Market News

Magazine: Sustainability in business and everyday life

According to a recent online survey by Nielsen, consumers all over the world are the most concerned about air and water pollution. At a global level, 73 percent of consumers would...

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New brands testify the excellence and environmental friendliness of the products

The Hungarian Product Nonprofit Ltd. has created new trademarks to certify product excellence and eco-friendliness, while Hungarian manufacturers can apply for the Excellent Product and Eco-labels – MTI announced on...

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Financial research may continue to hold the momentum of the economy next year

According to the latest analysis of the Pénzügykutató Zrt., the momentum of the economy may continue next year, but the growth rate will decline from the 4.7 percent of this...

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Minister of Agriculture: farmers must be supported to be able to handle climate change well

Minister of Agriculture Nagy István pointed out at the meeting of EU agriculture ministers that farmers should be protected and supported in order to be able to respond adequately to...

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The NAIK invites young agricultural researchers to apply

The National Center for Agricultural Research and Innovation (NAIK) is announcing a call for PhD students and young researchers in the field of agriculture, known as the National Agricultural Talent...

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Employment Service: the number of job seekers fall in August

The number of jobseekers dropped by 2.4 percent in August, compared to the same period of the previous year and by 1.1 percent, compared to July. At the end of...

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The government will continue to take action to exempt the distillation of pálinka

The government is taking action in every forum of the European Union (EU) to re-exempt the production of pálinka – Tállai András told Magyar Nemzet. The parliamentary Minister of State...

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Consumer confidence in the United States deteriorated more than expected in September

Consumer confidence in the United States decreased in September, much more than analysts had expected. The Conference Board Economic Research Institute said on Tuesday that the consumer confidence index fell...

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New industrial site to be built in Medgyesegyháza from almost half a billion forints

About eight hectares of new industrial space will be created in the inner city of Medgyesegyháza – the Medgyesegyháza Industrial Park Investment and Development Nonprofit Ltd. announced on Tuesday. Within...

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Magazin: Emberszámban

Két számjegyű az állateledelpiac bővülése, ezen belül látványos a diszkontok előretörése. A csatorna jó lehetőséget lát a kategóriában, folyamatosan fejleszti, így növekszik a modern, kényelmes eledelek penetrációja. Ami viszont csatornafüggetlen: egyre...

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GKI: economy is growing at an annual average of 4.3 percent this year

GKI Economic Research Co. has raised its forecast for economic growth this year, expecting 4.3 percent instead of the 4 percent forecasted in June – Vértes András, GKI’s president said...

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Machines are behind the growth of the commercial sector

The turnover of domestic stores is constantly breaking records: according to the latest data of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), the volume of retail trade is 6.4 percent higher...

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NAK: 150-200 thousand hectares are irrigated in Hungary

Irrigation is practiced in Hungary on about 150-200 thousand hectares, which is comparatively small compared to the Hungarian possibilities, because there would be a demand for irrigation on 400 thousand...

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Nébih found everything all right when examining VinAgora’s medalist wines

The National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) found everything okay when examining VinAgora International Wine Competition’s medalist wines – the Magyar Szőlő- és Borkultúra Nonprofit Kft. (Hungarian Wine Culture Nonprofit...

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Opten: the company establishing practice is changing

Only one in four start-ups starts with a clean slate, 75 percent of fresh start-ups are still linked to previous companies, but changes to come in the Hungarian company formation...

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Between 2013 and 2017, almost 12 billion euros of counterfeit goods were seized in the European Union

About 438 million counterfeit goods were seized in the European Union between 2013 and 2017, with an estimated value of nearly 12 billion euros – the European Union Intellectual Property...

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The ifo German business sentiment index strengthened slightly

The business sentiment index of the Ifo Economic Research Institute in Germany increased more than expected in September; economic opinion on the current situation has improved, but the index of...

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Magazin: A fenntarthatósági törekvésekben mindenkinek részt kell vennie

Ma már a csapból is a fenntarthatóság folyik, ám nagyon fontos, hogy időnként benézzünk a hangzatos, zöld mondatok mögé. Vajon létezik-e valódi fenntarthatóság, vagy egyelőre csak a felszínt kapargatjuk? A...

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Újabb boltok használhatják a SuperStore logót!

A Trade magazin ismét versenyezni hívta a Magyarországon bejegyzett székhellyel rendelkező értékesítési pontokat. A SuperStore versenyen olyan helyek indultak eséllyel, ahol az értékesítési koncepciónak leginkább megfelelő a dizájn, a célcsoport...

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The Milk Product Council launches a campaign to encourage the consumption of Hungarian milk

The Milk Product Council is launching a television campaign to help consumers choose domestically produced milk and dairy products over imported goods – the Milk Product Council told MTI on...

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This year’s apple production might be worrse than estimated before

This year’s apple harvest may be under 400,000 tonnes, which is 15-20 percent lower than the previous pessimistic estimate, and up to 35 percent below the long-term average of around...

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Századvég: GDP may grow by 4.8 percent this year

The Századvég Economic Researcher revised its GDP growth forecast to 4.8 percent this year and expects a growth of 3.9 percent by 2020, but notes that weakness in the German...

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Households’ solvency declined slightly in the second quarter, according to Intrum’s index

Households’ solvency declined slightly in the second quarter of this year, compared to the previous quarter, but is still high; the decline is largely due to the growing loan portfolio...

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Consumer protection: complaint at products ordered through newspaper ads is frequent

There are frequent consumer complaints about products ordered through newspaper ads – Kispál Edit, spokeswoman for the National Association of Consumer Protection Associations told M1 news channel on Saturday. There...

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Bad news from the German private sector

For the first time in six and a half years, the performance of the private sector in the German economy declined in September as the manufacturing recession deepened and lost...

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GKI’s business confidence index fell in September

The GKI economic sentiment index fell to its two-and-a-half-year low in September, within which business expectations plummeted to their lowest level in the past three years. However, consumer expectations improved...

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The sugar beet processing campaign has started in Kaposvár

The 126th beet processing campaign started at the sugar factory of the Magyar Cukor Zrt. in Kaposvár on Friday. Kovács Gergely, a member of the board of directors of the...

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Eating habits will be assessed again

Hungarian eating habits will be assessed again as part of the European Population Health Survey – the head of department of the National Institute for Pharmacy and Nutrition (OGYÉI) said....

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An agricultural logistics center and a cold store were handed over Nemesvámos

An agricultural logistics center and a cold store have been handed over in Nemesvámos, Veszprém county. The investment cost 274 million HUF. At the handover ceremony on Friday, Sövényházi Balázs,...

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British merchants began to stock up Christmas drinks

Traders in the United Kingdom began to stock up on Christmas alcohol stocks earlier this year, as there is still much uncertainty about whether the UK will leave the EU...

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