Market News

KSH: investments grew by 8.7 percent in the first quarter

In the first quarter of this year, the volume of investments increased by 8.7 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year and by 3.2 percent, compared to...

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With enough rainfall, this year’s corn crop could even break a record

Last year was not good for corn. Due to the extreme weather and various pests, it was finally possible to harvest only a much weaker crop than the average of...

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Less melon is expected to grow this year

It is expected that fewer melons will be produced this year, but producers can satisfy domestic consumption, the Association of Hungarian Melon Producers told MTI.   Planting is not over...

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Analysts: Investment set a historic record in the first quarter

Investments set a historic record in the first quarter of this year, analysts told MTI, commenting on a report released by the KSH on Monday. Growth was fueled by private...

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SMEs can save tens of billions by reducing employment administration

Tens of billions of forints can be saved annually by SMEs by reducing the administration of employment, which the Ministry of Finance is currently working on, Izer Norbert informs MTI....

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Economic sentiment index in the euro area stagnates at a one-year low

In May, the economic sentiment index in the euro area stagnated at the low level of a year earlier, according to a regular monthly survey by the European Commission’s Directorate-General...

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Research institute: inflation in Germany may reduce in the second half of the year

Inflation in Germany could fall in the second half of the year, according to a survey released on Friday by the Ifo Economic Research Institute in Munich. According to ifo,...

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Everything you can know about the new special taxes so far

As is well known, the Government of Hungary has recently made a decision to establish a general defense and national defense fund, the source of which has been imposed on...

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(HU) Európában súlyos csapás érte az élelmiszerek piacát, csökkent az életszínvonal

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Bees is the essence – an interactive puppet show series supported by Syngenta

Getting to know nature and, at the same time, preserving it, cannot be started early enough. This idea gave birth to an interactive puppet show and series of workshops entitled...

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Magazine: Price promotions /Re-planning

On 28 May 2022 Directive (EU) 2019/2161 of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 98/6/EC should be applied in Hungary, together with the new rules amending the...

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A new rule tightens the actions in stores

The actions of the stores will be tightened by a new EU and Hungarian law, which will come into force on Saturday, May 28, the Association of Conscious Shoppers said...

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The supply of strawberries is still plentiful

The supply of strawberries is still plentiful, and by the end of May, the field harvest will reach consumers in large quantities, according to a summary published on the FruitVeb...

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eNet: 6.2 million people already use smartphones in Hungary

In Hungary, 6.2 million people already use smartphones and roughly 6 million people use the Internet on their mobile phones between the ages of 18 and 69, according to the...

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The Hungarian Grain Association is thirty years old

The agricultural work in the spring has been completed, and it is reassuring that the sown areas have increased, said Minister of Agriculture Nagy István at the 30th anniversary event...

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GVH: competition issues discussed at at conference in Bratislava

The competition situation regarding the market disruption caused by the pandemic and the war in Ukraine was reviewed on Thursday Bak László, Vice-President of the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH), represented...

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Consumer sentiment in the United States deteriorated in May

In the United States, consumer sentiment deteriorated more significantly in May than previously reported. According to the final data from the University of Michigan’s monthly survey released on Friday, the...

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Mario Draghi discussed the grain crisis with the Ukrainian president

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi spoke to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky about the possibility of resuming grain shipments accumulated in Ukrainian ports a day after consulting the same with the...

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The Croatian economy grew by 7 percent in the first quarter

The performance of the Croatian economy grew by 7 percent in the first quarter compared to the same period last year, the Croatian Statistical Office (DZS) said on Friday, according...

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Beiersdorf opens innovation hub in the United States

After Shangahi, skin care company Beiersdorf has opened a second innovation hub in New Jersey, as part of its global R&D strategy. Thanks to new innovation centre, Beiersdorf can gain...

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Agricultural purchase prices have increased enormously

In March, the increase in agricultural purchase prices gained momentum, they were 37.4 percent higher than a year earlier, which is 12.5 percentage points more than February’s 24.9 percent. In...

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Denmark’s Dagrofa Group to expand its network

Dagrofa Group will invest DKK 450m over the next three years in three of its retail chains, including SPAR Denmark. The development of a new retailer model forms part of...

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Again, SMEs are planning to invest more restrainedly

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Carrefour and Everli roll out services in ten French cities

French shoppers can now buy groceries from Carrefour hypermarkets and supermarkets through the Everli online platform in 10 cities. In the Carrefour-Everli partnership, the retailer offers up to 25,000 products...

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Domestic and European vegetables and fruits are not “contaminated”

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the FruitVeB Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organization were shocked to read articles published in several Hungarian press media stating that European and...

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The 1080p Advertising and Media Agency continues to operate under the name People Group

The 1080p Solution Agency was founded in 2014 by the HD Group, then headed by Zsolt Urbán, and Dynamo Budapest, which can be connected to Tamás Kádár and Balázs Dévényi,...

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Pink Lady® apple creator dies at age 95

The legend behind the the Pink Lady® apple, John Cripps has passed away in Australia where he released his apple formula to the market 30 years ago. Cripps daughter Helen...

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Magazine: Focusing on the comfort and safety of babies

NielsenIQ data reveals that volume sales were only up 1.3% in the diaper category in 2021. Gréta Tölgyesi, Essity Hungary Kft.’s senior brand manager: “As for the 7% increase in...

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The winners have received their “Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year 2022” awards

Last year Trade magazin first organised the competition with the goal of rewarding value-creating innovations, which satisfy relevant consumer needs, fit into existing trends or have been inspired by actual...

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Special taxes are coming again

Minister of Economic Development Gulyás Gergely and Nagy Márton also gave details of special taxes at the government information on Thursday.   Adherence to budgetary plans will require a significant...

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