News and articles

ALDI uses a national uniform payroll system

The ALDI Magyarország Élelmiszer Bt. has published its full payroll system for Hungary today, which guarantees the same wage to its employees for a certain position regardless of region or...

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Tesco donated 6700 tons of food to the needy in 2018

Last year, Tesco donated more than 6700 tons of food to people in need through the partner organizations of the Hungarian Food Banking Association. The supermarket chain has been running...

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The SME development strategy is under shaping

The SME development strategy that helps the development and the growth of the Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is under shaping – Balogh László, Deputy Minister of State of...

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The Transintertop handed over a logistics hall and a restaurant in Környe

An international freight forwarding company, the Transintertop Kft. handed over a new logistics hall, a restaurant and a petrol station. The value of the investment was 1.5 billion forints –...

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Carnival gastronomic weekend in the Downtown Market

The foods of guests kitchens and chefs van be tasted at the Gastro Weekend of the Hold Street Downtown Market. On the last weekend of the carnival, from Friday to...

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The extreme weather may cause great damages to agriculture again this year

The effects of climate change also increase the sensitivity of the plants. In this context, only last year, Generali paid for nearly 1,500 agricultural damages: for example, the insurance company...

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Japanese love edible shelled bananas

Consumers from all over the country have traveled to the southwest of Okayama specifically for edible shelled bananas. And although a special banana’s costs 6 USD (1,500 HUF) a piece,...

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Ikea: home-delivery throughout the country

From now, the customers of Ikea can buy through a webshop, and can request home delivery – wrote. From now we can shop at Ikea without leaving our home,...

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Magazine: Five ways to become profitable

László Szilágyi business coach Forward Progress Consulting The Lipóti Bakery on Széchenyi Square in Szeged got a new owner in May 2016 because it was making loss. It became evident that...

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Innovations by MARS at Future Store – Join the trade tour!

New products by MARS  will be introduced at the SIRHA Budapest 2018 traDeshow, within the compass of the Future Store platform. More info at: You can now sign up...

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Dynamic growth in retail sales continues

Retail sales will increase in the next few months at a rate similar to last year, according to analysts interviewed by MTI. On the basis of the data released by...

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Lidl is reducing egg prices

Lidl Hungary has significantly reduced the consumer price of eggs by 12-17 percent today. Accordingly, the 10 M eggs are available from 5 February for 449 forints in the stores...

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Analysts: Foreign trade impoves

Although the surplus of the foreign trade balance declined in October, the turnover grew significantly, according to macroeconomic analysts interviewed by MTI. Suppan Gergely, analyst of Takarékbank pointed out that...

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Russian agricultural export has grown despite the embargo

Despite the food embargo, Hungary has been able to increase its export of food to Russia and to increase its joint venture cooperation – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture told...

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Nébih: No swine fever virus has been detected in Hungary so far

The presence of the virus of the African swine fever (ASP) has not been detected so far in Hungary – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) confirmed it to...

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FM: The success of agriculture depends on adaptation

The success of Hungarian agriculture depends on whether digitalisation can be used, how quickly it applies the most up-to-date computing techniques and precision management – the Parliamentary Minister of State...

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The profits of Zwack Unicum decreased but were higher than planned

In the first three quarters of the 2017-2018 business year, Zwack Unicum Nyrt. achieved 2,516 billion HUF after-tax profits, which is 0.9 percent lower than the 2,538 billion forints base,...

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Products of the breeders and primary producers at this year’s Mangalica Festival

Hungarian and local fresh dishes of Mangalica breeders and product makers, cooking contest and small farmers’ marketplace is awaiting the audience between 9 and 11 of February at the Szabadság...

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The Hungarian Tourism Agency is promoting the Gastronomy of the V4 countries

Specially seasoned goulash, rethought Somlói noodles, dumplings, duck meat with cherry chips – among others, these dishes can be tasted at the SIRHA Budapest 2018 international food and HoReCa trade...

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The Food Bank saved more than 9,000 tons of food last year

Almost 400 trucks, 9300 tons, and 5.2 billion HUF worth foods were saved by the Hungarian Food Bank Association last year, helping to more than 300,000 needy people. In its...

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EBay expects that in the first months of 2018, more businesses will start trading online

New Year is often a period of new beginnings. This is true even if we plan to launch an online business – according to eBay’s survey. The data shows that...

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Consumers to be free to order online

In the future, consumers will have the freedom to choose where they can order via the net, because online retailers can not refuse their purchase intention on the basis of...

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Romanian retail sales volume grew by 10.7 percent last year

Last year, the volume of retail sales grew by 10.7 percent compared to the previous year in Romania – the Romanian National Statistical Institute announced on Monday. Sales of non-food...

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Most executives are optimistic, but IT developments may stagnate

The Rentasystem has released its fourth annual survey on IT investments and financing background of the domestic SMEs and large companies. This year, the survey also covered production equipment and...

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Magazine: Swedish cuisine has its own treasures

Although Scandinavian cuisine isn’t the best-know in European gastronomy, we get the chance to try some typical Swedish dishes in the restaurants of IKEA stores. The Swedish like meat very much...

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Future Store on the go section – Join us for a tour

New products by Eisberg, Pek-Snack, FINO, Zimbo, Essity, Schwarzkopf, Wanzl Salsa, Your Table Cool, Bakeoff  will be introduced at the SIRHA Budapest 2018 traDeshow, within the compass of the Future...

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KSH: retail sales increased by 4.8 percent last year

Together with the 4.7 percent increase in December, retail sales grew by 4.7 percent last year as a whole, compared to the previous year. According to the calendar effect adjusted...

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NMHH: the number of product placements has increased significantly

According to the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH), the number of product placements increased by 75 percent in the first half of 2017, compared to the same period of...

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The Seed Association published a 92,000 HUF net price per tonne for sealed seed of spring cereals

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and the Board of Products has published a net price of 92,000 HUF per tonne for sealed seed of spring cereals. According to the interbranch...

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Young chefs are needed for an international competitions

EuroSkills is the European Championship of young professionals, a spectacular promotion of skills and latest skills developments around Europe. European regional version of WorldSkills Competition, formerly known as ’’Skills Olympics”....

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