Tag "őszi búza"

The harvest of the ear crops in Békés county has been completed

The harvest of the ear crops in the Békés county has been completed, the yield averages of winter wheat and barley were better than last year, although the farmers sowed...

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Harvesting has begun across the country

The harvest has started all over the country, thanks to the invigorating export, the warehouses are almost empty by now – said the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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It’s not worth saving on the metal-sealed seed!

The actors of the domestic seed sector expect a decrease in the use of metal-sealed seeds. The reason behind this is the deterioration of farmers’ liquidity situation, however, the National Chamber...

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This year, GOSZ-VSZT is also helping farmers with objective variety test results

The national post-registration trial of winter wheat and winter cabbage rape has come to an end. The organizers published the results of the objective survey in 2023 in summary publications for...

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The average yield of wheat increased by 36 percent compared to last year

The harvest of grain cereals was almost completed by August 13, 2023, and the harvest was completed on 1 million 602 thousand hectares of the planned 1 million 619 thousand...

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Wheat becomes life

Without the establishment of the sovereign, Christian Hungarian state founded by Saint István, today we would not be able to provide help to farmers in the organized way they expect...

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Harvesting has been completed in most places

The head of the ministry drew attention to the fact that the significant amount of precipitation that fell in the last week made harvesting work difficult and stopped. Unharvested grain has...

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The autumn corn sowing season is about to begin

The fungal diseases that appeared after the cool, rainy spring caused significant problems for the fall corn seeds as well. According to the Interprofessional Organization and Product Council of the Seed...

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The protein content of wheat harvested in the EU until mid-July is good

In its July forecast, the International Grains Council (IGC) indicates 784 million tons in 2023/2024. expected global wheat harvest in the economic year. This output may be 20 million tons...

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The fall barley harvest is over

Due to the rainy weather of the past day, the harvesting work has slowed down, therefore the summer plowing continues without interruption in the fields, said Minister of Agriculture István...

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Winter wheat is being harvested in Zala County

Harvesting of the winter wheat produced on nearly 31,000 hectares has begun in Zala County. So far, the crop has been harvested on 6,000 hectares, the average yield is 5.6 tons...

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Agrometeorology: instead of cooling down, the May frosts will bring precipitation this year

Instead of cooling down, this year’s frosts in May will bring precipitation, but the rain is much needed, because in the first decade of the month, less rain fell than...

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Agrometeorology: no significant frost is expected, abundant precipitation is expected

There is no need to expect significant frost damaging the orchards, and there is a prospect of abundant precipitation, the National Meteorological Service wrote in its agrometeorological analysis on Thursday....

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Agroforum: due to the mild winter, fungal infection threatens the wheat and barley stocks

The causative agents of some fungal diseases – cereal powdery mildew and septoria leaf spot – remained intact due to the mild weather of the past winter, so they may...

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Report on the 2022 corn seed situation

The 2022 corn cultivation and seed propagation were basically determined by the lack of rainfall and the heat. In some regions, after July 2021, there was no significant rainfall during...

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AM: This year’s harvest ended with yield records

Good yields of arable crops offset the decline in acreage, with winter wheat and barley harvesting at an average record, the State Secretary for Agriculture and Rural Development at the...

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Harvesting has begun, a weaker-than-average yield is expected

Harvesting work has begun with the harvest of autumn barley. According to the preliminary estimates the weather is expected to result in a lower-than-average yield, with about 7 million tonnes...

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The winter wheat harvest is nearing its end

90 percent of winter wheat has already been harvested, yielding around 5.25 tonnes per hectare nationwide – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said in Szeged-Szőreg on...

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Autumn wheat was tested at ten sites

A total of 46 autumn wheat varieties were tested by experts within the post-registration breeding experiment organized by the Seed Alliance Interprofessional Organization and Product Council, and the National Association...

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4,84 million tons of winter wheat was produced this year

The harvest of winter wheat has been completed. Almost 4.850 million tonnes were harvested in Hungary from almost 950 thousand hectares – the Minister of Agriculture said on Thursday in...

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Grain growers: the harvest of autumn wheat has been completed

The harvest of winter wheat in the country was completed according to the plans – the chairman of the National Association of Grain-Growers (GOSZ) told MTI on Monday. Vancsura József...

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Summer harvested crops reached yields records

Winter wheat, barley and canola reached record yields this year – Nagy István Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said on Friday in Hajdúböszörmény at the press...

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More winter wheat grown this year in Zala county

More winter wheat was grown this year in Zala county: Winter wheat was grown on 12 thousand hectares. The average yield was 5.9 tons, compared to last year’s 5.2 tons...

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Winter wheat world record with Syngenta

Lincolnshire farmer Tim Lamyman has beaten the world winter wheat yield record by harvesting a whopping 16.5 t/ha from a brand new variety in his first year growing it. Farming...

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Nearly 90 percent of the winter wheat was harvested in Zala County

So far, 88 percent of the winter wheat was harvested in Zala County on a more than 20 thousand hectares of area. The average yield was 5.18 tons per hectare...

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The winter wheat seed supply is sufficient

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board announced the indicative price for the seeds of winter cereals. For this year the price is 93,500 HUF. As President Takács Géza...

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The winter wheat harvest may begin at the end of the week

The rainy weather of the recent days caused a slight delay in the beginning of the harvest, but the winter wheat harvest may begin at the end of the week...

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Harvest has begun in Békés county.

Winter barley is produced on 12.5 thousand hectares in Békés county. The experts forecast 4.5 tons per hectare average yields. The winter barley harvest has started in every district of...

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