News and articles

India Buys Russian Sunoil At Record High Price As Ukraine Supplies Halt

India has contracted 45,000 tonnes of Russian sunflower oil at a record high price for shipments in April as edible oil prices in the local market surged after supplies from...

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The EU would ban greenwashing and propose new consumer rights

The European Commission’s proposal, published on Wednesday, would ban greenwashing in the EU and introduce new rights for consumers to make environmentally friendly purchasing decisions. According to a press release...

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Economic sentiment in the euro area deteriorated in March

The economic sentiment index in the euro area and the European Union weakened as consumer sentiment deteriorated due to the Russian war against Ukraine. The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic...

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Latest results from market researchers

True to tradition, market researchers will play a key role in the April meeting of the Trade Marketing Club. In addition to GfK and NielsenIQ, RetailZoom and GKI Digital will...

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Inflation in Germany could reach 7.3 percent in March

According to preliminary data from the German Federal Statistical Office, inflation in Germany could be 7.3 percent in March, the highest since the fall of 1981, the second Gulf War....

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Vanilla-spicy wines were also drunk in ancient Jerusalem

Exotic, vanilla-spicy wines were also drunk in the i.e. In 6th-century Jerusalem, according to a new scientific study, the English-language Israeli website The Times of Israel reported on Wednesday. Remains...

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Retail sales in Japan declined more significantly than expected in February

Retail sales in Japan fell more sharply than analysts expected in February, when a decline was recorded for the first time since September last year. In February, retail sales fell...

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(HU) Még mindig slágerédesség nálunk a túró rudi

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Tesco’s partnership with ecumenical relief organisation has reached a level

Az Ökumenikus Segélyszervezet a Tesco egyik legrégebbi stratégiai partnere, amelynek munkáját az áruházlánc az elmúlt több mint tíz évben számos sikeres adománygyűjtő kampánnyal támogatta. A munkatársaknak és a vásárlóknak köszönhetően...

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Meredeken emelkedik az önálló csapadékvíz-gazdálkodás iránti igény

Despite the drought season in the spring, extreme rains could occur again this year, partly as a natural process and partly as a result of climate change. As global warming...

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Is logistics the price we have to pay for visibility?

The role of national competition authorities in e-commerce What can be the role of national competition authorities in the transforming e-commerce world in the period until the European Union’s Digital...

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Hack&Heal: magyar csapatok arattak a nemzetközi innovációs versenyen

Compared to last year, the number of participants in the Hack & Heal international idea competition and the number of submitted projects almost doubled: the 48-hour challenge again focused on...

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Kaufland Unveils Kitchen Utensils Made From Recycled Plastic

Kaufland has unveiled a range of cookware and kitchen utensils made from recycled plastic and aluminium, under its Spice&Soul brand. The handles on the vegetable peelers, whisks, can openers, pizza...

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Famine relief blocked by bullets, red tape and lack of funding, warn FAO and WFP as acute food insecurity reaches new highs

Efforts to fight a global surge in acute food insecurity are being stymied in several countries by fighting and blockades that cut off life-saving aid to families on the brink...

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Afghanistan: FAO appeals for $36 million to urgently save rural livelihoods and avoid massive displacement

Miután a legfrissebb adatok az augusztusi haiti földrengés után mezőgazdasági károkról és az éhezés emelkedéséről szólnak, az ENSZ Élelmezésügyi és Mezőgazdasági Szervezete (FAO) megkongatta a vészharangot, hogy a vidéken élő...

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Walmart Stops Cigarette Sales In Certain US Stores

Walmart Inc is stopping cigarette sales in some US stores after years of debate within the retail giant’s management team about selling tobacco products, the Wall Street Journal has reported....

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Russia Looks For New Baby Food Packaging Suppliers As Sanctions Bite

Russia is looking for suppliers of packaging for baby food and dairy products due to disruption in supplies caused by the Western sanctions imposed on Moscow, the country’s agriculture minister,...

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LG contributes to the support of refugees in Ukraine in Hungary and in the region

LG Electronics (LG) reaffirmed its commitment to supporting refugees in Ukraine and announced that it, together with its sister companies, will donate $1 million worth of LG products and other...

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Hungarians love the new Polka dot Cottage Cheese Rudi and Milli Cream Curd with 0% added sugar

Made with 0% added sugar, Polka dot Cottage Cheese Rudi and Milli Cream Curd sold several times the planned amount in the first months of implementation....

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Dr László Újszászi Bogár: “We can’t not influence the subconscious”

Why is it always our subconscious that makes decisions instead of us and how can it be manipulated using various techniques? Persuasion and influence technique expert Dr László Újszászi Bogár...

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A campaign to promote sheep and lambmeat begins

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) is organizing a campaign to promote sheepmeat and lamb with the participation of the Sheep and Goat Interprofessional Organization and the Agricultural Marketing Center, the...

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K&H: in addition to the difficult situation, there may be a reorganization in the agricultural export markets

The conflict in Ukraine is having a significant impact on Hungarian agriculture: livestock farmers are being put in a difficult position by rising prices for grain and sunflower seeds, rising...

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A bee animal welfare tender for ten billion forints is opening

The government is announcing a tender for bee welfare in order to increase the efficiency of the beekeeping sector, improve animal welfare conditions and thereby prevent bee health problems, with...

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AM has begun to compensate farmers affected by the storm

Compensation for the farmers affected by the storm has started. 1,600 producers will receive almost one and a half billion forints in storm damage compensation, said Minister of Agriculture Nagy...

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Global smartphone sales grew 6 percent last year

After a sharp decline of two years ago, smartphone sales rose worldwide last year, according to market research firm Gartner. The five market leaders further increased their market share to...

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GfK’s German consumer sentiment index deteriorated in April

GfK’s German consumer sentiment index deteriorated more than expected in April, mainly due to inflation and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The consumer sentiment index for April fell to a...

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Conscious domestic businesses help their peers protect their innovations

In recent years, the number of registered trademarks in Hungary has increased the most intensively, but we are still below the European Union average. The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (SZTNH)...

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Hungarian Food Bank: We prepared 100,000 cans for refugees

The latest program of the Hungarian Food Bank helps charitable organizations that house those fleeing the war in Ukraine. They also help to welcome refugees with durable food, baby food,...

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These are the world’s most ethical companies in 2022

In 2022, 136 organizations are recognized for their unwavering commitment to business integrity. The honorees span 22 countries and 45 industries, and include 14 first-time honorees and 6 organizations that have been named to the honoree list 16 times, marking...

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Prepackaged Tesco fruits and vegetables available in recyclable packaging

Tesco’s own-brand fruit and vegetable products are now available only in packs or 100% recyclable packaging. The company is now offering a new product category in eco-friendly packaging, taking another...

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