Tag "madárinfluenza"

Ten countries restrict Hungarian poultry exports already

The number of countries that have restricted Hungarian poultry imports due to highly pathogenic avian influenza has continued to rise in recent days – mfor.hu wrote. On 12 January, Nébih...

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Avian Influenza – Virus infection requires slaughtering of a hen farm in Maramureş

The outbreak of avian influenza virus has required the destruction of a hen farm in Seini, Maramureş county – the Romanian Department of Animal Health (DSVSA) announced on Wednesday. Of...

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Avian flu: the eradication of the infected duck colony in Hajdú-Bihar county has started

The eradication of the infected duck colony in Létavértes, Hajdú-Bihar county has begun, as poultry flocks infected with avian influenza virus have been found here on Tuesday – Bognár Lajos,...

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Avian flu was detected in poultry in Komárom-Esztergom county

The presence of avian influenza virus has been detected in a large turkey farm in Ács, Komárom-Esztergom County, and the authority has taken immediate action – the National Food Chain...

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Bird flu has appeared in another settlement in Poland

In a new settlement in western Poland, a highly contagious H5N8 subtype of avian influenza virus has emerged. This time killing a 6,000 goose had to be slaughtered – the...

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Avian influenza also appeared in Slovakia

Bird flu spreading in the neighboring Poland has already appeared in Slovakia since the end of last year – the Slovak Public Service Agency (TASR) reported on Friday, referring to...

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Nagy István: the competitiveness of the Hungarian poultry sector must be preserved

The importance of the poultry industry in Hungary is crucial, and the sector’s competitiveness must be preserved – the Minister of Agriculture said at the annual meeting of the European...

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Duck and goose meat can be shipped to China again

The Chinese customs authority again authorizes imports of duck and goose meat products from Hungary, which was not possible since 2015 due to a ban on avian influenza in the...

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Nébih: there is no avian flu in Hungary

There is no avian flu in Hungary, but there is a sporadic outbreak of avian influenza in Europe – Vajda Lajos, Head of the Veterinary and Animal Protection Directorate of...

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Nébih warns of the importance of preventing avian influenza

Ensuring the epidemiological closure of the poultry farms is of utmost importance to prevent another avian influenza epidemic in Hungary – the National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) called the...

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AM: Thailand would only restrict imports of poultry from the infected area if there would be an epidemic in Hungary

In case of a possible outbreak of avian influenza, Thailand would not restrict the import of poultry products from the whole of Hungary, but “only” from the affected area –...

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Feed production decreased

Domestic feed mix production decreased by a total of four percent last year – according to recent data published by the Agricultural Research Institute (AKI) – agrarszektor.hu wrote. In the...

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Goose sector is going up again

The Hungarian goose sector is export orientated, for example, Hungary is world leader in goose liver exports – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Goose feather and its meat are also an important commodity....

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Agrosol’s solution can protect from bird flu

Bird flu caused 20 billion HUF losses last year, the disease control measures continue to exist, but a new solution will help to prevent from damages. According to the Poultry...

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FM: Hungary has regained its bird flu free classification

According to the regulations of the International Office of Epizootics (OIE), Hungary has regained its bird flu free classification on 24 August 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI....

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Avian flu: state aid is provided to the most affected poultry processing plants

The poultry processing plants that are affected by the avian influenza the most can expect state aid – according to a government decision that provides the extension of state intervention...

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Production of poultry can be restored until October

Following the nearly 10 percent decline in poultry due to avian influenza in October, the production of poultry can be restored until October – Origo wrote after Világgazdaság. Csorbai Attila,...

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Fattening poultry processing has been re-established at Pannon Fine Food

The Pannon Fine Food Kft. dealing with the processing of fattened goose and duck is operating at almost full capacity – the company’s CEO told MTI on Wednesday. Nyeste Lajos...

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Restrictions on avian influenza have been lifted in Hungary

Restrictions on avian influenza have been lifted in Hungary – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Wednesday. According to the information, the domestic and EU poultry deliveries can...

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3.2 million poultry had to be destroyed due to the bird flu

The avian influenza in Hungary infected 233 livestock farms so far. 3.2 million poultry had to be destroyed – Bognár Lajos Chief veterinarian told at a professional forum – according...

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FM: about ten thousand pheasants should be disposed in Abádszalók

Due to avian influenza about ten thousand pheasants, the entire herd must be destroyed in Abádszalók at the Hubertus Hunting Company. The disposal began on Tuesday – the Ministry of...

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According to a processing company, poultry production in Hungary might be restored by May

According to a processing company, poultry production in Hungary might be restored by as early as May – the CEO of the Pannon Fine Food Kft. told MTI on Wednesday....

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Hungarian foie gras export has almost stopped

The Hungarian foie gras and duck liver export has almost stopped completely, due to the avian influenza. Deliveries to the Asian-Pacific markets essentially ceased to exist, and faltering significantly in...

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Avian flu: restrictions may end in early March

Since the end of January no evidence of avian influenza infection was detected in poultry and if this trend stays, at the beginning of March all the protection and surveillance...

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FM: the EU is satisfied with the Hungarian precautions against avian influenza

The European Union’s food health commissioner is satisfied with the Hungarian authorities’ precautions against avian influenza. Vytenis Andriukaitis EU commissioner indicated that Hungary can continue to count on the financial...

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Avian influenza: the government has to take measures to avoid market loss

The government is investigating the possibility of further measures, because in addition to the current measures the market participants, such as poultry processors need more help. Lázár János Minister leading...

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The Government will indemnify all the farmers due to the bird flu

The Government will indemnify the farmers for their losses, incurred due to the avian influenza; a total of more than 3 billion HUF is available for this purpose of which...

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Confinement housing was orered

Bognár Lajos Chief Veterinarian ordered the confinement housing of poultry in the entire territory of Hungary. The measure is justified by the fact that the avian influenza virus was detected...

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The bird flu outbreak affected 230 farms in the country

In recent months due to the bird flu, the killing of 3 million animals was ordered by the authorities in 230 farms, which means that 3 billion HUF worth stocks...

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Hungary asks for the European Commission’s crisis support

In order to easen the economic impact of the bird flu, Hungary officially asks for the European Commission’s crisis support – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Monday....

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