Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Seed Alliance: the area of spring barley and oats continues to decrease

In the case of spring barley, a net price of 100 thousand HUF per tonne and in case of oat a 105 thousand HUF per tonne price was published by...

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American agriculture suffers from Arctic cold

The Arctic inflow of icy air has forced slaughterhouses and grain processors in the United States to temporarily shut down. The temperature in the Midwest region has fallen to such...

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The new livestock law to come

It is expected that the new Animal Breeding Act will be adopted in the spring, which will enable Hungarian breeding organizations to defend their positions against their multinational competitors in...

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The agricultural output exceeded 2,700 billion HUF

The key issue for the development of Hungarian agriculture is to increase production, which can be achieved by improving competitiveness and efficiency – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said on...

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There may be a shortage of domestic seed in case of some arable crops

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Product Council (VSZT) warns of the risk of domestic seed shortages in case of spring barley and oats, due to the declining crop area....

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Lédó Ferenc was elected as the agricultural professional of the year

The jury awarded the agricultural professional of the year 2018 title to Lédó Ferenc, chairman of the FruitVeb Vegetable-Fruit Interprofessional Organization – Privátbankár.hu wrote. According to the announcement of the...

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The KSH conducts a trial census in agriculture in February

The Central Statistical Office (KSH) is conducting a full agricultural census in the summer of 2020 (Agrárcenzus 2020). The agency is conducting a trial test between 1 and 28 February...

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The Hód-Mezőgazda Zrt. and the University of Szeged develop cattle feed

The Hód-Mezőgazda Zrt. and the University of Szeged (SZTE) are developing feed for dairy cattle – the company informed MTI. The total cost of the three-year research and development program...

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We are running out of domestic potatoes

According to the Agricultural Economics Research Institute, 192.7 thousand tons of potatoes were produced on 8046 hectares last year. The average yield ranged from 13.4 to 50 tons – Világgazdaság...

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The cultivation of GMO-free protein crop should be promoted due to the reduction of EU soy import dependency

The cultivation of GMO-free protein crop should be promoted due to the reduction of EU soy import dependency Hungary continues to be committed to genetically modified food (GMO) -free food...

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The AGROmashEXPO and the Agricultural Machinery Show has ended

About 46,000 people visited the AGROmashEXPO and Agrárgépshow this year to see the products and services of over 350 exhibitors – Hungexpo Zrt. told MTI on Saturday. To the exhibition’s...

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Syngenta’s novelty is not only protective, but also a surplus

In the past seven weeks, Syngenta has met over five hundred farmers in seven cities. The company’s experts have presented special solutions to the participants, which lay the foundations for...

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NAK: the government has allocated tens of billions for irrigation development

The government has allocated tens of billions for irrigation development, and has set specific targets for it – the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) pointed out on Friday. According to...

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The Ministry of Agriculture has decided to provide 7 billion HUF energy efficiency support

In the first round of the Rural Development Program’s energy efficiency tender, 128 applications will be supported by the Ministry of Agriculture with a total value of 7 billion HUF....

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The EP proposes a better EU authorization procedure for plant protection products

The European Parliament voted on the more transparent authorization procedure for pesticides in the EU at its plenary session on Wednesday in Strasbourg. According to the information of the press...

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Producer prices increased further

In November last year, agricultural producer prices increased by 4.4 percent compared to a year before. The price of plant products increased by 9.1 percent, while the price of live...

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Competitive estates are needed

The development of technology and precision procedures in agriculture require competitive economies to be established – Jakab István, president of the Hungarian Farmers Association told M1 news channel on Monday....

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NAK: the amendment of the Land Traffic Act increases the competitiveness of agriculture

The amendment to the Land Traffic Act, which came into force on Friday, reinforces the role of farmers living locally, contributes to increasing the competitiveness of agriculture and reducing abuse,...

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NAK: the new water management regulations reduces the burden on farmers

The new water regulation, which raised the validity of the water management operating license for irrigation from the previous 5 years to 20 years, reduces the administrative and cost burden...

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The Agricultural Chamber prepares a uniform guide to game damage assessment

The National Chamber of Agricultural Economics (NAK) prepares a uniform guide to damage assessment – the Chamber of Agriculture told MTI on Wednesday. The main aim of the guide, which...

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FAO: Agricultural output growth to keep food prices low over the coming decade, but many uncertainties are ahead

Global demand for agricultural products is projected to grow by 15 percent over the coming decade, while agricultural productivity growth is expected to increase slightly faster, causing inflation-adjusted prices of...

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The NAIK issued an agricultural storybook

The National Agricultural Research and Innovation Center (NAIK) has launched an agrarian storybook to promote the agricultural profession and the agrarian lifestyle – Gyuricza Csaba, director of the center told...

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Agricultural producer prices increased by more than 5 percent in October

In October, agricultural producer prices increased by 5.1 percent, compared to a year before, following a 6.2 percent rise in the previous month. The price of plant products increased by...

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Nagy István: Hungary’s greenhouse production capacity has been doubled

Thanks to the applications that have been awarded so far, Hungary’s greenhouse production capacity has doubled – the Agriculture Minister said on Friday in Veresegyház. Nagy István said that, in...

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GKI: Hungarian agricultural entrepreneurs are cautiously optimistic

Hungarian agricultural enterprises are looking forward to the new year with cautious confidence, expecting a favorable general food demand and for the favorable evolution of economic regulation, but the economic...

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AM: the AGROmashEXPO is a good opportunity to get acquainted with the agro-industrial trends

Knowledge-based agriculture is needed, so it is important for the industry to get acquainted with the latest agro-industry trends. The AGROmashEXPO and AgrárgépShow 2019 (Agricultural Machinery Show 2019) exhibitions take...

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Agriculture can achieve record performance this year

Hungarian agriculture has been successful in many ways this year, which is why output can rise slightly, exceeding 2600 billion forints, which can be a new record level – the...

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This year, farmers with a subsidized agricultural insurance receive a higher rate of refund

This year, farmers with subsidized agricultural insurance receive a larger share of this year’s refund because the agrarian insurance premium subsidy fund was raised this year, from 4 billion forints...

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Chamber of Agriculture: the national hail damage mitigation system has redeemed the hopes

The national hail damage mitigation system has redeemed its hopes. Farmers this year reported hail damage on 22.5 thousand hectares, which is 70 percent lower than last year and nearly...

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NAIK: the promotion of soy production should be encouraged in the future

Soy production should be encouraged in the future as annual crop yields do not cover the country’s protein demand – Gyuricza Csaba, Director-General of the National Agricultural Research and Innovation...

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