Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Apple juice will be made of edible apple

Fruits stored in cold stores as edible apples have suffered such a loss of quality in the autumn that – as a remedy for the damage – the juice plants...

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AM: joint effort of seven countries to keep production-related EU agricultural subsidies

Seven countries, including Hungary asked for an increase of production-related EU agricultural subsidies or at least to keep it at the current level in the post-2020 EU budget period at...

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The revenue of the Bonafarm Group grew last year

According to the not yet audited results, the revenues of the Bonafarm Group, together with its strategic partners, increased to 266 billion forints last year, from the previous year’s 202...

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Beekeepers expect a difficult season

Bross Péter, president of the Hungarian National Beekeeping Association (OMME) told Magyar Nemzet that although we are at the very beginning of the season, it can already be seen that...

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Minister of Agriculture: the spice paprika industry receives more than 500 million HUF support

Immediate action is needed to preserve the paprika sowing area, so the sector will receive more than 500 million HUF this year – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture stressed in...

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NAK: drone air spraying is currently considered as an illegal activity

Because of the disordered legal environment, drones are currently not allowed to be used for air spraying. The National Chamber of Agriculture, in agreement with the partner organizations, urges the...

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Poultry and pig breeders receive more animal welfare support

The Ministry of Agriculture once again raised animal welfare support for poultry and pig breeders after the 2018 entitlements. The 14.3 billion forints amount reached 2.5 times of the level...

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NAK: one can apply for next year’s agricultural subsidies from 8 April

Farmers are expected to submit their applications for agri-subsidies for next year from 8 April – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote on the basis of the summary of the National Agricultural...

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The use of IT solutions in agriculture is a major improvement in efficiency

The application of IT solutions brings tangible improvement in efficiency in most areas of agriculture – piacesprofit.hu quotes the experts from the Meetup of Codecool Programming School. At the Meetup...

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More than 17,000 people have already signed the petition of Magosz and the Chamber of Agriculture

More than 17,000 people have signed the petition of the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) and the Association of Hungarian Farmers (Magosz) to raise awareness of the European Union’s Common Agricultural...

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The government is helping the success of the horticultural sector

The government will do its utmost to ensure that the agricultural sector and horticulture in this area can be successful – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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Chamber information forums also help the producer cooperations

The National Chamber of Agricultural Economics organizes information events to assist producer cooperations in four regions of the country. Farmers working in cooperations or interested in it are awaited for...

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Magosz and NAK to start a signature collection for the preservation of EU funds

The Association of Hungarian Farmers and Farmers’ Cooperatives (Magosz) and the National Chamber of Agricultural Economics (NAC) to start a signature collection in order to prefent EU agricultural resources from...

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MFB and the Chamber of Agriculture have entered into a cooperation agreement

The Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) and the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) have entered into a cooperation agreement, with the two institutions developing financing products and services for the...

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Collaboration for the agricultural experts of the future

An agreement was signed between the AM Transdanubian Agricultural Training Center in Szekszárd, the Csapó Dániel Agricultural Gymnasium, Vocational Secondary School and College and Syngenta Magyarország. Matthew Pickard, Sáfrány Péter...

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Work safety in agriculture continues to improve

Work safety in agriculture improved further. The number of fatal accidents decreased by nearly 45 percent in the past two years, due to the Ministry of Finance’s campaign called The...

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The European Commission raises the maximum amount of national support for farmers to 25,000 euros

The European Commission is raising the current ceiling for national support to farmers from 15,000 to 25,000 euros. According to a Brussels panel’s announcement published on Friday, the new EU...

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Eurostat: Fruits are grown on nearly 36.3 thousand hectares in Hungary

In Hungary, fruit was produced on 36.3 thousand hectares in 2017. In the European Union (EU) fruit trees covered nearly 1.3 million hectares of land, two thirds of which were...

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The volume of plant production and livestock production increased

Hungary was among the best performing EU countries on the basis of the real income of production factors per labor unit – Világgazdaság Online wrote on the basis of the...

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Nagy István: 2019 will be the year of construction in agriculture

Mezőhegyes is exemplary from the point of view of the history and future of Hungarian agriculture, Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said on Tuesday at a press conference held in...

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Opten: The number of animal health businesses has increased

More and more companies are providing veterinary services, while in 2015, 866 businesses were providers of veterinary care, last year their number reached 881 – according to Opten company information...

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Agricultural researchers: the output of agriculture can be increased with precision farming

Precision farming is needed in Hungary to substantially increase the output of agriculture. The PREGA (Precision Farming) Conference and Exhibition, which will start in Budapest on Tuesday, will help us...

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The 79th OMÉK will be held in Budapest in September

The Ministry of Agriculture and the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC) will organize the 79th National Agricultural and Food Industry Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK) between 26 and 29 September. The event...

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AM: The application for aid against grape pests to be simplified

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) will announce a tender against pests in vineyards with a budget of 240 million HUF this year, and the application for support will be simplified...

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Agricultural producer prices increased by 2.7 percent last year

Last year, agricultural producer prices increased by 2.7 percent. The prices for plant products increased by 5.8 percent, but live animals and animal products increased by 2.2 percent, compared to...

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Sunflower yields of more than four tons per hectare can be achieved in Hungary

According to the experts of the leading agricultural company of the sunflower seed market, the rate of high-oil sunflower will increase this year due to the more favorable purchase price....

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Bread will come from cloud, and the MI will tell you how much to buy

IBM researchers worldwide are working on solutions that will transform all stages of the food chain in the near future. They help farmers maximize yields, reduce waste, protect against pathogens....

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Nagy István: the Hungarian mangalica products conquer the world market

The Hungarian mangalica products conquered the world market from Singapore to Canada. They are present among others in Japan, the United States, Brazil, but also play a role in our...

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Training and knowledge transfer will be a central issue in the agricultural economy in the coming years

Feldman Zsolt Minister of State highlighted at the AgroFIELD Academy’s event that the government is giving priority to environmentally friendly precision farming. The basis for the digital agri- cultural strategy...

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The agricultural chambers of the Visegrád countries discussed the future of the common agricultural policy in Veszprém

The future of the Common Agricultural Policy was discussed at the 71st Veszprém Meeting of the Chambers of Agriculture of the Visegrád Countries (V4). At the two-day meeting the increase...

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