AM: exciting sights in Northern Hungary

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 03. 31. 09:34

Last year, the Zsófia lookout and tourist facility of Északerdő Erdőgazdasági Zrt. in Lillafüred won the titles Lookout of the Year and Tourist House of the Year. The Lillafüred and Pálházi State Forest Railways, operated by the forestry industry, are well-known and extremely popular at the national level – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told MTI.

According to the announcement, Északerdő Erdőgazdasági Zrt. manages 107,000 hectares of state-owned land in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, of which 103,000 hectares are forests. In the past five years, the state forestry has planted new forest on 54 hectares, planting about 4,100 kilograms of acorns and 237,000 seedlings. More than three-quarters of its treated areas are under nature conservation protection. Due to the natural damage to the forests, he made replacements on a total of about 26 hectares using 124,500 seedlings. The forestry sector also participated in the Settlement Afforestation Program, in the framework of which 2,900 trees were planted in 98 locations. More than 36,000 cubic meters of wood were contributed to the social firewood program, which ended in February, it was listed in the announcement.