Tag "turizmus"

The British are preparing for the holidays

British travelers were optimistic, at least according to travel agency data. Although there are still a lot of uncertainties surrounding the travel restrictions due to the pandemic in the coming...

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Restaurants will be closed for two weeks in Valencia

To curb coronavirus infections, restaurants in the province of Valencia will be closed for two weeks, provincial president Ximo Puig has announced. “Unfortunately, the measures taken so far have not...

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The number of tourists visiting Cyprus fell to a fraction last year

As a serious economic consequence of the coronavirus pandemic, the number of tourists visiting Cyprus fell sharply, by 84.1 percent last year. According to the Cypriot statistical office, more than...

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Analysts: after the lifting of restrictions tourism may quickly pick up

After the lifting of epidemiological restrictions, domestic tourism could pick up quickly, according to macroeconomic analysts told MTI, who highlighted the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH). They...

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The turnover of commercial accommodation establishments decreased by 85%

As a result of entry restrictions and measures to curb the pandemic and protect commercial accommodation, the number of nights spent by foreign guests in commercial accommodation fell by 93.1...

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The Bath Hotel in Esztergom can be renewed

Within the framework of the Kisfaludy program, the 180-year-old Bath Hotel in the center of Esztergom can be renewed with an investment of four hundred million forints, the mayor told...

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Last year, passenger traffic at Bucharest Henri Coanda Airport fell by 70 percent

Passenger traffic at Henri Coanda International Airport in Otopeni, near Bucharest, fell by 70 percent to 4.4 million last year, compared to 2019 – Ziarul Financiar wrote on Thursday. The...

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The Castle Bath in Gyula can improve its services from about 3 billion forints

The Gyula Castle Bath will receive almost 2.9 billion HUF in support for capacity expansion and improvement of its service level, which will be supplemented by 280 million HUF from...

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Guller Zoltán: Tourism can resume in the summer

Tourism can be relaunched in the summer, as hoped – Guller Zoltán, CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ said in a video uploaded to Facebook on Monday. He pointed...

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The pandemic affected tourism in Romania badly

The pandemic has also sent tourism to Romania on the floor, where the number of guests and guest nights halved last year, compared to the previous year. Different regions of...

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A coronavirus testing center has opened at Liszt Ferenc Airport

It is already possible to perform a corona virus test at Liszt Ferenc International Airport. TheBudapest Airport and Universal Medical Hub have set up a testing facility at Terminal 2B,...

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Thanks to Hungarian development, accommodation providers can get away with another hundreds of thousands of publications

At the beginning of January, the government decree will enter into force, which obliges all accommodation establishments in Hungary to digitally scan the guests’ documents and forward them to the...

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A four-star hotel is under construction in Szolnok

One hundred and fifty-five-room, three-storey, four-star wellness, sports, conference hotel and rehabilitation center will be built in Szolnok on the banks of the Holt-Tisza – the Fidesz parliamentary representative of...

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KSH: Compared to the low point in April, the number of domestic guest nights increased 14 times in October

In October, as a result of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus, measures to make entry more difficult, the number of foreign guests fell by 94 per cent and the...

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Szállás.hu: deposit to be refunded

The advance is returned and the penalty cannot be enforced at Szallas.hu for those bookings that are affected by the government decree introduced in order to reduce the pandemic. As...

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Accommodation providers can already claim an 80 percent refund after their missed bookings

From now on, accommodation providers can reclaim 80 percent of their loss of revenue for their bookings between November 11 and December 10. Stakeholders can apply for the support through...

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Tourism may be the first to recover in Asia

Although the planned quarantine-free trip between Hong Kong and Singapore did not materialize at the end of November, experts still see Asia as the first stage in the recovery of...

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You can’t travel on Qantas without vaccination

Australia’s national airline, which is also considered to be the safest airline in the world, has announced that only those foreigners can travel on board who can prove they have...

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Babis: tourism capacities based on foreign tourists cannot be sustained

The Czech Republic’s tourism capacities based on foreign tourists are oversized and impossible to maintain in the long run with state support – Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis said in...

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Budapest hotels: survival mode for at least half a year

According to the data of the KSH, in the first nine months of the year, the providers of commercial accommodation in the countryside suffered a loss of 42 percent, while...

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KSH: The turnover of accommodation establishments decreased in September year-on-year, but increased compared to the low point

The number of guest nights in commercial accommodation decreased by 59 percent in September, compared to the same period of the previous year, however, the increase was 15 times higher...

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Google: the popularity of other accommodation has increased among Hungarian travelers despite the pandemic

Between March and September this year, the popularity of other accommodation establishments, ie apartments, boarding houses, guest houses and campsites, increased by 10% among Hungarian travelers compared to the same...

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Eger strengthened its role as a tourist leader among the cities with county status

In terms of the proportion of tourist tax revenues, Eger has further strengthened its leading role in tourism among the cities with county status – the press officer of the...

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Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry calls for cooperation between the capital and the government and the establishment of a 50 billion crisis fund to rescue tourism companies in Budapest

The Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK) is urging the establishment of a 50 billion HUF Budapest Crisis Management Fund to rescue tourism companies in a dramatic situation. According...

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Manninger: the best beach on Lake Balaton would be developed in Keszthely

The best beach of Lake Balaton, a unique leisure, sports and entertainment center to be created using the entire shoreline, is planned to be established in Keszthely, the Fidesz Member...

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The amount transferred to the SZÉP card may have a more favorable tax for another half year

The social contribution tax exemption of the amount transferred to the Széchenyi Pihenő Card (SZÉP card) may be extended again until 30 June 2021. The Legislative Committee of the National...

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Magazine: K-shaped recession? What is happening in the labour market now and what will happen in 2021?

COVID-19 is a horrible catalyst of the recession but not its root: we already saw last year that the economy was slowing down, for instance sales by German automotive companies...

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The Czech government is helping travel agencies with 500 million crowns

The Czech government will provide 500 million crowns (6,750 million forints) to support travel agencies and tour guides severely damaged by the coronavirus pandemic, Regional Development Minister Klára Dostálová wrote...

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Bath Association: Baths in Hungary are in crisis

Hungarian baths are in crisis. Due to the epidemic, the lack of guests has caused at least a 50 percent loss of revenue this year, forcing companies to lay off...

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In China, the strengthening of domestic tourism has given a boost to the economy

“In China, domestic tourism has regained momentum during the eight-day holiday due to the national holiday and mid-autumn holidays, giving the country economy a boost,” the Xinhua Chinese news agency...

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