Tag "mezőgazdaság"

The hail-reduction system will start from May

From May it is possible to use the Jéger, the hail damage reduction system in the whole country – agrarszektor.hu wrote. However, according to the experiences of insurers and the...

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The larger the seed mass, the smaller the spread

The larger the seed of a plant species, the narrower the area of distribution – this hypothesis was confirmed by the staff of the MTA-DE Impact Functional and Restoration Ecological...

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There is a need for a strong EU common agricultural policy with adequate resources

The EU’s common agricultural policy must serve quality, natural and healthy food production. Hungary supports GMO-free production, while the farming policy must also help ensure the livelihood of the rural...

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Smaller yields caused one hundred billion HUF reduction in revenue to the cereal producers

Last year about 13 million tons of grain were produced in Hungary, which is 2 million tons less than in the previous year, and the loss of yield caused about...

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It is strategically important for the Takarék Group to finance agriculture

The financing of agriculture is strategically important for the Takarék Group. The Takarék Group would raise its market share of 22-23 percent to 27-28 percent by 2021 in this area....

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The Agromashexpo has opened its gates

Agricultural investments increased by 33 percent between 2010 and 2017 at unchanged prices – the Minister of Agriculture said at the opening of the 36th Agromashexpo and the 8th Agricultural...

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FM: The Hungarian food exports to Brazil are expanding

Twenty-one beef and pork processing companies and dairy farms have acquired export licenses to Brazil, and six other Hungarian companies can send more products to Brazil. According to a statement...

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Agricultural Ministers’ meeting in Budapest

The Ministers of Agriculture of the Visegrád countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia) and Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Slovenia will meet in Budapest on Thursday – Fazekas Sándor Minister...

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There is still a reserve in Hungarian sunflower

Although the volume of sunflower decreased by 2 million tonnes to 45 million tonnes globally last year, there is still a strong demand for the plants. Hungarian farmers also performed...

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Maize and Wheat Conference event series with great success

The 2nd Maize and Wheat Conference event series ended with a great success with total of 450 participants. The event held at the Agricultural Faculty of the University of Debrecen...

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Syngenta’s drought tolerant maize tested in the desert is available in Hungary

This year, Syngenta’s new, worldwide tested drought tolerant corn hybrids are also available in Hungary. The Artesian Technology opens a new chapter in the company’s ever-growing corn portfolio. “Syngenta places...

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The Jéger may bring significant savings

It is good news for the farmers that the ice-hunting system, the Jéger will be launched nationwide at the beginning of May. The system is currently under development – Magyar...

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There are new opportunities to preserve soil moisture

There are several processes and preparations that are able to preserve soil moisture, so farmers can cultivate crops where there is no possibility to irrigate – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of...

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The growth of agricultural producer prices has accelerated

In November last year, agricultural producer prices increased by 7.7 percent, compared to the same month of the previous year. The price of herbal products increased by 8.6, while the...

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FM Minister of State: EU agricultural subsidies after 2020 will be decided in May

EU state and government leaders will decide on the EU’s after 2020 budget and on the amount of resources allocated to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in May – Czerván...

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Restrictions may come in case of the EU agricultural subsidies

Restrictions have to be taken in the Union’s new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) between 2020 and 2027, according to EU Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger. While the British withdrawal leads to...

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FM: an actionable green policy is needed

An actionable green policy is needed, including development such as the KlimAdat project, which serves to map the effects of climate change in Hungary – the Minister of State of...

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Compensation for destroyed foil tents

The Ministry of Agriculture provides a total of 100 million forints income substitute support to those whose foil tents were damaged in the October storms of last year. The victims...

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Wheat can be harvested six times a year

In a new breeding process researchers are trying to speed up the creation of plant varieties that would allow the most important arable crops to produce crops up to six...

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Less information on fertilizer packaging

At several points, the Ministry of Agriculture has amended the regulation regulating, inter alia, the information on the packaging of fertilizers. The goal was simplification, but there is still a...

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Agricultural Chamber: Farmers do not have to worry about the unusually hot January weather

Farmers are worried about the warm weather in January, but according to the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK), the warm weather has no negative impact on most plants, because nature is...

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The Prime Minister’s Office granted 38 billion forints support for the development of grain storages so far

So far, 838 farmers have been given a grant of 38 billion forints by the Prime Minister’s Office for the construction and upgrading of grain storages and dryers. According to...

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KSH: the rise in agricultural producer prices continued in October

In October, the prices of plant products increased by 8.0 percent and the prices of live animals and animal products increased by 6.2 percent. As a result, agricultural producer prices...

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The law aimed at improving the competitiveness of agriculture has been announced

The amendments to the Act initiated by Győrffy Balázs, President of the National Chamber of Agriculture, have been announced. The most common amendments to the Acts were published in the...

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KSH: agriculture closed an average year in 2017

Compared to last year’s record high yields, the output of Hungarian agricultural decreased by 6.1 percent. The performance of plant production decreased by 8.6 percent and livestock production by 3.2...

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FM: the sources of CAP should support the farmers

According to Gulyás Andrea, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture, the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2020 should support the farmers. According to the Ministry’s announcement...

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Nébih occupied pesticides sold without permission

In November, the specialists of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested online pesticide sellers. During the action, the authority seized unlicensed products in a value of nearly 200...

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The European Commission has presented the main principles on the common EU agricultural policy

On Wednesday, the European Commission presented its proposals on the main principles of the common EU policy on agriculture, focusing, among other things, on giving Member States wider powers on...

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FM: wine exports increased

In the first eight months of the year, the value of wine exports increased by 20 percent and its volume increased by 31.5 percent, compared to the same period of...

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