Tag "Magyarország Tortája"

Mid-year report

According to guild president Balázs Erdélyi, there have been so many changes in the first half of 2024 that it is worth giving a fresh overview of the situation. This...

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Hungary’s cake and sugar-free cake in 2024 have already been selected

This year, the Hungarian Confectionery Industry Association selected Hungary’s Cake as well as the winner of Hungary’s Sugar-Free Cake competition in cooperation with the Egy Csepp Figyelem Foundation. The decision...

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Cake of Hungary qualifiers

The first round of judging for the 18th edition of the Cake of Hungary competition was held live in front of a professional audience, at the SIRHA Budapest 2024 trade fair....

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Cake of Hungary 2024 competition deadline ends

Members of the guild, confectioners and catering businesses could enter this year’s Cake of Hungary competition until 20 February, with maximum 2 cakes. This article is available for reading in...

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Finalists of Hungary’s Cake 2024 competition – Picture of the day

For the eighteenth time, the Hungarian Confectionery Industry Association announced the hugely popular “Cake of Hungary” competition. competition. The first round of judging took place live in front of a...

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SIRHA Budapest 2024 A HoReCa szektor legnagyobb hazai ünnepe

Március 5-én nyitja kapuit Közép-Kelet-Európa legjelentősebb nemzetközi élelmiszeripari és HoReCa szakkiállítása. A SIRHA Budapest már hatodik alkalommal várja a hazai és külföldi szakembereket a HUNGEXPO Budapest Kongresszusi és Kiállítási Központba!...

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Készülődés a SIRHA Budapest 2024-re

Az elmúlt évtized során a Közép-Kelet Európa legjelentősebb nemzetközi élelmiszeripari és HoReCa-rendezvényévé váló SIRHA Budapest szakkiállítás 2024. március 5–7. között ismét várja a szakembereket a Hungexpo Budapest Kongresszusi és Kiállítási...

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Magyarország cukrászati értékei

A Magyar Cukrász Ipartestület az Agrárminisztérium Hungarikum Bizottsága által kiírt pályázati támogatása segítségével látványos és tartalmas könyvet adott ki. A szakmai kiadvány cukrászati értékeink bemutatását tűzte ki céljául, hangsúlyosan hagyományainkra...

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Újra dübörög a banda!

Az ipartestület hangzatos nevet viselő rendezvénye az Erasmus mobilitási program alumni (öregdiák) csoportjának találkozójaként indult 2013-ban. A kétévente megrendezésre kerülő találkozók olyannyira sikeresek voltak, hogy idén már a hatodikat szervezték....

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Az örök elégedetlen

Lakatos Pál szigetszentmiklósi cukrászmester folytonosan a tökéletes eredményt keresi – az idén a Magyarország Tortája címet viselő Spicces Füge Respektus desszertjével talán meg is találta, de nem érzi magát a...

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Magyarország tortái 2023

Lakatos Pál szigetszentmiklósi cukrászmester kreációja, a „Spicces Füge Respektus” fantázianevű torta viselheti idén a Magyarország Tortája címet, a Magyarország Cukormentes Tortája versenyt Lawal-Papp Zsófia makói cukrász nyerte a „Kikelet” fantázianevű...

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Hungary’s Cake is available in these pastry shops this year

In 2023, Hungary’s Cake is the creation of pastry chef Pál Lakatos from Szigetszentmiklós, the Spicces fig respect cake, with the fanciful name, is made of an almond flour buttery...

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This is how the finals of the Hungary Cake 2023 competition went – Video of the day

Today, i.e. on the first of August, the winner of this year’s Cake of Hungary competition will be revealed!...

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General meeting 2022

In October the Hungarian Confectioners Guild held its general meeting – it was originally scheduled for February, but was postponed due to the pandemic. Members gathered in the Four Points...

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Cake of Hungary semi-final

Just like in former years, to celebrate 20 August – the day commemorating King Saint Stephen who established the Hungarian state – the guild has organised the Cake of Hungary...

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End-of-year summary

At the end of 2021 president Balázs Erdélyi summarised the year’s most important events, changes and results in the life of the guild. He told: 2021 was a difficult year...

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Three special flavours, two superb confectioners and one excellent cream join forces for victory

Krisztián Füredi and Sándor Fodor both used Debic cream to create the perfect flavour experience with the three Cake of Hungary winners. ‘Sunflower’ – Cake of Hungary Sándor Fodor created...

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From now on: Hungarian Confectioners Guild

Co-president of the Guild of Hungarian Confectioners, László Selmeczi reported on the annual general assembly of the guild held in Új Tanyacsárda in Lajosmizse on 6 September. ‘Since 2020, the...

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Magazine: Sunflower becomes Cake of Hungary in 2021

This year Sándor Fodor’s (Habcsók Confectionery, Budapest) creation, a cake called Sunflowers won the guild’s Cake of Hungary competition. It is a perfect combination of sunflower seeds, chocolate, pear and...

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New image, new logos

There were nearly 100 ideas sent in for the guild’s logo design tender – informed Balázs Erdélyi. The guild wants a new logo not only for itself, but also for...

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Fifteen years of representing the trade’s interests

László Selmeczi has been the managing director of the Guild of Hungarian Confectioners for 15 years. How do you see the progress made after so many years? In the first...

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The best cakes of Hungary

The Guild of Hungarian Confectioners organised the Cake of Hungary competition for the 14th time. A jury of experts selected the best cakes of the nation in three rounds. ‘Curiositas’...

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(HU) Az ország tortái 2020-ban

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Magazine: Annual meeting 2020

At the end of February 2020 the Guild of Hungarian Confectioners held its annual meeting in Bükfürdő, where president Balázs Erdélyi summarised the most important achievements of the previous year....

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The beginning of a successful era

Balázs Ipacs, vice president and László Selmeczi co-president of the Guild of Hungarian Confectioners gave an insight into the state of play in the Hungarian confectionery sector to our readers....

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Cake of Hungary – Competition Announcement 2020.

The Hungarian Confectionery Industry Association will announce the “Hungarian Cake” competition for the year 2020. The application is still open and confectioneries can be nominated outside the regular members of...

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Hungary’s cakes in 2019

In 2019 the Guild of Hungarian Confectioners organised the Cake of Hungary competition for the 13th time. A jury of experts picked the winner from 31 entries: in 2019 Blessed...

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Winners of this year’s Cake of Hungary were announced

Winners of this year’s Cake of Hungary have been announced – origo wrote. According to the official announcement, this year the winner became Tóth Norbert a confectioner from Dunaföldvár, with...

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The finalists of this year’s Hungarian cake were presented

This year’s finalists of the Hungarian Cake and Hungary Sugar-Free Cake Competition were presented. Five confectionery creations reached the finale and the winners were announced at the beginning of August....

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(HU) Magyarország Tortája – Versenykiírás 2019.

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