Tag "Tesco"

Tesco delivered over 50 million products in 5 years

Tesco’s Online Shopping service is celebrating its fifth birthday. The chain of stores has delivered 20 million orders in the past few years, to more than 500,000 addresses. The home...

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Tesco renewed its stores for the buyers in Budaörs and Csepel

In line with the customer needs, Tesco has renewed its stores in Budaörs and Csepel. During the transition, the stores were given a new design, the customer space was optimized,...

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Tesco gives more every year

Just like in former years, Tesco made great efforts in 2017 to give more to customers day after day. Tesco Hungary’s operations director Zsolt Pártos told our magazine that last year...

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Tesco fights food waste by taking out the best before date label

Tesco has made an unusual decision: in the UK stores, they will take out a best before date label from about 70 pre-packaged products, mainly from fruit and vegetable commodities...

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Much less food wasted by Tesco stores

In just one year Tesco Hungary cut the volume of food waste produced by stores by 35 percent. The retail chain donated more than 7,000 tons of food to people in...

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Five percent less food waste at Tesco

We have no time to waste! Tesco in its stores and warehouses makes serious efforts to reduce food waste, but in order to take further effective steps, it is necessary...

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You can vote for the winners of Tesco’s local community support program

Now we can do for our community! The voting period for the Tesco Local Community Support Program, the “You Choose We Will Help” has begun. Customers of the store chain...

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Tesco has renewed its stores with two billion forints investment

Tesco is waiting for its customers in Kecskemét and Nyíregyháza with a renewed store. All departments of the stores have been refurbished from 1-1 billion forints: many new appliances are...

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344 organizations applied for the Tesco community support program

A total of 344 organizations from 61 districts have submitted their application for Tesco’s “You Choose We Help” program. This year, all organizations participating in the voting phase receive support,...

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Tesco’s annual results improved more than 25 percent, Central Europe performed well

Tesco’s annual results improved more than 25 percent in the 2017-2018 financial year. The Central European division of the company was particularly successful: the result of the regional Tesco network...

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Makó’s long parsley root was given origin protection with the assistance of Tesco

Tesco, farmers and the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) have teamed up to earn a protected designation of origin for the long parsley root of Makó. A product can only...

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Tesco is preparing for Easter with 15 million eggs

Tesco is preparing for Easter with 4 million figurative sweets, 15 million eggs and 200 tons of scones for this year’s increased demand for Easter foods. During the holiday, the...

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Tesco received a Responsible Support Trademark again

Tesco won again the Responsible Support Trademark (Felelős Támogató Védjegy) of the Hungarian Donors Forum (Magyar Adományozói Fórum). The chain won the trademark for the third time after 2013 and...

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Tesco is launching a new campaign with love

Tesco’s new campaign was launched on 8 March. The new campaign is focusing on quality foods available in the chain made with care and love. The “From Tesco Served with...

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The szeretet.éhség campaign collected more than 60 million forints

Tesco was the strategic partner of the Hungarian Interchurch Aid’s Christmas campaign. As part of the szeretet.éhség (‘hungry.for love’) campaign, Tesco customers purchased 242,573 HUF 250 coupons between 13 November and...

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Food saving programme is already running in 139 Tesco stores

Last year Tesco donated more than 6,700 tons of food to the Hungarian Food Bank Association. Tesco’s goal is not to waste a single bite of food in their shops. Since 2014...

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Tesco’s customers can decide on the tenders

Once again, the Hungarian Donor Forum (MAF) will assist Tesco for the fourth time in the “We Choose, We Will Help” community program. In the program, each organization that will...

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Tesco donated 6700 tons of food to the needy in 2018

Last year, Tesco donated more than 6700 tons of food to people in need through the partner organizations of the Hungarian Food Banking Association. The supermarket chain has been running...

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Operating changes at Tesco

In the coming months, Tesco will take further steps to serve the customers more efficiently. The operation of the bakery and refreshment counters will change in some stores and new...

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Tesco sells Hungarian wines abroad

Tesco sells Hungarian wines in the Czech Republic, in Slovakia and Poland – agrarszektor.hu wrote. From next year, the Wine Concept umbrella brand, which was created to sell wines from...

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Tesco: shopping carts filled with hearts

Tesco’s Central European consumers donated 516 tons, or more than 1.2 million doses of food to the needy in November and December within Tesco’s Christmas fundraising campaign to support the...

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Tesco prepared for the New Year’s Eve with four hundred and fifty tons of frankfurters

Tesco last year offered a wide selection to its customers for the New Year celebrations: 450 tons of onions, 200,000 packs of lentils and 1.5 million bottles of champagne awaited...

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Tesco’s customers donated more than 60 million forints within the love.hunger campaign

As a strategic partner of the Ecumenical Aid Organization, Tesco has also helped in the love.hunger National Advent Money Fundraising campaign. In the initiative a total of 242,573 coupons were...

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Tesco programmes fighting food waste: not a single bite of food can be thrown away!

According to the Hungarian Food Bank Association, 1.8 million tons of food waste is produced in Hungary every year. In the 2016-2017 fiscal year Tesco published a report on the...

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Business Days 2017: focusing on the channels (Part 2)

On Thursday Trade TV continued the broadcast, but before work started in the macroeconomic section, Trade magazin’s editor-in-chief Zsuzsanna Hermann and István Matus, member of Chain Bridge Club’s board of...

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The busiest time of the year starts in the stores

The two weeks before Christmas are the busiest time of the year in the shops. The National Trade Association (OKSZ) estimates that this year around 100 billion forints will be...

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Tesco is preparing with half a million fondants for Christmas

Christmas fondants, Christmas tree decorations, gifts – a typical shopping list before the holidays. Tesco offers customers not only special and classic Christmas delicacies, but can choose between gift ideas...

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Tesco promotes and sells Hungarian wines abroad

Tesco promotes and sells Hungarian wines in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, and from the spring of next year in the UK, within a governmental, trade and producer cooperation....

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Tesco and the trade unions agreed on the January 2018 wage increase

The Tesco-Global Áruházak Zrt. under an agreement with trade unions, allocates another 2.8 billion HUF for the wage increase of its retail workers. At the supermarket chain, the lowest wages...

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Tesco to sell nearly 8,500 tons of apples this year

This year Tesco is expected to sell 8,500 tons from 14 types of apple. Almost 90 percent of the apples sold in Tesco stores are supplied by growers from Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg and...

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