
Magazine: So many changes

2018 was a record year for Dachser SE: net sales were up considerably, but the number and volume of shipments also increased a lot. The company recruited more than 1,500 new...

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Retail sales increased significantly in Germany

According to the preliminary data released on Wednesday by the Federal Bureau of Statistics (Destatis), retail sales grew 3.5 percent in real terms and by 3.6 percent in real terms...

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Iceland trials going plastic-bag free

Frozen food specialist, Iceland is testing new concepts to replace plastic bags in its ongoing strategy to reduce plastic waste. The retailer will be conducting two different trials to determine...

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Earth Overshoot Day is 29th July this year

Earth Overshoot Day (EOD), previously known as Ecological Debt Day (EDD), is the calculated illustrative calendar date on which humanity’s resource consumption for the year exceeds Earth’s capacity to regenerate...

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5 cool microwave-tips -V

The microwave, some love it and some hate it – we’ve tried to bust some microwave myths already at FDL HQ and now we’re back with this video of use...

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(HU) Az OTP hozza létre Montenegro legnagyobb pénzintézetét

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Dietary foods can also contain magnesium

Foods can also bring enough magnesium into the body – Miháldy Kinga dietician said on M1 news channel on Tuesday. As she said, green vegetables and oilseeds contain a lot...

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The rating of the Ferenc Liszt airport has improved among the passengers

Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport has improved its perception among passengers in the second quarter of 2019 – the airport’s operator told MTI on Thursday. According to the information provided...

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Diadermine Lift+Hyaluron Booster

What makes the new Diadermine LIFT+ Booster special is that it contains added pure hylauronic acid, thanks to which it is very efficient and can produce results fast. The facial...

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Granola honesty box

YUM has launched its very own granola honesty box, at its granola factory in downtown Nelson. The first of its kind, it offers customers a way to drop off their...

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NAK: to maintain the balance of the Hungarian pig sector is everyone’s interest

Due to the spread of African swine fever in the Far East, the pig market in the world has changed considerably, causing problems in Hungary as well. The National Chamber...

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Instead of a dishcloth

One of Tork’s most innovative products is the disposable professional kitchen towel. Thanks to their cotton-based material, these towels are softer and stronger than other cleaning cloths. They are also...

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Inflation report: the catch up of the Hungarian economy continues

Despite the slowdown in external activity, the Hungarian economy will continue to catch up in the next period – Balatoni András, Director of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) said at...

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Piszke Papír returns with plastic-free packaging

Nord Paper Kft., the company of Ferenc Bodrogai, has revived the Piszke Papír company name and its formerly popular brands Crepto and Szilvia. As part of the programme, they are also...

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The Hungarian purchasing power growth rate was generally higher than the European average

Back in 2006 the per capita purchasing power of Hungarian consumers was EUR 5,462, which grew to EUR 6,654 by 2018 – informs a GfK study. This sum is about...

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The Agricultural Marketing Center conquers North America with innovative food products

The Agricultural Marketing Center (Agrármarketing Centrum) participates at North America’s largest food exhibition at the Summer Fancy Food with a community booth between 23-25 June 2019. At the food exhibition...

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Growth can be four percent next year

Next year’s growth – similarly to this year – may be around 4 percent, well above the EU average – Adorján Richárd, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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Digital technologies poised to transform agrifood systems

Digital agriculture has the potential to deliver significant economic, social and environmental benefits and, if promoted in an inclusive manner, it can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, FAO Director-General...

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(HU) Borvirág Borklub – Bemutatkozik az izsáki Gedeon Pincészet (Kunsági borvidék)

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Magazine: Restaurant tours

The Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) started a series of culinary tours four years ago. These trips are perfect for learning new things, establishing new relationships and having fun. Trips...

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(HU) GREEN BRANDS Akadémia II. Üzlet-e a fenntarthatóság?

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Variations for cricket snacks

An American company called Entosense has launched Mini-Kickers Flavored Crickets in December, little vials of grab-and-go crickets in flavors such as lemon meringue, sun-dried tomato and Indian curry, and already,...

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(HU) A WebEye eltörli a belépési díjakat és fix, havi díjas elszámolásra vált

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More cooperation for Hungarian food products

Géza Tóth CEO of CO-OP Hungary Zrt. told at a trade forum organised in partnership with Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. that Coop’s policy is to purchase products from Hungarian suppliers wherever it...

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NAK is working for the food industry

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) organises courses, conferences and study trips for members, in order to make them more competitive by learning new things. Our magazine interviewed NAK president...

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Reál opened a modern supermarket last year

Reál Hungária Élelmiszer Kft. operates approximately 1,500 stores from which more than 300 work in a franchise system. All of the eight member companies serve as regional centres. Reál convenience stores bigger than...

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Tesco wants to be a role model

Zsolt Pártos, operations director of Tesco Hungary told us that they would like to be a role model for everyone with Tesco’s CSR programme: the food saving programme is already...

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Responsible innovations from Lidl

Lidl has 180 stores and employs more than 5,000 people in Hungary. The retailer pays special attention to working with Hungarian suppliers, and thanks to this almost 60 percent of the...

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