Tag "OMME"

The Ministry of Agriculture continues to support domestic beekeepers

The domestic beekeeping industry, which is significantly affected by the effects of imported Asian honey arriving in the Union, must be supported by all means. Honey can be imported, but...

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Beekeepers: this year’s harvest prospects are good, but the low purchase price is a problem for large honey producers

This year’s acacia season may be favorable for domestic beekeepers, however, as a result of persistently low purchase prices caused by Chinese honey flowing into the European Union – mostly...

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The destructive effect of Chinese honey can only be mitigated with EU instruments

Domestic beekeepers are optimistic about this year’s acacia season, however, due to the persistently low purchase prices caused by the influx of Chinese – mostly counterfeit – honey into the...

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The thousand secrets of the sunflower

The honey string was pulled, and a campaign was launched to promote sunflower honey. Get to know the thousand secrets of sunflower in a drop of honey – the campaign for...

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A device developed in Hungary helps to slow down the spread of the Asian horse wasp in Hungary

A Hungarian-developed tool helps to slow down the domestic spread of the Asian horse wasp: this summer, individuals of the invasive wasp species coming from Europe were observed in Hungary...

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The beekeeping support program starts

The Ministry of Agriculture has announced this year’s support schemes to support the work of beekeepers with a resource budget of HUF 2.8 billion, which play a key role in...

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Farmers can count on a predictable agricultural support system this year as well

Hungarian farmers are facing another difficult year, but they can trust the predictable agricultural support system this year as well – said the Minister of Agriculture at his press conference...

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Minister of Agriculture: bee colonies and beekeepers need to be safe

Bees are key players in sustainable agriculture and the food industry, which is why the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association (OMME) has gained recognition in the beekeeping products sector, Minister of...

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Cooperation to protect bees

On the occasion of World Bee Day, SIÓ announced that it would sign a cooperation agreement with the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association (OMME) in order to protect Hungarian bees. The...

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A large-scale campaign is launched for Hungarian bees and beekeepers

A strategic agreement has been signed by the Agricultural Marketing Center, the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association and Takarékbank. The aim of the comprehensive professional collaboration and social campaign is to...

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OMME: honeys in stores are safe to consume

Hungarian customers can choose from good quality honeys, most of the products on the shelves of the shops passed the annual inspection carried out by the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association...

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Beekeeping Association: the worst honey harvest of the fifty years is expected this year

The worst honey yield in the last fifty years is expected this year, only a third or a quarter of the average yield – the president of the National Hungarian...

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Beekeeping Association is expected to have the worst acacia honey harvest in the last fifty years

The worst acacia honey harvest in the last fifty years is expected this year – Bross Péter, president of the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association told M1 news channel. He added...

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They expect little rapeseed and acacia honey this year

Mild winters and early spring have favored the development of bee colonies, but this year’s rapeseed and acacia honey production may be weaker due to prolonged drought and cooling at...

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Beekeepers will receive 1.8 billion HUF indirect funding per year

Beekeepers will receive 1.8 billion HUF indirect funding over the course of a year to buy bees, bee health care products, support for continuing vocational training, consultancy and the latest...

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Beekeepers’ Association: beekeepers have not closed a good year

Beekeepers have not closed a good year. Prices are depressed and last year’s yield has been moderate – Bross Péter, president of the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association told M1 news...

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Five hundred kilograms of honey were donated to the Transylvanian orphans as part of the “Make Every Day Honey Day” campaign

The Agricultural Marketing Center offered an additional 100 kilograms of honey to the four hundred kilograms of honey donated by the beekeepers, so a total of five hundred kilograms of...

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Apiary Association: price of honey decreased by 20 percent in one year

Honey prices have fallen by 20 percent in one year, and over the past ten years decreased by sixty percent in euros – the president of the National Hungarian Beekeeping...

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Honey consumption is promoted with honey breakfast in over 1000 schools and kindergartens nationwide

More than 1000 schools and kindergartens have joined the European Honey Breakfast program launched by the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association (OMME), the Agricultural Marketing Center and...

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Honey day, every day! – the autumn honey campaign has started

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC), the National Association of Hungarian Beekeepers (OMME) and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) are promoting the consumption of honey...

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The causes of the summer bee deaths are investigated by Nébih

The National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) continues to investigate the causes of last year’s mass bee deaths – the President of the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association (OMME) told M1...

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Beekeepers expect a difficult season

Bross Péter, president of the Hungarian National Beekeeping Association (OMME) told Magyar Nemzet that although we are at the very beginning of the season, it can already be seen that...

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Agrármarketing Centrum: the results of the autumn honey campaign became better than expected

The autumn campaign to boost honey consumption ended with better than expected results. The message was sent to more than 160,000 children in over one thousand educational establishments – the...

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Nagy István: a campaign to be launched to encourage honey consumption

A campaign will be launched to encourage domestic honey consumption, which is currently only 7,000 tons per annum of 20,000 tonnes per capita – Nagy István, the Minister of Agriculture...

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In the spring, half of the Hungarian bees have been died

In the spring, at the time of sunflower flowering, half of the Hungarian bees have lost – Bross Péter, president of the National Hungarian Association of Beekeepers told InfoRadio –...

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An international beekeeper event will be held in Jászberény this weekend

International Honey Fair and Beekeeper Meeting will be held on Saturday 4th of August in Jászberény. The introduction of honey producers, tool manufacturers and distributors will be complemented by professional...

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The subsidies contributed to the development of apiculture

From 2010, the beekeeping industry has received almost 10 billion forints. 50 percent from budgetary and 50 percent from EU funds. This amount has helped technological renewal, the development of...

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Apiculture Association: more than 300 apiaries reported bee mortality

More than 300 apiaries reported bee mortality in recent weeks. About 10 to 20 percent of the Hungarian beekeepers are affected by this problem, but the reasons are unknown at...

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The legislations can be issued on the basis of a honey report in one and a half years

The legislations can be issued on the basis of a honey report adopted on 1 March in the European Parliament (EP) within one and a half years – Erdős Norbert,...

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The National Hungarian Beekeeping Association has launched an action against the destruction of bees

The National Hungarian Beekeeping Association (OMME) and the animal friendly members of the Budapest Voices band launched an action against the destruction of bees – Bross Péter, president of the...

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