Tag "KSH"

KSH: investments increased in the fourth quarter of last year

In contrast to the decline in the first three quarters of last year, the volume of investments increased by 2.5 percent in the fourth quarter compared to a year earlier....

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KSH: employment decreased in January

The average monthly number of employees was 4,537,000. Partly as a result of the pandemic, partly due to seasonal effects, the number of employees decreased by 97 thousand compared to...

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Analysts: the pace of wage growth will slow this year

Compared to the performance of the economy, wage growth was particularly dynamic last year, but this year the pace may slow markedly, as already indicated by the agreement on the...

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KSH: real earnings grew by 6.2 percent in 2020

The average gross earnings of full-time employees were 449,400 HUF last December, 10.6 percent higher than a year earlier. In 2020, gross average earnings reached 403,600 HUF and net average...

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The median wage has risen by 91 percent since 2010

In ten years, the average wage and the median wage also increased strongly in Hungary – the Vice-President of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) told MTI on Tuesday. Windisch László...

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Analysts: GDP growth by the end of 2020 may indicate a faster-than-expected recovery

Gross domestic product (GDP) growth in the fourth quarter of last year became higher than the analysts’ expectations. It suggests a much higher-than-expected recovery capacity in the economy, meaning a...

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KSH: GDP decreased by 5.1 percent in 2020

Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 1.1 percent in the fourth quarter of last year, compared to the previous quarter and decreased by 3.7 percent, compared to the same...

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KSH: consumer prices rose by 2.7 percent in January

In January, consumer prices were on average 2.7 percent higher than a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Friday. The data is in line with analysts...

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The number of guest nights decreased by almost 93 percent in December

In December last year, 92.5 percent fewer domestic guests and 89.0 percent fewer guest nights were spent in commercial accommodation establishments than a year before. The number of foreign guests...

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Analysts: retail sales in December dcclined due to epidemiological restrictions

Due to restrictions imposed due to the second wave of the pandemic, such as restrained Christmas gift purchases in the absence of large family gatherings, retail sales in December last...

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KSH: retail sales decreased in December

Last year, the turnover of retail stores was 0.2 percent lower than in the previous year, when it grew by 6.3 percent – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on...

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KSH: producer prices rose by 6.8 percent in December and by 4.2 percent in 2020

Last December, domestic sales prices of industry rose by 2.6 percent, export sales prices by 9.0 percent, and industrial producer prices were 6.8 percent higher than a year earlier, the...

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KSH: earnings continued to grow

The average gross earnings of full-time employees were 438,200 HUF in November last year, 8.6 percent higher than a year before. The average earnings in November were increased by an...

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KSH: 4 and a half million people had a job in December again

The average monthly headcount was 4,500,000 in December last year, 4,000 more than in the previous month and 14,000 less than a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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Higher cereal crop prices in January than a year earlier

Data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reveals that Hungary’s poultry meat export dropped 13 percent to 147 thousand tons, while import grew by 3 percent to 55 thousand tons...

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(HU) A szállodapiac 2-3 év múlva érheti el a járvány előtti szintet Magyarországon

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The rise in agricultural producer prices began to accelerate again in November,

As a result of a 15.5 percent rise in prices for crop and horticultural products and an average fall of 6.2 percent in the prices of livestock and animal products,...

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Analysts: after the lifting of restrictions tourism may quickly pick up

After the lifting of epidemiological restrictions, domestic tourism could pick up quickly, according to macroeconomic analysts told MTI, who highlighted the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH). They...

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The turnover of commercial accommodation establishments decreased by 85%

As a result of entry restrictions and measures to curb the pandemic and protect commercial accommodation, the number of nights spent by foreign guests in commercial accommodation fell by 93.1...

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KSH: consumer prices increased by 2.7 percent in December and by 3.3 percent on average in 2020

In December last year, consumer prices were on average 2.7 percent higher than a year before and 0.3 percent higher than the previous month; In 2020, prices increased by an...

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KSH: agricultural output increased by 4.1 percent

The volume of agricultural production fell by 2.1 percent and prices rose by 6.3 percent. The total output value of agriculture increased by 4.1 percent in 2020, according to its...

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KSH: annual inflation was 2.7 percent in November

In November, the annual growth rate of consumer prices slowed to 2.7 percent from 3.0 percent in October. In one month, compared to October, consumer prices fell by an average...

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KSH: Compared to the low point in April, the number of domestic guest nights increased 14 times in October

In October, as a result of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus, measures to make entry more difficult, the number of foreign guests fell by 94 per cent and the...

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Analysts: October retail sales fell short of expectations

Analysts interviewed by MTI were disappointed by the development of retail sales in October and are also seen as a bad sign for economic growth in the fourth quarter. According...

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KSH: Compared to October last year, the turnover of retail stores decreased by 1.9 percent

In October, according to the raw data, the turnover of retail stores at constant prices decreased by 2.4 percent and by 1.9 percent, adjusted for the calendar effect, compared to...

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KSH: foreign trade surplus close to record

In September, the value of exports in euros increased by 6.1 percent year-on-year and surpassed the previous month by 30.0 percent. Imports fell 0.8 percent year-on-year, but were 19.7 percent...

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KSH: last year, the amount of R&D expenditures exceeded HUF 700 billion

In Hungary, the amount of research and development (R&D) expenditures at current prices reached 702 billion HUF in 2019, which is more than twice as much as in 2010 –...

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KSH: Economy fell 4.6 percent on an annual basis in the third quarter

The volume of gross domestic product decreased by 4.6 percent in the third quarter, compared to the same period of last year. According to seasonally and calendar-adjusted data, the performance...

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GKI: Difficulties in measuring unemployment

If we want to find out about the Hungarian unemployment situation, we can do it from several sources, but they are confusingly different. According to the KSH’s monthly labor force...

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