Tag "infláció"
Inflation can set back the demand for meat products
Date: 2022-12-20 12:29:28
Due to inflation, quality meat products are pushed into the background, and more and more shoddy products may appear on the market – including shoddy goods with different fanciful names...
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According to the GVH president, it is not illegal for a store to raise the price of some of its products to compensate for the loss due to the price cap
Date: 2022-12-20 12:00:11
Balázs Csaba Rigó spoke to Magyar Nemzet about how independent authorities also have a role to play in crisis situations. He believes that it is not illegal for a store...
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Szallas.hu: more people travel during the holidays than last year
Date: 2022-12-20 10:26:04
Despite the increase in prices, more people travel within the country during the holidays than in recent years: the number of reservations for the Christmas period received by December 19...
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The prices of products that replace price-stopped foods have increased drastically
Date: 2022-12-16 14:58:54
Due to the wave of inflation that began in early 2021 and affected the entire world, the government felt it necessary to intervene in market processes, which then brought further...
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The chemical industry can also have something to do with the development of food prices
Date: 2022-12-16 11:44:46
According to the analysis of the Egyensúly Institute, the chemical industry does not at first appear to be an extremely important sector in Hungary, since it produced barely 1.5 percent...
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The highest annual inflation – 23.1 percent – was in Hungary
Date: 2022-12-16 11:33:01
In November, inflation in the EU and the euro area also decreased compared to the previous month. In the EU, the highest annual inflation rate was measured in Hungary, the...
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What do we put on the bread? The country’s big sandwich research has been completed
Date: 2022-12-15 12:23:19
Practically, there is no compatriot who does not eat a sandwich more or less regularly, but according to a recent national research, seeing the large increase in the price of...
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Small shop owners are desperate because of the extension of the price cap
Date: 2022-12-14 13:38:12
At the news of the extension of the food price caps, the owners of small shops were more than angry. For example, Valéria Freidmann, a greengrocer, stated to ATV News...
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Price swing on the playground of inflation
Date: 2022-12-13 10:34:57
At the Business Days conference Ágnes Szűcs-Villányi, NielsenIQ’s regional leader of analytics and the company’s managing director, Erik Vágyi gave a presentation together. They told that the economic situation in...
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In November, you had to pay 27.1 percent more for food in the Czech Republic
Date: 2022-12-12 11:26:31
Annual inflation in the Czech Republic rose to 16.2 percent in November from 15.1 percent in October, the Czech Statistical Office announced on Monday in Prague. The housing costs were...
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Gasoline prices may increase further with an increase in the fuel excise tax
Date: 2022-12-10 15:07:41
Brussels wants to raise the excise tax on fuels by HUF 32.5, so Hungary is asking the EU for an exemption until the end of 2023 – Világgazdaság has learned....
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That’s why food prices have skyrocketed the most in Hungary
Date: 2022-12-09 12:58:52
Food prices fell the most in Hungary, even though the war sanctions affect the whole of Europe, and the drought also hit Romania to a similar extent as our country....
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This is how consumer prices changed between November 2021 and November 2022
Date: 2022-12-09 12:08:24
MTI published a telling table on the change in consumer prices, which also shows the 43.8 percent food inflation....
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KSH: Food prices rose by 3.6 percent in November
Date: 2022-12-08 14:08:53
In November, consumer prices exceeded a year earlier by an average of 22.5 percent. In the past year, household energy and food prices have risen the most, the Central Statistical...
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(HU) Infláció mellett is jönnek az akciók
Date: 2022-12-07 10:57:15
Promotions keep coming in spite of the inflation Lasting inflation and rising prices make shoppers even keener on price promotions. Retailers are in a difficult position, as sourcing prices change...
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Matolcsy: the Hungarian economy is in a near-crisis situation, the price cap increases inflation
Date: 2022-12-05 11:59:51
According to the president of the MNB, “the economic policy coherence of the government and the central bank has broken down – this costs a lot.” Matolcsy said that “the...
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According to the CEO of the British Tesco, the British are ashamed of what goes into the basket
Date: 2022-12-02 16:14:27
The British – like the Hungarians – started to opt for cheaper products, and are slowly reducing the quantity, too. In a strange way, however, they are ashamed of this,...
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Carp will be added to the Christmas menu this year
Date: 2022-11-30 18:41:43
Fish prices have risen, but the increase in consumer prices is not greater than that of other foodstuffs. The cheapest way to get fresh fish is directly from the producers,...
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Eurostat: Euro area annual inflation down to 10.0%
Date: 2022-11-30 12:26:06
Euro area annual inflation is expected to be 10.0% in November 2022, down from 10.6% in October according to a flash estimate from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European...
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Inferior quality foods can be the winners of the crisis
Date: 2022-11-30 12:09:39
Although food shortages are not expected, demand will most likely shift to cheaper, lower-quality foods due to inflation. – said Attila Csányi, CEO of the Bonafarm Group. According to the...
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The Minister of Agriculture told the truth about the rise in food prices – this is what awaits us in 2023
Date: 2022-11-30 11:55:11
Consumers are affected by the continuous increase in food prices, many people buy less than before. However, the words of Agriculture Minister István Nagy about food price caps shocked everyone....
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The Competition Authority also fights against inflation
Date: 2022-11-30 10:14:41
The Economic Competition Authority (GVH) is stepping up its competition law efforts related to the suppression of inflation. The GVH started a six-month consultation series in order to inform itself...
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Replanning consumers, replanning retailers
Date: 2022-11-30 09:58:16
A 1,000-respondent survey conducted by KPMG in the summer of 2022, titled “Consumer Pulse Survey”, has found that rising prices made consumers change their shopping habits: they now spend their...
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Beer may become very expensive from December
Date: 2022-11-29 10:51:24
The price of beer may increase by HUF 40-50 – at least that’s how Metropol was informed. After the outbreak of the war in our neighbor, the prices of alcoholic...
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Kifli prices have risen by 133 percent in the past year
Date: 2022-11-28 12:10:58
Vakmajom blog follows the development of the price of kifli in a bakery in Budapest on a regularly updated graph, and they reported quite shocking numbers recently. “290 didn’t last...
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When will the EU apple market breathe?
Date: 2022-11-28 09:01:53
The apple market does not run smoothly. The EU apple harvest is higher than expected, but consumers are buying fewer apples and are generally more price conscious. However, according to...
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Generali: despite the unfolding crisis, 46% of Hungarian SMEs are actively engaged in sustainability
Date: 2022-11-25 12:33:13
46% of Hungarian SMEs have already prepared their own sustainability action plan or plan to do so in the near future, due to inflation and the climate and energy crisis,...
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Due to the crisis in the food industry, the clothing industry also seems to be collapsing
Date: 2022-11-25 09:52:50
Food inflation of 40 percent and utility bills are burning people’s money, which is also affecting the clothing industry. Clothes and shoes are piled up in warehouses in Bangladesh, after...
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World tourism is recovering
Date: 2022-11-25 09:14:38
The latest tourism data published by the WTO are encouraging – we read in the latest VIMOSZ newsletter. According to the WTO’s latest barometer, tourism continues to recover and by...
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Positive change: the price of poultry meat may drop soon
Date: 2022-11-24 13:10:45
Due to the decrease in the solvent demand of consumers, a slow, unpredictable rate of price reduction is expected on the poultry meat market, prices will not be higher than...
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