Market News

GKI: The foreign market demand and the EU support can help in recovery

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co., in cooperation with Erste Bank; This year, in the Hungarian economy a 6.5 percent decline and future stagnation is expected. The...

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This year, Americans spent more on Black Friday

Retail sales on Friday increased slightly, by half a percent in the United States, which is traditionally one of the busiest day of the Christmas shopping period. Retail sales showed...

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Different bargaining positions in the food industry

The domestic food companies were not prepared for the EU's competition, the high charges, only further increase their vulnerability in competition – said Éder Tamás, President of the National Food...

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The deodorants and shower gels are the most popular

According to Nielsen; decorative packaging toilet preparations and cosmetics are becoming more and more popular as Christmas gifts. More than 3 billion HUF worth of gifts were sold last year...

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Hungarian corruption is far above the world average

According to the assessment of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC); The most common type of abuse is corruption in the Hungarian business life. Its 81 percent incidence rate is much higher than in...

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Growing proportion of late payments

According to Direktinfo; the more than 90 day payment terms, over the past half year, rose from 9 percent to 16 percent. The average delay in payment is more than...

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Our cell phone can became our second wallet

In Hungary, 23 percent of the population over 18 year, regularly use their credit card for payment, while 81-82 percent own mobile phones providing electronic payment – states the research...

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The dangers of the liberalization of the agricultural trade

The liberalization of agricultural trade without regulation would jeopardize the global food security. Only the international investment funds and speculators would benefit from the liberalization, not the poor. Warned, Jacques...

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The JÓFEJ website has been renewed

The JÓFEJ (sober, responsible driver) campaign of the Hungarian Association of Beer Manufacturers has been renewed. The action has been expanded by the Web 2.0 community. The Hungarian Association of...

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New wine instead of old wine

The tradition of new wine is the integral part of Hungarian wine culture. The new wine means the wine that was born on St. Martin’s day. The fresh wine can...

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Growing problems in the dairy sector

The loss of producers is currently 15 HUF per liter. The processors give 55-60 HUF for a liter, the shops around 100 HUF and the customers purchase it for 180-220...

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Twenty-two thousand liters of illegal liquor will be destroyed

Twenty-two thousand liters of illegal liquor of the the past two years, will be destroyed at the Sátoraljaújhely sewer plant, like beer, wine, champagne and aroma – reported MTI. The...

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Christmas advices from NFH

The National Consumption Defender Office (NHF) drew the attention on conscious Christmas shopping, at the authority’s press conference. This year electrical products are likely to be the most problematic products...

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Agricultural enterprises can tender for 14 billion

According to the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture tenders can be submitted until 15th December for the certain elements of the National Diversification Program (NDP). The 52.4 million euros support is...

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Optimistic German business mood

The German IFO business sentiment index in November improved to 93.9 points, instead of the expected 92.5 points. The current economic situation assessment index increased to 89.1 points, while 88...

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The EU would change the e-trading rules

The EU will amend the cross-border electronic (Internet) trade rules in the European Union. The need of the change incurred after experts concluded that the e-commerce requirements are contradictory, makes...

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Retail trade further suffers

According to KSH; retailers, in the first nine months of 2009 reached a 4.4 lesser turnover and a 7.3 percent less turnover in September, compared to the same period last...

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We buy less and less for Christmas

According to the datas of the GfK Hungária Market Research Institute; we spend less and less every year in the Christmas season. The consumption of daily consumer goods has a...

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The EU's employment decreased by four million

According to the annual report of the European Commission; since the beginning of the international economic crisis, more than 4 million jobs had been lost in the European Union. The...

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European milk market revival

Mariann Fischer Boel, who is in charge for agriculture in the European Commission reported about an improving milk situation on the agriculture ministers meeting of the member states of the...

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Chocolate Santa Claus: two billion turnover expected

According to Nielsen market research company; Two billion HUF retail turnover is expected from Chocolate Santa Claus figures, if the growing trend of the past few years continues. The population...

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The improvement of economic expectations stopped in November

In the eleventh month of 2009 after about half a year-long fall then after half year of rose – the increase of the seasonally adjusted values of GKI’s economy index...

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Agriculture will be in a critical situation in 2010

The Constitutional Court will not decide in the case of the introduction of the single farm supporting scheme (SPS) this year. Thus, from 2010 the support for certain sectors should...

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Half of the Hungarian costumers would buy Hungarian product

According to Ipsos Zrt.’s crisis survey; The population insists on Hungarian goods mostly in cases of food products, especially meat and sausages, milk and dairy products, as well as fruit...

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Less flyers, shorter actions

According to the report of GfK Hungária Market Research Institute; the number of special magazines, leaflets and the validity of the actions also decreased from January to September this year,...

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Three hundred million of the EU dairy sector to assist

According to yesterday’s agreement of the European Parliament and the ministers of EU Member States; 300 million euros will be spent to help out the dairy sector. "It happened for...

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Great Britain is the cheapest

According to a survey that tested the chain of stores of the Western European countries; Great Britain is the cheapest in obtaining basic consumer goods. The Which? market research company...

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Europe's largest mall opened in Istanbul

The Forum Istambul is waiting its customers with a 175 thousand square meters purchasing area. This is more than four-fold of Westend City Center’s, base area. Five thousand new permanent...

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Quality Santa Sweets

According to the Hungarian Confectionery Association; last year 943 tons of sweetness was taken into the boots of the children and the loved ones. This volume is the best ever...

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Hungarians eating fish mainly at Easter and Christmas

The Hungarians are seasonally fish consumers. Fourty percent come onto plate around Christmas and Easter. Hungarians like carp the most. Although the per capital amount of fish consumption increases by...

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