Market News

The President of the Fishing Federation said that the quality of Hungarian fish is excellent

The quality of fish produced in Hungary is excellent – Szűcs Lajos Chairman of the National Federation of Hungarian Anglers (MOHOSZ) told MTI. The Fidesz parliamentarian stressed that the title...

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China is interested in Hungarian agricultural products

China has opened up for imports of Hungarian cereals, animal products and wine, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) said on Thursday following the meeting of Farkas Sándor, Parliamentary Minister of...

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The logistics alliance turned to the government to increase the competitiveness of the sector

The Association of Hungarian Logistics Service Centers (MLSZKSZ) developed a package of measures affecting the road, rail and waterway, logistic services and the customs area, in order to increase the...

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In October a cargo traffic record was reached at Liszt Ferenc Airport

Record was made in terms of cargo traffic at Liszt Ferenc International Airport in October; the 13,313 tons of cargo were 22.9 percent higher than in the year before, which...

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Employment has continued to rise in the EU and in the euro area at a slowing pace

Employment in the European Union and the euro area continued to rise in the third quarter at a slowing pace. According to preliminary data released on Wednesday by the EU...

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Digitization could bring nine billion euros to Hungary according to a survey

Up to 9 billion euros can be added to the performance of the Hungarian economy by 2025, according to the recent survey of McKinsey & amp; Company. According to the...

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NAK helps its members with Corporate Management Advices as well

The conference on “Together for the Food Industry” launched by the National Chamber of Agriculture continues with the theme “New Directions for Corporate Management” on 20 November 2018. The purpose...

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A survey was carried out on pesticides in fish ponds

A comprehensive survey was carried out on what pesticides and pharmaceutical residues are found in fish ponds in Hungary and acan be found in the meat of fish that are...

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OMV: Hungarian motorists choose espresso

Still the espresso is the favorite of the Hungarian drivers, but they are increasingly open to other types of coffee as well – according to OMV Hungária’s data. In the...

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(HU) A digitalizációnak köszönhetően tisztul az ingatlanközvetítői szakma

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Magazine: The building blocks of joy

Block chocolate sales increased in the last few years as people had more money to spend. Gábor Mayer, managing director of Mondelez Hungária Kft. told our magazine that shoppers prefer...

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The Hungarian economy was strong in the third quarter

According to the raw data, Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 4.8 percent in the third quarter of this year, compared to the same period of the previous year....

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KSH: agricultural producer prices increased by 6.2 percent in September

In September, agricultural producer prices increased by 6.2 percent year-on-year. The price of vegetable products increased by 12.1 percent and livestock and animal products fell by 2.8 percent, the Central...

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A record grape and wine production is expected by the Ministry of Agriculture for this year

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) expects the largest grape production of recent years; 550,000 tonnes and 3,8 million hectoliters of wine from 62,000 hectares of land. According to the statement...

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Nearly half of the young Hungarians use dietary supplements

Almost half of young Hungarians have consumed some kind of dietary supplements in the past year, but almost one third of them do not know exactly what kind of products...

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I do the ironing while you do the dishes. Let’s share housework!

Have you ever wondered who takes the lion’s share of the job in your household? The recent research of Zewa reveals how the Hungarian families are thinking about sharing the...

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The night of modern factories in 2018 again

The Night of Modern Factories will be held again on 16 November, between 4 and 10 pm. At the special night, the visitors can see examples of automated and digitized...

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European Court of Auditors: there are still have weaknesses in the treatment of farm animals

EU action on animal welfare has been successful in several respects, but there are still some shortcomings in the treatment of farm animals, the European Court of Auditors said in...

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Consumer prices have risen in Europe’s largest economy

The increase in consumer prices boosted to six-and-a-half-year peak in Germany in October. The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) announced on Tuesday that the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP)...

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FAO: Declining international prices to ease food import burden for poorest countries

Declining international agricultural commodity prices should ease the bill the world’s poorest countries pay for food imports, although the strengthening U.S. dollar poses “serious concerns”, a new United Nations report...

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Magazine: Consumers are more conscious, but they still have a lot to learn

Although the market of functional foods keeps growing, it isn’t sill fully clear yet what products belong to this category. The general interpretation is that those foods are functional which...

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Nearly one million Hungarians are considered to be snacking addicts

In October, the Mogyi-Caramoon carried out its research on snacking with the participation of more than 1000 participants. When, what and why do we eat snacks? – these were the...

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Export momentum has continued to decline

In September, exports in euro declined by 2.3 percent, while imports rose 6.3 percent. Foreign trade surplus was 268 million euros, 699 million euros less than a year before –...

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Increased weight and height will require more food

It will be more difficult to supply food to the Earth’s estimated population of 9 billion by 2050, as an average person will need more food in terms of height...

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Almost two billion forints of government subsidies were granted to SMEs for job creation

Nearly two billion forints non-refundable subsidies have been received by 141 businesses in the framework of a support for job-creating investment among the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises – the...

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85,000 euros was paid for a white truffle

The owner of a Hong Kong restaurant paid 85,000 euros for 850 grams of a special white truffle at an auction in Alba, Piedmont – index wrote. This auction is...

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European Court of Justice: the taste of a food can not be protected by copyright

The taste of a food can not be protected by copyright, as it is not yet possible to identify it precisely and objectively, so it can not be distinguished from...

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Magazine: Candy – yes, sugar – no

Sales are on the rise again in the candy market – it was revealed at a roundtable discussion organised by the Association of Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers on 3 July. New...

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KSH: Hungarians spend the most on food and non-alcoholic beverages

The average monthly average per capita spending of the Hungarian population was 88,600 HUF in the first half of this year, 8.8 percent more than in the same period of...

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The change in prices of vegetables and oil has spurned inflation

The 2.7 percent inflation in the first nine months of the year can be explained by the price change of seasonal vegetables and the international rise in oil prices –...

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