have born in terms of the number of participants, marathon runners and foreign runners at the 28th SPAR Budapest Marathon Festival, that was held on Sunday. The Hungarian champion...

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KSH: a higher-than-expected annual inflation in September

The annual inflation rate was higher than expected in September; 1.4 percent. Consumer prices increased by 0.5 percent, compared to the previous month – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced...

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National Networking Conference on 30 October

We would like to draw your attention to the year's largest professional business networking event the NATIONAL NETWORKING CONFERENCE. Lecturers will be Matyi Dezső, owner of the Alexandra Kiadó, Litkai...

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German food discounts are getting more expensive

Prices at discount German supermarkets Aldi and Lidl have risen quicker than those at their more expensive competitors, a consumer watchdog study revealed on Thursday. Customers shopping at the country's...

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The winemakers of Szekszárd have brought premium wines to Russia

The representatives of the of Szekszárd wine region have brought their premium wines to Russia. They introduced their wines on Friday in Moscow, than the recommend their products at an...

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Autumn culinary walks for gourmets and curious

The Autumn culinary walks of the Hosszúlépés team will guide the curious visitors who are committed to the legends of Budapest into the world of fast food, Chinese and kosher...

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Specialties at the scone festival this weekend

In addition to grilled or fried, a variety of traditional flavored scones will be represented at the first Kürtőskalács (scone) festival this weekend in the City Park of Budapest. The...

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Hungarian organic products to be introduced at the Polish trade fair

Organic wines, organic pálinkas, organic food products, food manufacturers and distributors of other organic and natural ingredients will represent themselves at the Natura Food International Organic and Conventional Food Fair...

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KSH: the decline in agricultural prices accelerated in August

Agricultural procurement prices decreased by 7.4 percent in August, compared to the year before. After the 2.3 percent drop of July, agricultural procurement prices are decreasing for the second consecutive...

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