Tag "Viwa Product Europa"

Ice tea all stars

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7 According to Márton Vecsei, head of soft drinks brands at HELL ENERGY Magyarország the ice tea market experienced a negative...

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Functional foods in full force

Functional products include fortified foods and beverages, nutritional and dietary supplements, and various bars and snacks enriched with vitamins, minerals, probiotics, proteins and other nutrients. These products represent the perfect...

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Funkcionális italok, az egészség és a jóllét katalizátorai

A COVID egyértelműen trendformáló hatású volt a funkcionális italok piacán is. Az emberek elkezdtek sokkal többet és mélyebben foglalkozni a saját jóllétükkel. Ez a jelenség világszinten is megfigyelhető volt, aminek...

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Ice tea is a hot topic!

2022 brought new challenges for the ice category, as the war that started in February triggered negative economic trends. Then from 1 July ice tea producers also had to face...

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It is time to be active again!

András Palkó, marketing director of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország reported to our magazine that sales of sports drinks are growing in both value and volume. “Coca-Cola distributes the Powerade brand, which...

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Functionality is now an expectation

There are functional fruit juices, low-calorie functional waters and sports drinks in Coca-Cola Magyarország’s product portfolio. This February two new Cappy products hit the shops: Cappy Immunerő contains vitamin C,...

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VIWA BrainBoost ZERO

VIWA BrainBoost ZERO for preserving your mental freshness! Zero calorie, still soft drink in mango-lime-lychee flavour combination, sweetened with stevia, containing 75mg Ginkgo Biloba and 75mg green tea extract per...

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Shoppers expect more from flavoured waters

According to the Hungarian Mineral Water, Fruit Juice and Soft Drink Association (MÁGYÜSZ), flavoured mineral water sales fell by 18 percent in 2020. The reason behind this sales drop was...

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The magic works from the inside

It is very likely that the biggest boom of 2021 is going to take place in the food and dietary supplement market, in connection with consumers making great efforts to...

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Fizzy times

András Palkó, marketing operations manager of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország told our magazine that buying and consumption habits have changed in the soft drink market due to the pandemic. Still, in...

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The masters of thirst-quenching

The functional drink category had been growing and strengthening before it suffered a blow because of the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020. There was one exception though, the...

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Magazine: More exhibitors and visitors at this year’s Sirha trade show

International food and HoReCa trade show Sirha Budapest took place between 4 and 6 February 2020, and it was very successful from both professional and business perspectives. The venue was...

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Important supplements

According to the experts of SCITEC Magyar­ország, sales of special active ingredients and mono-component products (vitamin D3, vitamin K2, zinc, chromium, etc.) are greatly influenced by shopper knowledge – consumers...

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