Tag "Nielsen"

The US consumer sentiment index declined in April

The consumer sentiment index in the United States declined in April, but at the same time it is near its 16-year peak. The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index®, which had...

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Nielsen: it’s better if it’s green

Environment-conscious aspects are increasingly gaining ground in the consumers’ choices are. Local goods and sustained companies are gaining ground in retail – Nielsen reveals. One third of the Hungarians are...

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Nielsen: ham and chocolate bunnies are dethroneable at Easter

The Easter season causes no surprises. Hungarians buy tons of cooked ham and a chocolate bunnies. The ham retail sales exceeded 7 billion HUF in March-April 2016, which is two...

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Nielsen: nearly 30 billion HUF was swabbed last year

In the past twelve months, between March 2016 and February 2017, Hungarians spent almost 30 billion HUF on cleaning agents – the Nielsen Retail Index reveals. General cleaners are in...

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Nielsen: The market continues to grow

Fruit juice retail sales were up 8 percent in value and the size of the market exceeded HUF 52 billion between February 2016 and January 2017. In the same period...

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Smink mindenekelőtt: tízmilliárdnál is többet költöttünk dekorkozmetikumokra tavaly

Az arc-és testápoló termékek, valamint a dekorkozmetikumok piacán töretlen felívelés egy optimista időszak szintén optimista leképeződése. A magyarországi fogyasztói bizalom stabilizálódása és a kiskereskedelmi piac európai átlag fölötti, dinamikus bővülése...

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Annual market nears 30 billion forints

Combined sales of the five hair care categories Nielsen monitors realised 3 percent higher value sales between December 2015 and November 2016 than a year earlier. The 12-month market exceeded...

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Large stores becoming more important in grocery retail

December 2015-November 2016 grocery retail sales valued at HUG 1,620 billion. Value sales were up 2 percent but volume sales dropped 1 percent in the 90 food categories audited by...

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Packaging is a ‘dark horse’ in the case of breakthrough innovations

Nielsen analysed the market performance of 9,900 new products in its latest Breakthrough Innovation Report. There are eleven products in the report that realised at least EUR or GBP 7.5-million...

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Nielsen: Are you satisfied with your salary?

According to a Nielsen survey, fewer Hungarians are satisfied with their salary than consumers in neighbouring countries. Austrians are the most happy with their present salary, followed by Slovakians, Croats...

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Nielsen: retail sales increased by four and a half percent in the last quarter of 2016

In terms of value, retail sales in Hungary increased by four and a half percent in the last quarter of 2016 – Nielsen measured the food and chemical products market....

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Nielsen: Europe faces slow growth

Amid great political and economic change around the world, global consumer confidence moved modestly in 2016, rising three points between the first and fourth quarter to 101. Confidence scores in...

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Nielsen: Hungarians spend the most on travel on the Internet

The boundaries between traditional and online shopping platforms are more and more blur, and those consumers who have already purchased a durable product or service on the internet, typically more...

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Sales remain concentrated when it comes to creames

Cream retail sales were realised in the value of HUF 7 billion in January-September 2016. Like-for-like value sales rose 3 percent and volume sales got 4 percent better. Cream sales...

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Nielsen: an increase in the weight of large stores in food-retailing

Food retail trade reached an around 1620 billion HUF turnover between December 2015 and November 2016, 2 percent more than during the same period of the previous year. Nielsen’s Retail...

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Nielsen: competition between home and restaurant meals

Eighteen percent of the respondents surveyed by Nielsen told that they eat in restaurants at least once a week or more. Thirteen percent of the respondents eat two to three...

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Nielsen: 41 percent of the Hungarians believe that it is worth to by premium products

Intense and uniquely aromatic arabica coffee, leaf tea on the highest degree of tea culture, sourdough bread made with great care or capsule washing powder. For example, most of the...

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Nielsen: Packaging is a dark horse in case of the new hit products

Packaging design is one of the least mentioned tool of marketing, despite it contributes significantly to the success of the new products in the last two years. Nielsen’s “Breakthrough Innovations”...

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Nielsen: 432 tonnes of chocolate Santas was sold last year

The food retail sector broke a record again last year in terms of season seasonal sweetness sales during the Christmas holidays. The stores achieved a more than ever, 3.4 billion...

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Nielsen: Hungarians prefer to buy in shops with loyalty program

Almost 75 percent of Hungarians prefer to buy in shops where you loyalty programs are offered – the Nielsen international market researcher reveals in its survey. According to the summary...

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Nielsen: a slowdown in food retail sales growth rate

The food retail sales growth rate slowed in the first three quarters of this year. During January-September 2016 retail sales growth became 2 percent more than in last year's comparable...

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(HU) Nielsen: a sörös, üdítős és pudingos tv-reklámok a legnépszerűbbek

In the third quarter of this year, TV viewers watched beer spots among the food TV ads the most and among the lotions TV ads, toothpaste got the most views...

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Nielsen: consumer confidence on a six-year record

The consumer confidence index of the Hungarian consumers increased significantly, by seven points from the second quarter to the third quarter. The consumer confidence index of the Hungarian consumers is...

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Nielsen: the retail sales of household chemicals and cosmetics grew by five percent to 253 billion HUF

The retail sales of household chemicals and cosmetics grew by five percent to 253 billion HUF in the first eight months of the year, 5 percent more than a year...

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Nielsen: the use of mobile devices changes trade and cash flow

Trade in Hungary is also changing as a result of that consumers increasingly use their mobile devices for several purposes: one in three Hungarian mobile owners used to compare prices...

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Nielsen’s category management workshop aims to provide better services to the customers

If the customers see that the product range in a store is adjusted to their needs, then the place is appreciated by them. Nielsen’s category management workshop,which will be held...

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Nielsen introduces a new tool to get to know the experiences of the clients and customers

“Listen to your client, consumer and respond to it quickly!” Nielsen introduced the integrated assessment and analysis of the consumers’ good and negative experiences in Hungary with this motto. Nielsen...

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Nielsen: the expansion of commercial brands has stopped

The expansion of commercial brands has stopped in food retailing during the first half of this year. Their turnover increased by 3.0 percent from food retail sales, while the turnover...

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Nielsen: The retail sales of cosmetics and household chemicals increased in value, decreased in amount

The retail sales of cosmetics and household chemicals reached 186 billion HUF in the first half of this year, 5 percent more than in January-June last year. In volume 2...

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Nielsen: More than three-quarters of a million Hungarians followed the Olympic coverage on TV in the early hours

Every night between 2 and 4 am, 790 thousand fifteen years old and older Hungarians were watching at least twenty minutes of television coverage. Among the sports in which the...

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