News and articles

Onions may soon be in short supply

In almost all European countries, onions are significantly more expensive, and it seems that the sky is the limit for prices, yet common sense suggests that there will be a...

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Geothermal energy is the future: the P&G factory in Czömör strives to utilize thermal water

The initial studies and surveys found thermal water under the Procter & Gamble plant in Csömör, so thanks to the company’s fortunate geographical conditions, it started long-term planning in cooperation...

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The competition office initiated proceedings against the manufacturer and distributor of the Regenera drink

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) has launched an investigation against the manufacturer and distributor of Regenera’s revitalizing and anti-hangover drink, SSHS Group Kft., and Regenera Hungary Kft., because their advertisements...

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Another step towards sustainability: Danone has also joined the Green Pledge

Danone Magyarország Kft. also acted in support of the enforcement of environmental protection and sustainability in the market of the marketing and advertising industry, when it joined the Self-Regulatory Advertising...

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Coop’s edible oil collection service continues to be successful

So far, customers have handed in more than 600,000 liters of used cooking oil at the trade group, who also receive a HUF 100 coupon for every liter handed in....

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Non-salary benefits will increase in value

In the current, difficult economic environment, several businesses are fighting for their lives, and employees are also more worried about their livelihood than before. In this situation, fringe benefits can...

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The export of French wines and spirits broke a record last year

The export of French wines and spirits decreased slightly in volume last year, but in value it increased by 10.8 percent to a record 17.2 billion euros, despite the increase...

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Reducing GHG emissions related to animal husbandry is one of the biggest challenges

The organization called “Animal Task Force” published the latest research results on greenhouse gas emissions linked to the livestock industry in the framework of a series of conferences organized jointly...

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Walmart Pushes Back As Major Product Suppliers Ask For Higher Prices

Walmart is warning major packaged goods makers that it can no longer stomach their price hikes, pitching its own private-label products to shoppers as less-expensive alternatives to suppliers’ name-brand goods....

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The number of guest nights in Hévíz has increased significantly

Compared to the previous year, the number of guest nights spent in Hévíz has almost doubled in 2022, although it has not yet reached the record of 2019, mainly due...

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Csíki Sör’s Original Székely Bear Trutyi was banned

In addition to the large fine, the Kovászna County Consumer Protection Authority also proposed the withdrawal of canned bear dung sold under the name Eredeti Székely Medve Trutyi from commercial...

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Based on its price, Hungarian apples are in the middle range on the EU markets

According to the European Commission’s apple market analysis, Polish apples are once again the cheapest among the EU countries. According to data published by DG Agri on February 10, the...

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Trans-Sped Kft. will create 270 new jobs nationwide with an investment of HUF eight billion

The logistics service company Trans-Sped Kft. will create 270 new jobs throughout the country with an investment of eight billion forints, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced...

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Ferrero Buys Frozen Bakery Producer Fresystem

The Ferrero Group has acquired Italian frozen bakery firm Fresystem for an undisclosed amount. Fresystem, founded in 1983 and acquired by the Simioli family in 1991, closed its most recent...

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The Hungarian Tourism Program Foundation is launching scholarship-based adult vocational training for skills in short supply

The Hungarian Tourism Program Foundation (MTPA) is launching a state-recognized adult vocational training program for concert and television show lighting, which is considered a shortage profession, in partnership with the...

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NAV has cracked down on fake perfumes, alcohol and cigarettes in yet another round

Cigarettes without license plates, fake perfumes and stray puppies were found on the Somogy county section of the M7 highway, at a rest stop, the National Tax and Customs Administration...

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Italy’s Bennet Unveils NFT-Based Customer Loyalty Project

Italian hypermarket chain Bennet has launched the Bennet NFT Club, the first customer loyalty project by an Italian retailer based on blockchain and NFT technology. Bennet’s partner in the project...

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IMF recommends the abolition of the food price cap and the elimination of special taxes to the Hungarian government

After their visit last November, experts from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) made concrete economic proposals for the Hungarian government in addition to the usual review, reports the Portfolio. According...

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Food prices have already started to fall, as the GVH began to investigate

Competition has become greater in retail, more people have reduced food prices – says Balázs Csaba Rigó, president of the Economic Competition Authority. In the hope of finding out whether...

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From February, you can get almost exclusively imported potatoes

The National Potato Association and Product Council (OBTT) warned in November that the domestic potato stock should last from autumn 2022 to June 2023, but it is feared that this...

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A comprehensive research was carried out by the Tej Terektánács

On behalf of the Tej Terméktanács, Trend International Market Research Kft. carried out the research entitled “Rögös turó as quality system recognition in Hungary”, the focus of which is on...

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Ritea Noémi replaces Beáta Őz in the executive chair of VELUX Hungary

The specialist has worked for VELUX for 20 years, of which he spent 10 years in a management position, so he takes over the management of VELUX in Hungary with...

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Together for the babies – Families with young children can count on dm’s reliable program again this year

For thirteen years now, at the beginning of each year, the dm drugstore has been supporting 260 families with small children living in difficult circumstances with enough diapers for half...

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GVH began to investigate, and the shops, in their fright, already started to reduce prices

The competition in retail has become greater, more people have reduced food prices – stated the president of the Economic Competition Authority, who believes that their actions have a deterrent...

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Baileys and the Eurovision Song Contest make a duet, making the world’s biggest live music event even sweeter

Many people probably think that this year’s Eurovision Song Contest can no longer be enhanced, but Baileys refutes this assumption. The most popular liquor brand has entered into a three-year...

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(HU) Gyopáros Alpár: a falusi kisboltok megtartása kulcskérdés

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The Food Bank provided ten billion forints worth of food to the needy

Last year, the Magyar Élelmiszerbank Egyesület saved food worth about HUF 10 billion and delivered it to the needy, thereby providing assistance to about 240,000 needy people. The Association saved...

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Is it really the unbridled profit hunger of Hungarian businesses that causes high inflation?

Hungarian companies did not basically raise their prices in order to make even more profit, but in order to stay afloat in successive crises. It should also be seen that...

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BDPST’s share in Waberer’s Nyrt. increases to almost 50 percent

With the purchase of shares, the BDPST Group’s stake in Waberer’s International Nyrt. increases to 49.64 percent – reads the issuer’s information published on the website of the Budapest Stock...

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VOSZ: the increase in prices is not caused by the hunger for profit of Hungarian enterprises

The Hungarian companies did not basically raise their prices in order to make even more profit, but in order to stay afloat in successive crises, emphasized the National Association of...

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