Tag "Trade magazin"

(HU) Megvannak az idei Fenntarthatóság Szimbóluma verseny nyertesei

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(HU) Átadásra kerültek a HoReCa Hősök 2021 elismerések

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Vilmos Csányi: ’We have become the population of single person-communities’

Creating fantasies was a very useful feature until people have done it in small communities, says Vilmos Csányi in the latest podcast of Future Talks. According to the ethologist, a...

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(HU) Szerda éjfélig még szavazhat kedvenc boltjára és boltláncára!

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(HU) Még két hétig jelentkezhet a HoReCa Hősök pályázatra

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Zsófi Mautner: ‘Hungarian cuisine will be very trendy in two years’ time’

Will we eat crickets? Will Hungary become a culinary stronghold at a world level? These are just two of the topics that host Szilvia Krizsó discussed with food writer Zsófi...

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Krisztián Nyáry: ‘Being well-read isn’t a prerequisite of being a successful member of society any more’

Krisztán Nyáry, writer and creative director of Líra Group compared the effects of reading print and digital texts, and talked about the relationship between IQ and reading books, the proliferation...

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Trade magazin wins sixth Business Superbrands Award

We would like to say thank you to our readers and partners for helping us win the Business Superbrands recognition for the 6th time. This prize compels us to continue...

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Auchan to receive prestigious awards

For the 13th time, Trade magazine’s “Most Successful Promotion of the Year” competition was held, and this year auchan Hungary was outstanding, as all three of its entries were placed...

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Successful campaigns during the pandemic: Magyar Termék has taken gold and silver from the 2020 promotion competition

Two 2020 campaigns of Magyar Termék Nonprofit Ltd. have won prizes in the “Most Successful Promotion of the Year 2020” competition. Together with Tricky Communication, they applied for the “Hungarian...

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Péter Oszkó: ‘Humanity has to face more and more unexpected challenges’

Although he says he can’t see the future, the former Minister of Finance and the founder of Hungary’s first venture capital trust Péter Oszkó gave a very accurate and detailed...

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Award Winner of the „Az év legsikeresebb promóciója 2020” Competition

‘New ideas and successful promotional solutions’ One day: An abundance of promotion ideas and an award ceremony. If we must only name three things why it is worth coming to...

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György Jaksity: ‘In some sense it was us who created this situation’

Why is it a good decision to let the younger generations take leading positions? Are we able to decide rationally, or are we always influenced by our emotions? What kind...

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New ideas and successful promotional solutions

One day: An abundance of promotion ideas and an award ceremony. If we must only name three things why it is worth coming to Trade magazin’s ‘New ideas and successful...

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The results of the “Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year 2021” competition were announced

With the new competition, organiser Trade magazin seeks to reward value-creating innovations year after year, which satisfy relevant consumer needs, fit into existing trends or have been inspired by actual...

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Magazine: From this year the best stores can use the StarStore logo!

In Trade magazin’s 2020 StarStore (in former years: SuperStore) competition there were 18 entries and for the first time hospitality units also had the chance to compete, in the gastro...

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Auchan Hungary is the winner of this year’s level award

Auchan Magyarország Kft. was awarded this year’s Commercial Award for Hungarian Products, which was presented by Bognár Lajos, Deputy State Secretary f of the Ministry of Agriculture, at the biggest...

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Promotions day with prizes and expert speakers

This year Trade magazin organised the ‘Most successful promotion of the year in 2019’ trade day online. There were nearly 100 participants, who could listen to exciting presentations too. In...

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Here are Hungary’s most successful women leaders and enterpreneurs in 2020

SEED Foundation and Profession Women’s Association have given awards to the most successful Hungarian women leaders and enterpreneurs in 2020. The event was held as part of the end-of-season talk...

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Ecoindustria 2020 Green Expo

The Association of Environmental Service Providers and Manufacturers held a press conference about the Eco-Industry2020 International Environmental Trade Fair, which will be held on 4-6 November. Presenting the results of...

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(HU) Business Dinner 2020: „Ilyen durva padlófékre nem kell még egyszer számítani”

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Trade magazin becomes Excellent Product and 5-time Business Superbrand

We are happy to report that from May 2020 Trade magazin isn’t only a Hungarian Product but also an Excellent Product trademark user, and it has earned the Business Superbrands...

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Trade magazine is an Excellent Product trademark

We are proud to inform our dear Readers that from May 2020, Trade magazine has become entitled to use not only the Hungarian Product, but also the Excellent Product trademark....

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First Trade Marketing Club Online – Promo Online Coming Next Week

The first online meeting of the  Trade Marketing Club  “First Hand Info from Market Researchers ”  was succesfully organised with nearly 70 participants, co-organized by Trade Magazine and POPAI Hungary...

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Online conference on the present and future of promotions

Who and how promotion affect people? What were your most successful promotions in 2019 and why? What could be the key to the secret to enticing promotions? How do customers...

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Magazine: Future Store: More visitors than ever before

Trade magazin first built its 150m² Future Store 10 years ago. This year at Sirha Budapest 2020 no less than 25 partners already introduced their products and services on 650m²,...

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Magazine: Winners of the Innovation Product Competition

On 4 February 2020 – after the opening ceremony of the Sirha Budapest trade fair – the award presentation of the Sirha Budapest Innovation Product Competition took place. Trade magazin...

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Magazine: More exhibitors and visitors at this year’s Sirha trade show

International food and HoReCa trade show Sirha Budapest took place between 4 and 6 February 2020, and it was very successful from both professional and business perspectives. The venue was...

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Magazine: In the first line of CSR – CSR Hungary Awards 2019

For 12 years CSR Hungary has been rewarding the firms and organisations that take corporate social responsibility seriously. In 2019 22 winners were announced and at the award ceremony CSR...

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Less luxury, more health?

In an 821-respondent representative survey, NMS Hungary was trying to find out what Hungarians are expecting from the year ahead of us, and how their expectations can influence their shopping...

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