Tag "növényi alapú"

Kraft Heinz launches plant-based mac & cheese

The product, which starts hitting shelves this week, is the third innovation launched by the CPG giant and food tech company NotCo in just over a year. Kraft Heinz is...

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Növényi alapú hamburgerrel kívánja felkelteni a mindenevő fogyasztók érdeklődését a Kellogg

A MorningStar Farms tulajdonosa az állati eredetű hamburgerek ízét és állagát igyekszik visszaadni. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/11. lapszámában olvasható. A Kellogg döntése, miszerint az 1999-ben felvásárolt és némiképp...

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Új, növényi alapú termékcsaládot indít útjára a holland Albert Heijn

A holland Albert Heijn új, saját márkás, növényi alapú termékekből álló termékcsaládot vezetett be a piacra AH Terra néven abbéli törekvésében, hogy az állati fehérjékről a növényi fehérjékre való áttéréssel...

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Camel milk grows in popularity as functional ingredients surge in demand

While plant-based options have taken over the dairy aisle in recent years, camel milk may be getting attention from more consumers. Camel milk is becoming an increasingly popular ingredient amid growing...

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Jumbo Lowers Prices Of Own-Brand Meat Substitutes

Dutch retailer Jumbo has lowered the prices of own-label meat substitutes to ensure that costs align with comparable meat variants. Jumbo believes the move will help shoppers while selecting plant-based...

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Beyond Meat makes another push into restaurants with Pizza Hut pepperoni in the UK

The topping will be available for a limited time starting in January. The plant-based pioneer has struggled to gain traction with similar partnerships in the U.S. Beyond Meat and Pizza Hut are...

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Billa’s online shop grows

Billa’s online range has grown by 50% in the last three years alone – especially in the plant-based, organic and gluten-free segments. The store, which was launched in 1999, offered...

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Danone strikes deal with plant-based infant-formula company Else Nutrition

Danone will produce and commercialise Else Nutrition’s products in Europe. French dairy giant Danone has agreed to collaborate with Else Nutrition, a supplier of plant-based infant-formula products in Canada. Vancouver-headquartered...

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The Laughing Cow expands with new plant-based alternative

The Laughing Cow has expanded its brand with the launch of a new plant-based alternative to its cheese portions. Packaged in Laughing Cow’s distinctive triangle-shaped pieces, the Bel-owned brand claims...

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Nestlé launches range of plant-based alternatives to white fish

Nestlé has launched a range of plant-based alternatives to white fish to deliver more options for consumers. The products which are certified vegan, include alternatives to breaded fish fillets, nuggets,...

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Is the European meat tax coming? We summarize in four points why we should not fall for this simplistic narrative

The anti-meat narrative has gained strength again in Brussels. Recently, one of the chief scientific advisers of the European Commission spoke about his support for the introduction of a European...

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Vegán choux-süti mixet készített a Puratos

A Puratos UK kétéves fejlesztési folyamatot követően jelentette be az első vegán choux-sütikeverék bevezetését, amely új mércét állít a choux-tészták terén, és lehetővé teszi a cukrászoknak, hogy bővítsék növényi alapú...

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Magyarországra is megérkezett az ikonikus IKEA hot dog húsmentes változata

Az immár 40 éve nagy népszerűségnek örvendő IKEA hot dog az IKEA növényi alapú termékcsaládjának legújabb tagja, amely augusztus 15-től mindhárom hazai IKEA-­áruház bisztrójában kapható. Akik otthon szeretnék elkészíteni a növényi...

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Bill Gates szerint „a jövő növényi alapú”

A Microsoft egykori főnöke, Bill Gates a növényi alapú hús etikai és környezetvédelmi előnyeit üdvözölte legújabb podcast-beszélgetésében. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. Bill Gates nemrégiben a Grammy-díjas...

