Tag "járvány"
The coronavirus pandemic has caused more than 250 billion pounds in losses to the UK economy in one year
Date: 2021-03-23 11:05:58
The coronavirus pandemic has caused more than 250 billion pounds in losses to the UK economy over the past year, according to a study presented at a prestigious London economic-financial...
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Morgan Stanley: tourist season may be cancelled this year
Date: 2021-03-23 10:35:36
Due to the slow spread of vaccines and the increase in the number of infections, this summer’s tourist season may also be missed in Europe, Morgan Stanley said in an...
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The turnover of MediaMarkt’s web store tripled in the first week of the store closure
Date: 2021-03-22 11:17:29
The turnover of MediaMarkt Hungary’s web store tripled in the first week of the temporary store closure, compared to the previous weeks – the store chain told MTI. The announcement...
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Turnover in the German catering industry fell by almost half due to the pandemic
Date: 2021-03-22 10:34:48
Turnover in the German hospitality industry has nearly halved since the start of the coronavirus pandemic – according to a report released by the German federal statistical office, Destatis on...
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Restaurants in Serbia remain closed
Date: 2021-03-22 10:22:17
Restaurants and shopping malls remain closed in Serbia, with other stores can open again from Monday. On the advice of the crisis team in charge of dealing with the coronavirus...
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Since the outbreak, 17 million disinfectants have been produced by the largest domestic manufacturer
Date: 2021-03-19 11:22:20
During the year of the pandemic, 4 million liters of disinfectant were produced in Florin Zrt.’s factory in Szeged, and 17 million products were delivered to hospitals, public institutions, schools...
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HR before a new future – it’s time to level up!
Date: 2021-03-19 11:20:16
COVID-19 has created an unprecedented opportunity for human resource management to break out of its previous role as an “administrator” and take the initiative. The pandemic situation has increased the...
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Starting over
Date: 2021-03-19 10:01:28
1. Are you still standing? How are you fighting for survival? 2. Do you have financial reserves left? If yes, for how many more months is the money enough? 3....
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A slight increase in disinfectant orders at retail chains
Date: 2021-03-18 11:50:01
As a result of the epidemiological tightening announced two weeks ago, the order of disinfectants in retail chains increased slightly, but this amount is much lower than a year ago...
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Intrum the youngest and oldest have been hit hardest by the crisis
Date: 2021-03-18 11:20:20
Young people and the finances of retirees were hit hardest by the coronavirus crisis in the fourth quarter of last year, while nearly a tenth of young people were able...
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Since the beginning of the crisis, the euro area trade surplus has fallen to its lowest level
Date: 2021-03-18 11:02:57
The euro area trade surplus in the euro area declined more than expected in January compared with the previous month, but was still higher than a year before – according...
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KSH: The number of guest nights decreased by 90 percent in January
Date: 2021-03-18 10:50:03
As a result of entry restrictions and epidemiological measures for commercial accommodation, the number of guest nights spent in commercial accommodation decreased by 89.8 percent in January compared to a...
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The epidemic has turned the shop world around in 2020
Date: 2021-03-17 12:33:54
The market has exploded from mobiles, and it’s made from cleaning products, but the home office has also cut back on lipstick shopping. In the end, the building materials market...
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According to the European Commission, this year’s performance of the Hungarian economy is expected to exceed the EU average
Date: 2021-03-17 11:50:55
As a result of the measures taken by the government to protect the economy and encourage a restart, Hungary may be able to overcome the crisis caused by the coronavirus...
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Assistance to frontline workers: 40 million HUF grant from Szentkirályi Magyarország and PepsiCo
Date: 2021-03-17 11:21:45
Szentkirályi Magyarország and PepsiCo provide a total donation of 40 million HUF to a Hungarian healthcare institution and an aid organization. With the significant offer, the two companies will help...
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The European Investment Bank is also helping to reopen the Hungarian economy
Date: 2021-03-16 11:19:05
The resources provided to Hungary by the European Investment Bank (EIB) serve to protect health, maintain jobs and support investment, ie help to relaunch the economy, Minister of Finance Varga...
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Record high increase in shipments of mobile phones in China in February
Date: 2021-03-16 11:00:03
In China, mobile phone shipments rose by a record high in February compared to February last year, when severe restrictions were in place in the Asian country due to the...
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Eurostat halved the number of tourist nights in the EU last year
Date: 2021-03-16 10:35:59
The number of guest nights spent in tourist accommodation in the European Union fell to 1.4 billion last year due to the coronavirus pandemic, which is a 52 percent decline...
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Coty: Drop in cosmetics product demand results in millions lower sales result
Date: 2021-03-16 10:00:07
Coty Inc is to increase its investments in skin care to offset a pandemic-induced fall in demand for its makeup products that led to disappointing quarterly sales revenue. The company...
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Carrefour Polska To Sell Imperfect Produce To Combat Food Waste
Date: 2021-03-16 08:10:55
Carrefour Polska has announced that customers will be able to purchase imperfect carrots and apples at reduced prices at specially marked stands at all its hyper- and supermarkets in the country. The...
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The MNB expects five percent economic growth
Date: 2021-03-12 11:35:48
We can be optimistic about the recovery of the economy – this was also highlighted by last year’s gross domestic product (GDP) data – economic growth is expected to average...
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We will be the country of one hundred thousand collection points and toilet paper vendors
Date: 2021-03-12 11:28:07
The “if the other can open it, then why not me” mentality is getting more and more general in the shopkeeper world. We just looked at it, and at random,...
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Even in the crisis, Hungarian stores are sticking to their customers
Date: 2021-03-11 11:58:55
Even in the year of the pandemic crisis, the companies that performed best in customer service were recognized. In the fundamentally changing market, ClientFirst Consulting has tested more than 2,500...
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Traffic of web stores is jumping due to store closures
Date: 2021-03-11 11:38:54
Last year’s 38-40 percent growth this year may be repeated on a higher base in e-commerce – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The two-week store lock acts as a catalyst for web...
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EU survey More than 6 million lost their jobs in the first wave of the epidemic
Date: 2021-03-11 11:02:05
The first wave of the coronavirus pandemic has led to the loss of more than 6 million jobs in the European Union, and temporary workers and young women have been...
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Telenor researched the strength of women’s communities
Date: 2021-03-10 11:25:22
Career, hobbies, internships or motherhood: what really connects women in 2021? Women’s groups and communities have always been of decisive importance, and nowadays they are increasingly transferred to the online...
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SPAR expects the shopping cart value to increase at Easter
Date: 2021-03-09 11:36:47
Despite the pandemic situation, the store chain expects a significant increase in sales during the April holiday. Buyers have been buying fewer times since the pandemic, but occasionally much more,...
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Anxiety caused by the coronavirus has also left its mark on workplace mood!
Date: 2021-03-09 11:22:50
The coronavirus pandemic has brought significant changes not only in the way we work, but also in the expectations that workers expect from their own managers. Many are frustrated with...
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KSH: transport performance decreased by 5.8 percent in the fourth quarter of last year
Date: 2021-03-09 11:15:50
In the fourth quarter of last year, mainly due to the decline in road transport, the performance of freight transport decreased by 5.8 percent compared to a year earlier. Rail...
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Continuous and secure domestic food supply
Date: 2021-03-08 11:50:55
Even during the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic, the domestic food supply is continuous and secured – Nagy István Minister of Agriculture said. The Minister emphasized that the new...
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