Market News

There is huge potential for development in the horticultural sector

The Hungarian horticultural sector has a great potential for development, reaching only 30-40 percent of its capacity for years. The National Chamber of Agriculture, together with the strategic partner professional...

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Analysts: the coronary epidemic may slow down the performance of the economy

Economic analysts told MTI that the coronary epidemic makes economic forecasts in this year uncertain, but they still expect an around 4 percent. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased by 4.5...

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OKSZ: even though demand for durable food has increased slightly, the security of supply is not at risk

Turnover data for the last 24 hours show that demand for certain durable foods has slightly increased in the member companies of OKSZ, according to the OKSZ announcement. The Trade...

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Consumer sentiment in the United States improved in February

Consumer sentiment in the United States improved in February, according to a standard monthly survey by the University of Michigan. According to final data released on Friday, the consumer sentiment...

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Google Shopping is growing at an alarming rate

Google Shopping is growing at an alarming rate. Accounting for 55% of Google search ad clicks in the US, Google Shopping is a huge traffic-driving source, ultimately increasing earning potential...

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A restructuring information and communication technologies market

Tamás Laufer, president of the Hungarian Association of IT Companies (IVSZ) told: In just 5 years the direct and indirect gross value added (GVA) of the information and communication technologies...

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The impact of microplastics on food safety: the case of fishery and aquaculture products

Microplastics present in the oceans and inland waters are unintentionally ingested by a large number of aquatic animals of commercial value. These plastic particles are made of compounds such as...

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Magazine: Spirits 2019

Extending the public health product tax (NETA) to spirits in 2015 entailed a 20-30 percent price increase in the category. Sales were also affected negatively by the law that allowed...

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Nébih: quality and labeling problems have also been found at cheese products

The National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) has tested 31 cream cheese products in its latest Supermenta product test, and 20 cases have been subject to regulatory action due to...

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The coronavirus is boosting demand for durable foods

Coronavirus disease is on the rise in Europe, prompting people to accumulate durable foods in Hungary as well – wrote. The National Trade Association, which includes members of Tesco,...

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According to a recent K&H study, SMEs remain optimistic

On average, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) expect 8.3 percent more revenue and 5.2 percent profit growth this year. The most optimistic sectors are the medium-sized and commercial companies –...

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With full employment, the number of economically active people is decreasing

The labor market is stabilizing, reaching full employment – but the number of economically active people has been falling for four months – according to a quick analysis by ING,...

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A full agricultural census will be launched in May

The Central Statistical Office (KSH) will conduct a full agricultural census between May 15 and June 30, 2020, entitled “Agricultural Census, 2020,” – origo wrote. The purpose of the survey...

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Amazon is taking action in case of overpriced medical masks

Amazon has announced that the site will look specifically at dealers who sell medical masks and take action against those who raise the price of medical masks – origo wrote....

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Consumer confidence in the euro area and in the EU improved in February

Consumer confidence in the euro area and in the European Union improved in February, according to final figures released by the European Commission on Thursday. The euro area, which comprises...

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KSH: gross earnings increased by 11.4 percent to 367,800 HUF last year

In December last year, average gross earnings were 406,400 HUF, 13.1 percent higher than a year before, so last year’s average earnings were 367,800 HUF and net 244,600 HUF, both...

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The amount of garbage in Budapest can be reduced by up to third

One third of the garbage produced by households is organic waste that can be turned into humus by individual and community composting. You can now read more about the propeer...

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The world economy may lose more than 1,000 billion USD this year

While China’s economic growth will be hard pressed by the effects of the corona virus, Oxford Economics analysts say the entire world economy may lose more than 1,000 billion USD...

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A soup powder was called back because of an unlabeled allergen ingredient

Allergenic material – milk – may have been added to Demae Ramen Spicy soup powder, which was not labeled on the product, so Nissin Foods GmbH recalls the product marketed...

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Eight hundred million VAT fraud has been uncovered by the tax authority

A man who cheated on VAT on meat imported from abroad has caused about 800 HUF million loss to the budget, and the National Tax and Customs Board (NAV) is...

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The economic performance of the euro area improved in February

The eurozone’s economy performed better than expected in February, according to a preliminary survey released on Friday by the IHS Markit Economic Research Institute in London. In the euro area,...

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Consumer confidence in the United States improved less than expected in February

Consumer confidence in the United States improved less than expected by analysts in February. The Conference Board nonprofit Economic Research Institute announced on Tuesday that the consumer confidence index rose...

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University students are planning the pig hutches of the future

In Germany, a competition was announced to design pig hutches for students of several universities and colleges – wrote. Special attention was paid to animal welfare and the movement...

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DACHSER expands its contract logistics capacities

The US conglomerate Emerson is expanding its collaboration with DACHSER. In view of the new European contract logistics mandate for Emerson’s Climate Technologies division, DACHSER expanded its capacities in Alsdorf...

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A sip of the beer market

Dr Sándor Kántor, president of the Association of Hungarian Brewers informed that the six member breweries produce approximately 6 million hectolitres of beer a year. Although sales of Hungarian-made beers...

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Magazine: ‘Superfoods’ are becoming more popular among confectionery products too

Sándor Sánta, president of the Association of Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers informed that there are approximately 250 confectionery product manufacturers in Hungary, and these employ about 5,000 people. The combined sales...

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Social issues in brand building

What a company thinks about social issues is now emerging as it builds its brand. This is how “brand purpose” or “doing good” campaigns link social advertising issues with marketing....

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The Eastern European and Baltic countries insist on retaining resources for the Common Agricultural Policy

The agriculture ministers of Eastern Europe and the Baltic states said in a joint statement in Warsaw on Monday that maintaining the level of resources available for the Common Agricultural...

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The GKI economic activity index remained on its 3 year nadir

GKI’s business index remained at its almost 40-month low in January, following a slight deterioration in business expectations in February and a nearly same improvement in consumer expectations – the...

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