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Növényi alapú kebabot kínál a Unilever The Vegetarian Butcher márkája

A német dönergyártó, a The Düzgün Group és az Unilever növényi alapú húsok piacán úttörő márkája, a The Vegetarian Butcher együttműködésének eredménye egy új növényi alapú kebab-nyárs termék, amely hűen...

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Alternative protein poised to solve seafood supply and demand imbalance

Although plant-based seafood has a competitive edge over beef in terms of price, consumer acceptance is still a steep hurdle. Global demand for seafood as a protein source has surged,...

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A növényi alapú kategóriába is belép a PepsiCo Muscle Milk terméke

A növényi alapú trendet követő fogyasztók számára is vonzó alternatívát kínálni vágyó PepsiCo bevezeti a Muscle Milket a növényi alapú kategóriába. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. A...

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Alongside classic milk and dairy products, focus of Anuga Dairy shifts on dairy alternatives this year

The Anuga Dairy trade fair under the umbrella of Anuga is the leading trade fair for the milk and dairy industry, with around 500 companies taking part this year. This...

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Németország: minden ötödik Burger Kingben eladott Whopper növényi alapú

Egyre népszerűbb a húsmentes táplálkozás Németországban: a vegetáriánusok aránya mintegy 10%, míg a vegánoké 3,8%. A Burger King az országban a növényi alapú ételek iránti ugrásszerűen megnövekedett keresletnek úgy tesz eleget,...

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Katjes buys 50% of German Fairtrade chocolate start-up Jokolade

German confectionery major Katjes has acquired a 50% share in local peer Schoko Winterscheidt, known as Jokolade. Joko Winterscheidt, a German television host, producer and actor was previously the sole shareholder...

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One In Five Whoppers Sold At Burger King Germany Is Plant-Based

Meat-free eating is seeing a boom in popularity in Germany. Earlier this year, it was reported that around 10 percent of Germans are vegetarians. It’s also thought that 3.8 percent...

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Lidl GB To Introduce Plant-Based, Compostable Own-Brand Tea Bags

Lidl GB has announced plans to switch to fully plant-based and compostable tea bags across its own-brand range. The initiative is expected to divert up to 800 million tea bags...

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Oatly Amsterdam pop-up celebrates European launch of sustainable plant-based ice cream

Oatly has opened a pop-up store in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to celebrate the launch of its soft serve ice cream in Europe. The plant-based dairy solutions company showcases its new...

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Nestlé Doubles Down on Plant-Based Offerings

Nestlé, one of the world’s largest food maker, is maintaining its focus on plant-based products, even as the broader industry faces a slowdown. Mel Cash, Nestlé’s chief marketing and innovation...

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Unilever leverages AI to transform plant proteins and vegan innovation

Unilever is exploring precision fermentation to create plant-based products based on mycoprotein with its partner, Enough. “We are continuously expanding the number of products that we have in our plant-based...

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Anuga Meat – A Platform For The Global Meat Industry

Anuga Meat will be uniting the who’s who of the international meat industry at Anuga in Cologne from 7 to 11 October 2023. The show will feature around 600 exhibitors...

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No more Incogmeato burgers from Kellogg

Kellogg has discontinued its Incogmeato burger, which is part of its MorningStar Farms brand. The company informed that even if they discontinued the Incogmeato Burger, they continue to add easy and...

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Tetley invests £26m to switch to new carton packaging

Tea brand Tetley is launching new carton packaging to increase the sustainability of its products. Following a £26m investment in the updated packs, the new Original, Decaf, Extra Strong and...

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Violife offers vegan alternatives with a diverse portfolio

In May Violife appears on the shelves of Hungarian stores with a wide range of plant-based, dairy-, gluten- and preservative-free products. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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Unilever’s Vegetarian Butcher Unveils New Vegan Bacon With Patented Fat Technology

Unilever’s plant-based meat brand The Vegetarian Butcher (TVB) has launched plant-based bacon, “NoBacon 2.0”, which it says features a new patented fat tissue technology that mimics the same texture, oil...

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